Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 219: Radiation Engineer

"It's okay~ If something happens...just think of it as my decision-making error..." After a few seconds of silence, Han Feng continued, "There's nothing I can do. No one knows how many people will die along the way...I can only say that one step less is more." Any hope of survival.

"Team Han..."

"Okay~ stop talking, just leave it like that."

"Okay, Team Korea..."

After ending his conversation with Luna, Han Feng continued to think about the transfer.

What vehicle is best for hauling cargo? The semi-trailer is undoubtedly the first choice for large trucks.

What car is the best for carrying people? Of course, the bus does its part.

After finalizing his choice in his mind, Han Feng ordered, "All Red Police soldiers, those who have no mission at the moment, should go look for the bus."

"Simon, you lead all the American soldiers in your brigade to find large semi-trucks on the highway! Find as many as you can! The more, the merrier."

"Yes! Team Han!" Simon's response sounded in his mind.

"Bus... truck...!!! Oil tanker!!!" After muttering a few times, Han Feng suddenly thought that when he came here from BT prison, there were a lot of supplies and various vehicles parked in the repair shop. ! Of course... there were many survivors who were willing to follow him!

"Damn... why did you forget them! Damn it!" After slapping his forehead, Han Feng ordered, "Captain of the second brigade! You lead two teams to pick up the people in the repair shop. Remember to bring all the materials you can get. Take it!”

"Yes! Team Korea!" the No. 2 sniper responded. perform

After issuing these orders, Han Feng sensed that dozens of red alert soldiers were quickly going out to execute them.

"It seems that there are not enough manpower..." At this time, Han Feng looked at the sparse Red Alert soldiers in the safe zone and suddenly felt a lot of pressure... And just a few days ago, Han Feng felt that there were more than 200 Red Alert soldiers. Too many...

At this moment, Han Feng had the urge to summon some more red police soldiers, but reason still prevailed.

The number of gold coins is only over a thousand now. Even if all of them are summoned, there will only be ten more mobilization soldiers at best. In the final analysis, the gold coins are still too few...

"Tanya, Tanya? You drive the Huaxia Ten armed helicopter to earn some gold coins. You can blow up any shopping mall, hospital, or school." At this time, the only "idle person" Han Feng could think of was Tanya. Secondly, Han Feng also knew that the red alert system was no secret to Tanya, so Tanya must also know how to earn gold coins.

"Haha~! Really?!!!" Tanya's happy voice sounded in Han Feng's mind.


"Why didn't you tell me earlier? It's taken me so long!"

"..." After Tanya finished speaking, Han Feng felt speechless... I really didn't expect that such "rude" words came from a beautiful "foreign friend"...

"Da da da da da da..." Not long after, the unique sound of the China Ten armed helicopters came.

Looking up at the sky, Han Feng saw an armed helicopter flying straight out of the safe zone. It was undoubtedly Tanya.

Just as Han Feng watched the armed helicopter go away, Luna's voice came in his mind, "Report to the Korean team that the combat laboratory research project on nuclear radiation, level 4 zombies and the impact of nuclear radiation on zombies has been completed. Please give instructions."

"Tell me, I just want to know how these damn zombies survived under nuclear contamination!"

"Okay Team Korea, according to the report issued by the combat laboratory, we found radioactive elements such as uranium 235, thorium, and plutonium 239 in this mutated level 4 zombie corpse. It is worth mentioning that zombies are inanimate objects. Although radioactive rays destroy the DNA double-stranded structure in the human body, it will not have much impact on zombies."

Hearing this, Han Feng interjected, "Can I understand that zombies will not be affected by nuclear radiation?"

If it is really as Han Feng thinks, then things will be very serious! Think about zombies wandering around the world carrying nuclear contamination...

"Reporting to the Korean team, it is not true. Nuclear contamination is not harmless to zombies. Because there is a small part of the zombie's head that is still active, and this part is damaged by radioactive rays."

"How to say?"

"Nuclear radiation is like tiny bullets, constantly shooting at the double-stranded structure of human DNA, which results in the inability of cells to regenerate. The nervous system that is still active in the zombie's head is the "target" of nuclear radiation. When you get old When the nerve cells cannot be repaired, the zombie will completely "die."

Hearing this, Han Feng was a little puzzled, and then asked, "How do you explain this mutated level 4 zombie? It has been contaminated by nuclear radiation and can still sneak to here two hundred kilometers away?"

"Reporting to the Korean team, this may be the special thing about high-level zombies. Because they have extremely tenacious vitality, the old nerve cells in the skull can still remain active. Although they will not be repaired, it will not affect their normal function. Activities.”

"Damn it...can't nuclear radiation kill them..." Looking at the four blue light pillars towering on the horizon, Han Feng continued to ask, "Will the zombies that have been exposed to nuclear pollution mutate? For example, will their vitality become more tenacious?" Or have more superpowers?”

"Report to the Korean team. According to the report of the combat laboratory, they have not been found to have other related abilities. In other words, zombies are still zombies, but the addition of radioactive materials on their bodies will contaminate the surroundings."

Hearing this, Han Feng was relieved. It seemed that the zombies had no real "mutations" for the time being.

"Since the combat laboratory has extracted nuclear fuels such as uranium, thorium, and plutonium from the bodies of nuclear radiation-level 4 zombies, and purified them to the purity of nuclear weapons, the system has added a new single-soldier unit - radiation engineer." Suddenly, a long-lost mechanical sound rang out.

"Radiation engineer... It's actually a radiation engineer?!!!" Hearing this type of soldier mentioned by the system, Han Feng felt like he had won the lottery!

Who is the person who has the greatest killing power against enemy soldiers? In addition to sniper terrorists and some hero-level characters, it is the radiation engineer!

In the Red Alert game, as long as a radiation engineer is stationed at the fortress intersection and asked to "squat", the entire area will be continuously contaminated by nuclear radiation! No matter how many people you come, who comes, they all have to be melted for me!

"Luna, introduce the radiation engineer!" Rubbing his excited hands, Han Fengbo said to Luna impatiently.

"Okay, Captain Han, the radiation engineer can be deployed. After deployment, a green radiation layer will be formed around it, which can cause damage to any creature or armor (except radiation engineers, terror robots, minecarts and other units that are immune to radiation). It is particularly effective against infantry and vehicles with light armor. The radiation effect is retained for a short time after returning to normal state."

"The main weapon of the radiation engineer is the Raderutioneaon (Raider Radiation Generator, also known as the Rader Radiation Launcher). The radiation energy in the gun can be used by the radiation engineer for twelve single shots. After deployment, the surface layer within a radius of 500 meters will be contaminated for 24 hours (the pollution source will be reset once an hour). The secondary weapon is a 9-pistol with a spare magazine. Equipped with a weapon incendiary bottle. "

"Radiation engineers are equipped with 1. A complete set of biochemical protection suits. Wearing this set of biochemical protection suits will be immune to any radiation hazards. 2. A fully automatic oxygen generator, which is connected to the fully automatic oxygen generator carried on the back of the radiation engineer through a catheter. Even underwater, the radiation engineer does not need to worry about oxygen problems (radiation engineers cannot enter underwater). It takes 2,000 gold coins to summon a radiation engineer."

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