Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 343: Death at Level 5


"Bang bang!!"

When the level 5 zombie fell, Simon fired two shots in quick succession, both of which successfully hit the level 5 zombie. •

"All soldiers, listen up! Quickly evacuate the open space and enter the building! Quick!" Standing by the window, Han Feng looked down at the level 5 zombie downstairs and said.

He knew very well that with the strength of the level 5 zombie, these Red Alert soldiers had no way to kill it! Staying in the open space would cause unnecessary "trouble" to themselves.

"Da da! Da da da da!"

After receiving Han Feng's order, the Red Alert soldiers quickly changed the direction of the battle. While shooting at the level 5 zombie, they quickly ran into the building.


The level 5 zombie stood up from the ground and roared angrily!

Scanning the soldiers who were shooting around, the level 5 zombie slowly squatted down, ready to attack...

"Hey! Silly! I'm here!" Seeing the actions of the level 5 zombie, Han Feng shouted from the upstairs.

Sure enough, as soon as Han Feng finished shouting, the level 5 zombie subconsciously looked up.


Taking advantage of the gap before the level 5 zombies took action, Han Feng jumped and jumped from the fourth floor.

There was no other way. At this moment, Han Feng had to reach the open space as soon as possible! If he took the stairs, the Red Alert soldiers downstairs might not be able to hold on until he arrived.

This is more than ten meters high... To be honest, when Han Feng jumped down with his head held high, his heart was trembling with fear.

However, Han Feng had his own way, which was to step on the "Hot Wheels"~

Under his feet, there were several silver shuttles on the side. Although it was a bit painful, at least under the control of telekinesis, the speed of falling to the ground was not too fast.

"Boom..." After a few seconds, Han Feng landed steadily under the gaze of the level 5 zombies.



Before Han Feng could catch his breath, the level 5 zombie with fire took the lead in charging and attacked Han Feng!

"Hmph~" Looking at the sprinting level 5 zombie, Han Feng snorted coldly, thinking to himself, in the corridor upstairs, I was attacked by you in a dimensional reduction (only forward and backward, no left and right dodge)! I'm in the open space, this is my world!

In an instant, Han Feng activated his speed superpower!

Leaving a trail of afterimages, Han Feng, holding two knives, went around behind the level 5 zombie and stabbed quickly!

With the blessing of the speed superpower, the level 5 zombie is like a "statue"! It is almost motionless, and it is Han Feng's "target"!

"Ding! Ding!!"

After two crisp sounds, the two hard and sharp sabers... shattered!

"Smash!" Han Feng, who was pulling away at a safe distance, cursed, threw away the handle in his hand, and then shouted "All soldiers! Give me high-explosive grenades!!!"

"Hu... hu... hu..."

Following Han Feng's instructions, ten American soldiers stood in the building and threw out their high-explosive grenades one after another.

The telekinesis simultaneously hooked the high-explosive grenades flying in the air, and Han Feng took advantage of the situation to pull out the pins on the grenades...

"Everyone! Evade!!!" With a loud roar, Han Feng "pressed" all the high-explosive grenades firmly on the level 5 zombies.

"Roar!! Roar!!!"

Realizing the extreme danger, the level 5 zombies violently tore their bodies, trying to pull off the black metal lumps on their bodies.

Unfortunately, these high-explosive grenades are not glued on, but controlled by telekinesis! Even if the level 5 zombies pull one or two and hold them in their hands, they will definitely not be able to throw them out!

Sensing the three-second delay of the high-explosive grenades, Han Feng quickly scanned the surroundings. Finally, one second before the high-explosive grenades exploded, Han Feng successfully hid behind the bunker...


"Boom! Boom!!!"

The next moment, several huge explosions sounded!

The power generated by the simultaneous explosion of high-explosive grenades is not as simple as 1+12!

The shock waves generated by the explosions entangle, repel, and merge with each other. The violent explosion mixed with the extremely high temperature flames quickly devoured and tore apart everything around!

Around the explosion point, no tiny dust could escape...

"Bang! Crash! Crash!"

When the shock wave spread, the glass on the building was the first to "suffer"...

It shattered into countless pieces of glass, like a storm, hitting the ground downstairs!

A few seconds later...

When the smoke from the explosion dispersed slightly, Han Feng barely saw the center of the explosion-the level 5 zombie.

At this time, the level 5 zombie had long lost its former "grace" and became a "beggar" with no clothes...

Under the black color of the whole body, there was a small part of broken skin. And next to the broken skin, the broken flesh and blood dripped down.

Frowning, Han Feng slowly clenched his teeth...

Since he did not sense the large increase in gold coins, Han Feng judged that this guy was still alive!

"Telekinesis! Start!!!"

Take advantage of your illness to kill you!

With this good idea in mind, Han Feng once again used the silver shuttle to appear!

Aiming at the damaged part of the level 5 zombie's skin, ten silver wings rushed forward!

The extremely fast silver shuttle stabbed the level 5 zombie's painful part as if ignoring the distance.

Since the skin of the level 5 zombie had been broken, the following process went much more smoothly...

"Roar!!! Roar!! "

Feeling the taste of flesh being eaten and bones soaked, the level 5 zombie swung its body frantically.

Unfortunately... once the silver shuttle enters the body, "medicine and stone cannot cure" and death is inevitable!

Looking at the "passionate" dance of the level 5 zombie, Han Feng stepped over. He said frivolously, "Killing you is not difficult, but how to open your "turtle shell" is difficult~"

As soon as Han Feng finished speaking, the frequency of the level 5 zombie shaking its body became lower and lower... until it was quiet.

For the sake of safety, Han Feng did not immediately seduce the silver shuttle out of his body, but planned to stay a little longer and "observe".

After a while, Han Feng sensed the increase of 100,000 huge gold coins! Only then did he put down the "boulder" in his heart and started the carnival!

"One hundred thousand gold coins are mine~ mine, mine, mine~ One hundred thousand gold coins are mine~ mine, mine, mine~" Twisting the "dazzling" dance steps, Han Feng sang the lyrics that were not very rhyming...

"Report to Captain Han, the zombies in the distribution warehouse building have been cleared! Please give instructions!"

Suddenly, when Han Feng was dancing excitedly, Simon's report came to his mind.

"So fast?~" Turning around, Han Feng looked at the building and said in surprise.

That's right, there are only two level 4 zombies, and they can't stop the ghost. As for the remaining low-level zombies... I'm afraid most of them died under the Gatling gun.

"Roar... Roar..."

Han Feng could vaguely hear the zombies roaring in the distance.

Turning his head to look at the outside world...

Densely packed, with people surging...

"Everyone return to defense, prepare for battle!" Han Feng gave the order with a serious look.

Activating the speed superpower, Han Feng climbed to the rooftop of the building in just over ten seconds.

The eleven-story distribution warehouse building is definitely the highest point in this "desolate" land!

Standing here, Han Feng clearly saw that in the direction of the city center... there were a large number of zombies wandering over.

Pursing his lips, Han Feng felt a little uncertain...

If all the zombies coming were low-level zombies, he would be very convenient! You are most welcome!

But...if there are level 5 zombies again, it will be a bit tricky...

The high-explosive grenades have been used up, and the remaining more than fifty ordinary grenades are enough to kill a level 5 zombie. But...what if there are more level 5 zombies?

In addition, there are even more terrifying level 6 female zombies...

"Will it... come?" Han Feng clenched his fists, and his mind was filled with the powerful kick of the female zombie...

"Luna, summon five prism tanks!" Han Feng, who was terrified of the level 6 female zombie,

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