Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 218: Mutated Zombies Part 2

sThe changes of the previous two chapters are still under review. Please wait for a while and it will return to normal.

Seeing this, Han Feng knew that the level 4 zombie was not dead. Because the reward coins had not been received, he could not help but order, "Be careful, don't let your guard down. It's not dead yet."

"Yes! Captain Han!" In response to Han Feng, the American soldier slowed down his approach again.

Staring at the clusters of burning and jumping flames on the level 4 zombie in front of him, Han Feng carefully observed whether it could still move...

Just when Han Feng and the American soldier were sweating at the same time, a thousand gold coins were deposited! This means that the level 4 zombie is finally dead!

【At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝒕𝒘𝒌𝒂𝒏.𝒄𝒐𝒎】

“Huh… Damn… I’m scared to death…” Sensing that the threat of the Level 4 zombies had been completely lifted, Han Feng straightened up and took a deep breath, then continued to say to the American soldier, “Okay~ lift the alert~”

“Yes! Captain Han.” The American soldier responded to Han Feng while inserting the saber back into the scabbard next to his military boots.

“Report to Captain Han, this is a Level 4 zombie that has been mutated by nuclear radiation. It is not yet known what changes nuclear radiation will bring to zombies. Can you let the combat laboratory study nuclear radiation and Level 4 zombies?”

“Well, okay, study.” As he spoke, Han Feng walked out of the library of the terminal building, ready to go to the side of this mutated Level 4 zombie.

"Okay, Captain Han, the combat laboratory has been activated, and the research project is nuclear radiation, level 4 zombies and the impact of nuclear radiation on zombies."

"Huh? We're starting the research now?" Han Feng asked in confusion after Luna finished speaking. I thought, didn't I have to touch the research object myself before I could start the research? Now I'm five kilometers away from this mutant zombie! I can't even touch it, so how come the research suddenly started?

Sensing Han Feng's inner doubts, Luna explained, "Report to Captain Han, this is it. Since you have unlocked all the virtual main buildings and your authority has been upgraded, you don't have to do this research yourself in the future."

"Yohoo~ There is such a good thing~" After hearing Luna's words, Han Feng was overjoyed! This means that he won't have to touch this zombie full of nuclear radiation in person in a while!

"Yes, Captain Han, so please deploy the physical base vehicle as soon as possible, so that your authority will be upgraded again.

"Haha~ Waiting for the base vehicle..." Han Feng had no more words to say halfway...

Damn it! If we have to evacuate! Wouldn't the construction plant we found at noon today be unusable?!!! Damn...

"Ah... Damn it!" Han Feng was a little angry when he thought that the place he had worked so hard to find could not be used.

In order to divert his attention, Han Feng casually asked Luna, "How long will it take for the combat laboratory to study this mutant zombie? It won't be silent for several days, right?"

"Report to Captain Han, the combat laboratory research project - nuclear radiation, level 4 zombies and the impact of nuclear radiation on zombies, took 30 minutes, and now there are 002742 left"

"Huh? It's pretty fast this time~" Hearing Luna's answer, Han Feng grinned, thinking that he finally saw a project that was researched quickly.

"Okay~ Just call me when you figure it out."

"Okay, Captain Han. "

After instructing Luna, Han Feng turned around and continued to look for the map about the distribution of mineral resources in China in the pile of books...

After more than ten minutes...

"Oh my god! I finally found it!!!" Han Feng was seen in the pile of books with messy hair, holding a book of mineral distribution map in his hand and shouting while shaking.

After opening the book in his hand, Han Feng felt dizzy... Let alone identifying the map, the various lines and tiny texts that could not be seen clearly made Han Feng dizzy... After thinking about it, Han Feng said to Luna in his mind, "Luna, scan this book."

"Okay, Captain Han, the scan is in progress, and it is expected to take three minutes. "

Hearing Luna start scanning, Han Feng heaved a sigh of relief... thinking that the system is still convenient.

Walking out of the library, Han Feng came to the window. Looking outside through the huge and bright floor-to-ceiling windows, the tents in the safe zone were next to each other, and there were only three words in his mind-so many people!

He took out a cigarette, and he didn't know how many cigarettes he had smoked today. Originally, Han Feng's addiction to smoking was not so strong, but the current situation really made him upset.

While smoking, Han Feng was still thinking about how to transfer so many people... The word transfer may not be applicable to the current situation, and the word "migration" should be used.

"Report to Captain Han, the mine distribution map has been scanned, please give instructions." When Han Feng was halfway through smoking a cigarette, the three-minute scan time was up, and Luna's voice rang in Han Feng's mind on time.

"Find out which zinc mines are 500 kilometers away from the BT nuclear power plant. "Without any extra nonsense, Han Feng asked straight to the point.

"Okay, Captain Han, there are a total of 142 zinc mines within the territory of China, 500 kilometers away from the BT nuclear power plant, which are..."

"Hey, stop, stop, stop!!!" Luna had just said halfway, and Han Feng almost choked on his throat with a puff of cigarette.

"Oh my god... it's my fault for not asking clearly... I'll ask again." After straightening his throat, Han Feng continued, "Which zinc mines are relatively close to me, but 500 kilometers away from the BT nuclear power plant?"

"Report to Captain Han, there are four zinc mines that are relatively close to you and 500 kilometers away from the BT nuclear power plant. The locations have been marked on the radar. Please enter the radar interface to view the details."

"Okay~" After responding, Han Feng dropped his cigarette butt and stomped it out, then shifted his attention to the radar interface in the system...

"Captain Han, look... the golden dot represents your location, the green dot is the BT nuclear power plant where a nuclear leak is occurring, and the location of the four red dots is the location of the four zinc mines." In the radar interface, Han Feng saw Luna, who was smiling sweetly under the holographic projection, explaining to him.

Staring at the four dots belonging to the zinc mines, Han Feng fell into deep thought...

Three of these four dots are almost together, so their locations should not be far apart. But there is a biggest problem... The BT nuclear power plant is sandwiched between these three zinc mines...

This also means that if Han Feng wants to rush there... the shortest path needs to cross the nuclear contaminated area of ​​the BT nuclear power plant, which takes more than 700 kilometers. If you want to avoid the nuclear contaminated area, you need to walk hundreds of kilometers to take a detour... This detour means at least thousands of kilometers...

Just kidding! Running a thousand kilometers with 20,000 people and hundreds of tons of supplies! Still in a world full of zombies!

Of course, Han Feng can also choose another zinc mine that is closest to him, just behind him. The distance is only more than 540 kilometers... Coincidentally, this zinc mine is just 700 kilometers away from the BT nuclear power plant. Even if the nuclear pollution is serious, the distance of 700 kilometers is enough to fully buffer and dilute it.

Staring at this "only" hope, Han Feng was in trouble...

If the storage capacity of this zinc mine is less than 1,000 tons, or the mining of zinc mines has come to an end... Then he will get nothing.

Whether the storage capacity of one zinc mine is large or the storage capacity of three zinc mines is large, even a fool can make a choice. But...but the long distance forced Han Feng to consider more.

Han Feng, who was unsure of the direction, asked Luna, "Luna, what is the reserve of this single zinc mine?"

"Report to Captain Han, the reserve of the zinc mine you are referring to is 24,000 tons."

"Aha~ I was scared to death~ I should have asked you earlier~" After hearing Luna give the reserve, Han Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"But... the mineral distribution map you asked me to scan was published five years ago... and this zinc mine was mined eleven years ago..."




On the virtual radar interface, Han Feng and Luna looked at each other and remained silent for a long time...

"Ah! I... I!" At this moment, Han Feng was extremely crazy.

"The zinc mine mined eleven years ago! I guess there is nothing left now!" Han Feng lowered his voice and "roared"... I finally saw hope. In the end times, walking one kilometer less means one point less danger. Could it be... that I really have to travel more than a thousand kilometers full of danger?

Han Feng felt bitter when he thought of the unknown dangers ahead...

"Uh... Captain Han, it's hard to say... Maybe the storage capacity of this zinc mine is enough for one thousand tons? This also depends on their mining equipment, manpower and other factors." Looking at the crazy Han Feng, Luna explained in time.

"Okay! I'll listen to you!"


"What? I said I'll listen to you. If the storage capacity is not enough for one thousand tons, you change, and you have to be responsible for what you say." At this time, Han Feng, who was extremely reluctant to walk an extra kilometer, turned into a "rogue"...


"Okay, I'll go out first. You plan your route during this period. I'll find you a map of China's roads~" After saying this, Han Feng hurriedly exited the radar interface without caring about Luna's reaction...

Opening his eyes, Han Feng took out his mobile phone and checked the time. It was almost one o'clock in the morning...

"It seems I have to hurry up..." Han Feng muttered to himself, turned around and went back to the library to look for a map of China's roads.

Since this kind of book is easy to find, Han Feng found it in a short time. After giving the road map to Luna to scan, Han Feng walked out of the terminal.

On the way, Han Feng kept muttering, "Tsk...walking an extra six or seven hundred kilometers...it's not a trip, how is it possible?"

Standing downstairs of Terminal 1, Han Feng scanned the safe zone where no riots had occurred.

"Luna, are there more soldiers near the key supplies?"

"Report to Captain Han, the additional soldiers have already arrived at the important material storage area." What surprised Han Feng was that Luna's answer at this time was obviously a little aggrieved.

Feeling Luna's little emotion, Han Feng smiled and responded, "Haha~ I was just teasing you, don't take it to heart~"

"Captain Han, did you really choose this zinc mine? But what if the storage capacity is not enough..."

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