Apocalyptic Red Alert

$ Chapter 99: Winter Soldier, Winter Soldier

The level three zombies took advantage of the shock wave of the high-explosive grenade and jumped out of the fourth floor... and escaped.

"Oh shit!" Han Feng had to change his pronunciation as he had planned.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→ᴛᴡᴋᴀɴ.ᴄᴏᴍ]

Seeing the level three zombies jumping down, Han Feng hurriedly contacted Luna and said, "Luna! Let the red police soldiers downstairs attack! He was injured just now! We can't let him escape this time!"

"Okay! Team Han!" After Luna finished speaking, everything returned to silence... At this time, Han Feng could only hear the scattered gunfire of the red police soldiers outside, but could not hear the gunfire coming from downstairs.

"Luna...? What's going on? Why didn't you shoot at the escaped level three zombies?" After waiting for a while, Han Feng still didn't hear the sound of shooting, so he couldn't help but ask Luna.

"Sorry Captain Han, the soldiers on guard downstairs did not find level 3 zombies..." After hearing what Luna said, Han Feng was stunned for a moment.

All circumstances were considered, and the sudden occurrence of such a situation really caught Han Feng off guard. The level 3 zombies are not in the building, not outside, have they disappeared? !

"Impossible! It's impossible for a level 3 zombie to jump from here to the building next door! Look for it! It must have fallen! Find it! Kill it! Quick!" An unexplainable and strange phenomenon suddenly appeared, and Han Feng gave orders frantically. Order.

A few seconds later, Luna said with certainty, "Team Han, after repeated confirmation, the Red Alert soldiers did not find level 3 zombies!" Hearing what Luna said, Han Feng was completely confused.

The unfinished building next to it is at least 60 meters away from here. According to Han Feng's understanding of the third-level zombies, let alone being injured now, even the third-level zombies during the victory period are absolutely impossible to jump from the air! As long as it lands, the red alert soldiers will definitely find it!

But Luna was very sure that the red alert soldiers never found level 3 zombies! It is impossible for the system to lie to itself...

It’s impossible for Level 3 zombies to disappear out of thin air like Guo Yongxing did, so how could they not be found!

Up to now, the level 3 zombies have been "disappearing" for almost a minute. In this minute, no level three zombies could be found in the sky or on the ground. As time passes by, the weird atmosphere becomes more and more intense...

"No... we can't go on like this!" Gritting his teeth, Han Feng thought about various possibilities.

Frowning, Han Feng ordered, "Luna, send red police soldiers to search nearby unfinished buildings! Although the possibility is very low or even non-existent... But I will not allow any mistakes to happen!"

"Okay Team Korea, the Red Alert soldiers will immediately..."


Sudden! A whistling sound of breaking wind sounded from the edge of the fourth floor, instantly interrupting Luna who was speaking. It's a level three zombie! For some unknown reason, it climbed up from the edge of the fourth floor.

"Eh... hurry up..."

"Ta-ta! Ta-ta-ta!"

Before Han Feng could give an order, the five American soldiers beside him launched an attack on their own. Fortunately, these five American soldiers were always on alert, otherwise they would have fallen into the trap of level three zombies.


Suddenly, the level 3 zombie that was jumping to avoid bullets stopped its tumbling figure, and roared out a heart-shaking cry despite the damage caused by several bullets in its body!

"Ugh...ah!!" Hearing this voice, Han Feng immediately hugged his head and knelt on the ground, screaming.

At this moment, Han Feng felt that his brain was in pain like "a thousand cuts". He wanted to issue an order, but he couldn't organize his thoughts.

One second...two seconds...five seconds...

Five seconds passed, and the level three zombies were still screaming. Han Feng, who was kneeling on the ground, endured the pain and forced his eyes open. When they saw Red Alert soldiers who looked like themselves, they all fell to their knees and endured the pain.

At this time, Han Feng vaguely heard Luna's intermittent words, "Han...is it something?"

Just when Han Feng was about to say something, he saw level three zombies walking towards him, and the scary and strange noises did not stop...

not good! ! Now I am kneeling on the ground, unable to even stand up! Level 3 zombies are coming, and there is nothing you can do to stop them! Let the red alert soldiers stop you? No... Judging from the looks of them, they don't feel any better than me.

With a glimmer of hope, Han Feng looked at the level three zombies a few meters away from him and murmured, "Kill...kill it...quickly...kill it..." This was Han Feng's ability to organize a coherent order. . After saying these words with difficulty, streams of sweat ran down his trembling body.

"Da... da da..."

The American soldiers who received the order fired their guns intermittently, but the accuracy was basically zero...

Targets that are very close to you can basically be hit by listening to the sound with your eyes closed. But at this time, the Red Alert soldiers were all spread out on the ground, holding their heads in their hands, struggling to support themselves. Not to mention getting up to attack, even holding a gun is extremely laborious!

Every time a shot is fired, the recoil caused by firing pushes the muzzle of the gun half a minute away from the level three zombies, making aiming even more difficult... Although a few bullets hit the level three zombies, they only hit the legs. , nor is it a vital part.

Fortunately, the level 3 zombies now move extremely slowly in order to maintain this sound. It seems that this kind of sonic attack will indeed weaken the level 3 zombies... Unfortunately, what's the use? Han Feng and the red police soldiers were like fish on the sticky board, and the level three zombies were like sharp kitchen knives. As long as a level three zombie comes to Han Feng's side, Han Feng will definitely die!

"Ugh..." As the level 3 zombies got closer, the headache became more obvious. Han Feng didn't even have the strength to struggle now, he could only kneel on the ground and moan with effort...

Five meters... Four meters... Three meters...

At this distance, Han Feng's eyes began to blur, but he could still see the level 3 zombies slowly approaching him. Han Feng wanted to raise his head to see what the level 3 zombies looked like, but he still couldn't raise his head after trying several times.

At this moment, Han Feng accepted his fate... All possibilities were taken into consideration, but he didn't understand how the level 3 zombies "disappeared".

"Why... why..." At this moment, Han Feng almost lay on the ground with his head in his arms. But he murmured and asked, wanting to find out why he couldn't find the level 3 zombies before he died.

Unfortunately, I don't know whether the level 3 zombies couldn't speak or ignored Han Feng, the level 3 zombies didn't respond at all... just kept getting closer and closer.

Finally, the level 3 zombies passed the Red Alert soldiers and walked in front of Han Feng. The American soldiers stopped firing, fearing that the bullets would accidentally hit Han Feng due to the close distance.

At this time, Han Feng had given up struggling, and even the sounds he heard began to blur. With a relieved tone, Han Feng said to himself, "Am I... going to die...?"

"Bang! Bang!" Although Han Feng's hearing was almost ineffective, he could hear these two sounds very clearly! Listening to this sound, it seemed that the third-level zombie had been attacked by something, causing the sound it made to stop abruptly.

The sonic attack was paused, and Han Feng's body seemed to be released. Although the headache had not yet disappeared, it was much better than a few seconds ago.

Han Feng supported his body with one hand, held his head with the other hand, and knelt on the ground with his head down.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Rip!"

The sound of beating in front of him continued. Although Han Feng could hear it, the confusion in his brain prevented him from checking it out immediately. Until...


Until a lot of blood was splashed in Han Feng's sight.

On the ground, the dust splashed by the blood spread everywhere.

"Whose blood is it?" Han Feng looked down and muttered to himself when he saw the blood...

"Blood!" Suddenly, Han Feng shouted! He realized something instantly!

He immediately raised his head and saw the scene in front of him, and his pupils shrank to the size of a needle tip!

It's the Winter Soldier! It's the Winter Soldier!

At this time, the Winter Soldier was wrestling with the third-level zombie on the ground! One of the Winter Soldier's legs was torn off by the third-level zombie and thrown aside... This is exactly why Han Feng saw the blood splashing just now. And the sharp fire axe chopped into the shoulder of the third-level zombie, which must be the masterpiece of the Winter Soldier.

Seeing this scene, Han Feng struggled to get up despite the pain in his body, and shouted "Quick! Help the Winter Soldier!"

After receiving Han Feng's order, five American

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