Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 282: The Strange Department Store

While firing to stop the zombies from pouring out, Han Feng felt the recovery of his mental power. He had been struggling whether to let Silver Wing join the battle now...

If Silver Wing appeared, it would probably take only a few seconds to kill the zombies in front of him.

But...the supply box is on the second floor of the department store. And this building has five floors!

【I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→🅣🅦🅚🅐🅝.🅒🅞🅜】

There are countless zombies on the first floor alone, and the second floor and higher...I don't know what the situation is.


Another supply box is one kilometer away. Once the mental power is exhausted, it is unknown whether the Terminator and the magnetic infantry can hold on... ✪

"Hu..." Han Feng took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. At the same time, he was also deciding the best solution...

"Luna, how long have we been here?" While changing the magazine, Han Feng asked Luna in his mind.

"Report to Captain Han, as of now, we have stayed for a total of thirteen minutes and twenty-eight seconds."

"Da Da Da Da!"

Hearing Luna's report, Han Feng pursed his lips... as if he was making the last "struggle".

He had been in the department store for nearly fifteen minutes... even if the special forces stayed for fifteen minutes before, it would have added up to half an hour.

For so long, there was no movement on the "other side"... and although there were roars in the department store, there were no roars from level three and level four zombies.

Is it a conspiracy? Is it a trajectory? Or am I overthinking it? ...

The next second, Han Feng's eyes widened, and he shouted "Telekinesis! Start!!"

In the end, Han Feng decided to take the "first blood" as quickly as possible!

"Howl! Howl!!" Ten silver wings responded! While making sharp and short whistles, they rotated towards the zombies!

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

The extremely sharp silver wings shuttled through the zombie group without any sense of frustration!

Han Feng controlled the ten silver wings and kept them flying at the height of the zombies' necks. Three seconds later... a large group of zombies in front of Han Feng suddenly separated their bodies "without any signs".

"Oh my God! It's up to you!" Han Feng roared when he saw a clearing in front of him! Then he activated his speed superpower and headed towards the department store...

"Swoosh!" As soon as he entered the department store, Han Feng rushed directly to the stairs.

Although the building was extremely dark, Han Feng still relied on the route obtained by the radar scan to sneak quickly and steadily.

In less than two seconds, Han Feng successfully climbed to the second floor. With him, there were ten silver wings surrounding him.

As soon as he reached the second floor, Han Feng suddenly stopped his fast pace...

"Uh... this... this..." Han Feng muttered subconsciously, and the scene in front of him was something he could never have imagined!

The entire second floor! There was no one!

Uh... no! There was no corpse!

"Hu...Hu..." Looking at the empty environment, Han Feng kept panting.

With a nervous mood, Han Feng kept scanning the place...

With his telekinesis, Han Feng controlled ten silver wings to shuttle through it. ̢̜̳̱͈̹͓͛͜ḩ̷̻̩͍̱̗͔̺̏̓͊̀͂̀ͅṵ̵̙̻͉̦͙̗̥̉̓̓͊̑̂̑x̸͍̘̳͂͊̂̊̀͊̕͘.̷̹̦̆̆c̶͙͈͚̽̄̈̎̒͜ó̶̧̧̝̳̠͇͕̺̲̹̔̈́̃͝͝m̷̗͓̽̂̌̋̃̌

Behind the shelves, under the bar, in the ceiling compartment, behind the load-bearing columns, behind the load-bearing walls, one Everything that he couldn't see was where the Silver Wings were "attacking"!

A few seconds later, ten Silver Wings returned to Han Feng. During this period... the Silver Wings didn't kill any zombies!

This means... the entire second floor is really empty!!!

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Han Feng turned his eyes and stared at the equally dark staircase leading to the third floor...


Except for the zombies downstairs Roaring and the firing of the Terminator Ghost, there was no longer a trace of "discordant" sound...


Holding his breath and concentrating, Han Feng raised his legs and slowly walked towards the direction of the supply box.

It took Han Feng two minutes to walk this short twenty meters! After passing through several shops, Han Feng came to a locked door...Looking at the three words on the door - Manager's Office.

The supply box was inside...and inside was the area determined by the system as "dangerous"...

Han Feng didn't dare to relax his vigilance at all! Maybe...there is a level 5 zombie behind the door!

Continue to hold his breath, Han Feng listened to the sound behind the door with all his strength...


After listening for a long time, only Han Feng's heartbeat came. And behind the door, it was surprisingly quiet!

"Silver Wing!" Han Feng said softly. At the critical moment, Silver Wing had to be the "advance force"!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! "Ten silver wings rushed towards the wooden door together, passing through it almost without any hindrance.

Although Han Feng could not see the silver wings now, his telekinetic perception was still there. Controlling the silver wings, Han Feng made them "shuttle" freely in the room!

The room behind the door was already small, and with the ten "killing weapons" constantly cutting. With such a dense fighting style, let alone zombies...even a shrimp cannot survive intact!

It lasted for more than seven seconds, until Han Feng felt a lack of mental power, and then he stopped.

Standing outside the door, Han Feng took a deep breath... Then he instantly raised his right leg and kicked forward fiercely! At the same time, Han Feng activated his superpowers again and ran backwards!

"Bang!!!" The wooden door shattered! Han Feng also withdrew more than ten meters away from the safe distance.

Lying on the ground, Han Feng stared at the room...


Three seconds later, Han Feng was sure... There was really nothing in the room.

"Ha~ What a coward~" Han Feng laughed at himself, stood up from the ground, scratched the back of his head and walked towards the room.

Entering the room, Han Feng saw the mess on the floor...

The mop handles were broken into hundreds of pieces, the mop bucket was broken into hundreds of pieces, the box paper was rotten like confetti, and the sticky liquid with a familiar smell was all over the floor...

Asking this question, Han Feng whispered, "Shampoo? Shower gel?"

The next second, Han Feng reacted and exclaimed, "What a bullshit manager's office! Damn... This is not a small warehouse! It's the cleaner's lounge! It's really impressive!!!"

Han Feng, who was completely relieved, kicked away the garbage blocking the way.

Squatting down, Han Feng pulled out a silver suitcase from the garbage.

Looking at the suitcase, the smile on Han Feng's face gradually solidified...

"It seems that it is probably gold coins..." Han Feng pouted, put his hand on the box, and whispered, "Open it."


A crisp sound rang out, and the suitcase opened. Then, a symbol of money $ slowly rose into the air and gradually dimmed...

"Congratulations to Team Han for getting the gold coin supply box~10,000 gold coins~" When Han Feng was looking at the sign in the air, Luna's congratulations came.

"Oh... hehe... it really solved my "urgent need"~" Han Feng stood up and clapped his hands, self-deprecating...

Now he is worth 1.45 million! With this supply box opportunity, it's better to give him another Terminator...

"Let's go~ This trip is in vain~" Han Feng muttered to himself, and walked out of the "Manager's Office", while wondering what the other supply box would be?

Looking back at the empty second floor, Han Feng shook his head. When he has time, he will think about why this happened.

"Da da! Da da da!"

When he came to the stairs, the gunfire downstairs continued.

Walking downstairs, Han Feng's mind rose! Ten silver wings immediately started to attack.

"Whisper! Whisper! Whoosh! Whoosh!" For a moment, the entire first floor of the department store was flashing with dazzling cold light!

He took out a cigarette from his pocket, took out one and lit it. When Han Feng walked to the door with a cigarette in his mouth

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