Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 281: A brief test

Touching the head of the police dog, Han Feng began to look for paper and pen.

Patting his trouser pocket, Han Feng was stunned for a moment... and found that he had no paper or pen at all!

Looking at the Terminator and the magnetic infantry behind him, Han Feng shook his head... thinking that they definitely didn't have any either.

"Tsk... Got it!" Han Feng thought of a way with a tsk tsk!

Han Feng took out a cigarette, pulled out the wrapping paper inside, and then used telekinesis to quietly hook out a silver shuttle...

Using the sharp corner of the silver shuttle, Han Feng "wrote" on the paper. Of course, the silver shuttle is not a pen, and it is impossible to write ink. But the sharp corner will leave traces when it passes through the cigarette box, so Han Feng wrote a sentence - you go first after the work is done.

Han Feng wanted to write "you retreat first", but after thinking about it... he found that the word "retreat" has too many strokes, and he forgot how to write it...

I can't believe... Silver Shuttle's first "attack" was actually on the cigarette box paper~

"Fu!" After writing, Han Feng blew on the cigarette box paper, blew away the paper scraps on it, and said to the police dog, "You hold it in your mouth, go to the building materials street, and give it to anyone~ Go quickly~"

Patting the police dog's butt, Han Feng watched the police dog leave. At the same time, Han Feng added to Luna, "Open a navigation for it and tell it the location."

"Okay, Captain Han."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng turned around and continued to observe the battle not far away...

"Da da da da!"


Suddenly, a different sound was mixed in with the sound of conventional machine guns firing! And Han Feng was very familiar with this sound... It was a sniper gun!

"It's bad..." Han Feng muttered to himself, and a sense of danger suddenly rose in his heart!

This feeling of being on the back made Han Feng break out in a cold sweat...

"Everyone be alert! The other side has..."

"Bang!" Before Han Feng finished speaking, the sniper rifle... fired again!

When Han Feng turned back to warn the two people behind him, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his temple. ♦♦  ♦♦ Almost a subconscious reaction, Han Feng directly used telekinesis to condense a "wall of air" around his head!

Sure enough, a sniper bullet spun towards his head! Fortunately, the sniper bullet was blocked by the "wall of telekinesis". Feeling this bullet, Han Feng instantly activated telekinesis to control objects! All his mental power went to wrap up this bullet!

"Uh! Ah!!!" Gritting his teeth, these two words squeezed out of Han Feng's mouth!

"Ding Ding Ding..." After a few seconds, the sniper bullet in front of him fell from the air, making a ding-ding sound.



The sniper rifle fired the third bullet, but Han Feng dodged it by activating his speed superpower.

"You are the only one who can attack from a distance, right?!" Looking at the direction from which the sniper bullet came, Han Feng narrowed his eyes and shouted "Telekinesis! Start!!!"

"Swish! Howl!" A silver wing flew out from Han Feng's waist and hovered in front of him.

"Luna! Report the position!" Han Feng didn't care to look at the radar at this time, and asked Luna directly.

As long as the sniper is within the radar range, even if he hides in the ground! Luna can see through him at a glance! ! And... no sniper in the world can snipe from five kilometers away! Even a one-star sniper can't do it!

"Report to Captain Han, there are four enemy snipers, one at eleven o'clock in your direction, one hundred and thirty-four meters away, and at a height..."

"Bang! Bang!!!"

Before Luna finished speaking, two sniper guns were fired! But the two sniper bullets were not shot at Han Feng, but at the Terminator and the Magnetic Infantry!

Because Han Feng's "flash" just now, the sniper's scope was out... They couldn't find Han Feng himself for a while, so they could only shoot and kill the Terminator and the Magnetic Infantry.

"Ding! Ding!"

The sniper bullet successfully hit the Terminator and the Magnetic Infantry... But the Terminator "copper head and iron bones" and the Magnetic Infantry were wearing heavy armor. These two bullets were almost ineffective against them!

In the gap between the enemy sniper's attack, Han Feng already knew the position of the four of them.

"Silver Wing, let me see how powerful you are." Han Feng said softly, and activated his telekinesis to take out three more silver wings from his waist.

"Go!!!" With a loud shout, Han Feng wrapped the four silver wings with his telekinesis and made them fly out!

"Whisper!!! Whisper!"

The silver wings cut through the air, making a rapid whistle, and flew in four directions!

Three seconds later... the four silver wings flashed with cold light and appeared in front of Han Feng again, and there was no trace of blood on the smooth blade. And the four snipers who were the target... were separated from their heads!

"Da Da Da! Da Da Da!"

Because of the sniper's previous "information", some special forces rushed to Han Feng's previous position with guns and started to fire.

"Ghost, magnetic infantry, you hold on for a while..." Han Feng said casually while panting.

The screen turned to Han Feng...

At this time, Han Feng was sitting on the ground, his face was pale... and two strings of blood flowed from his nostrils. This is a manifestation of lack of mental power.

Although Han Feng only used four customized weapons, the positions of these four snipers were too "far away", and Han Feng had to increase his telekinesis to control objects in order to allow Silver Wing to arrive.

Closing his eyes, Han Feng adjusted himself unhurriedly. Anyway, he had a ghost with him, and they couldn't hit him with a gun.

"Buzz!!! Huhuhuhuhu!!!"

More than ten meters away, Han Feng squatted in the bushes and heard the sound of Gatling guns firing.

"Luna, connect the vision. Target ghost." Han Feng ordered after closing his eyes in advance.

"Okay, Captain Han, the vision connection is connecting. Target ghost... Report to Captain Han, the vision connection is complete."

As soon as Luna finished speaking, Han Feng opened his eyes, and the screen had changed to the Terminator's perspective.

Then with these "eyes", Han Feng saw a mess in front of him! The ground was full of "fragmented" body parts... Under the fierce attack of Gatling, no one could stand or lie on the ground intact!

In fifteen seconds, Gatling fired a thousand bullets. The result was that all the other side was destroyed...

It was also fortunate that the other side stood together, which saved a lot of trouble for the Terminator. They never thought that they would encounter "unkillable" people until they died, and they never thought that they would face the attack of Gatling!

When the last special forces member of the enemy fell to the ground, the scene fell into silence...

Well... not really. There was also the roar of zombies in the department store.

After opening his eyes, Han Feng felt that his mental strength had recovered slightly. As long as you don't use it desperately, "fighting" is no problem~

Standing up, Han Feng patted the dirt on his butt, then raised his legs and walked towards the department store.

"Oh my god~..." When he saw the Terminator, Han Feng subconsciously exclaimed...

The ghost's back was fine, and there was no visible damage, but the front... There was almost no "good meat". The tattered clothes and pieces of meat hanging on his body made Han Feng feel "nauseous"...

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Looking at the ghost like this, Han Feng thought for a while and said, "Magnetic Infantry, you... help him."

"Yes! Captain Han!" The magnetic infantry responded, stepped forward and grabbed the ghost's back, and pulled hard...

"Plop." The whole "back" was pulled down and hit the ground with a dull sound. And the ghost once again revealed its "true body".

"I still like you like this~" Staring at the metal skeleton, Han Feng laughed bitterly.

"Roar!!! Roar!!"

While Han Feng was "chatting", a series of rough roars were heard in the department store.

"Ouch~ I almost forgot about the main thing! There are also supply boxes~" Han Feng reacted and

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