Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 344: Sniping all the way



Accompanied by bursts of noise, the most tightly guarded door of the distribution library was slowly opened by engineers...

"Huh..." With excitement, Han Feng exhaled a heavy breath.

Wiping the sweat from his palms on his shirt, Han Feng took out a cigarette and lit it.


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Lifting his legs to enter the vault, Han Feng used a flashlight to illuminate the surroundings.

Wherever the light touches, an "expensive" response is given!

"Do you know what gleaming gold is... Do you know what dazzling wealth is..." Han Feng kept asking himself while touching the neatly stacked gold bars.

"Now, these are all mine..." After speaking softly, Han Feng put down his phone and hugged the "golden wall" as tall as a person!

In all his life, Han Feng has never seen so much gold! In front of wealth, Han Feng smiled with tears of joy.

"You guys have to be good and wait until I come back. Don't run around, you know?!" Han Feng ordered nervously as he scanned the gold bars all over the room. This way...it's like he's afraid that if he turns around, these gold bars will disappear.

"I'll be back soon~ right now!" Saying "goodbye", Han Feng quickly walked out of the vault and walked upstairs.

"Engineer, go find the backup power supply and make sure to light up this place! Hurry!" Han Feng told the engineer beside him as he went upstairs.

"Okay Team Korea." After the engineer finished speaking, he set off alone according to the route given by Luna.

When he came outside and stood in front of the distribution library building, Han Feng saw several small black dots appearing in the distance...

No need to think about it, these little black dots are the level three zombies running towards you.

"Ghost, during the battle, activate the battle mode! The fourth-level zombies are all yours. Leave the third-level, fifth-level zombies to me." Turning his head, Han Feng looked at the Terminator and said.


"Luna, summon ten heavily armed soldiers to take some of the pressure off the ghosts. Summon six more snipers, and shoot as many level 3 zombies as you see."

"Report to the Korean team to summon ten heavily armed soldiers and six snipers. A total of 30,000 gold coins are required. Please confirm the summons."

"Confirm! Use all the remaining money to summon American soldiers." Looking at the balance of gold coins, Han Feng distributed them "reasonably".

"Okay, Korean team, heavily armed soldiers and snipers are being summoned, please wait..."

Looking at the cleared gold coins, Han Feng sighed helplessly, "Alas..."

These gold coins were accumulated when I killed the zombies in the issuance library. They were about to exceed 200,000. Now... I am back to before liberation in an instant~

But when he thought that he could accumulate a lot of gold coins in the next battle, Han Feng felt a little more balanced.

"I'm going first!!!" After saying this to himself as if to cheer him up, Han Feng "greased the soles of his feet" and rushed to the outside of the issuance warehouse, facing the level 3 zombies in the distance!

While sprinting, Han Feng did not forget to tell Luna, "Luna, tell all snipers soon! As soon as a level 3 zombie crosses the minimum cordon, shoot immediately! If it does not exceed the minimum cordon, shoot closer first!" put!"

“Okay Team Korea, I understand.

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng did not reply, because... he was already close to the first wave of level three zombies!

"Is that all you have?! Let me see, how many three thousand are there!" Han Feng looked at the level 3 zombies as if he was seeing countless gold coins...

"Psychic power! Kai!!!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh!!!"

The silver wings of the silver shuttle were sacrificed and instantly turned into a world-killing magic weapon!

Under the sunlight, each customized weapon seemed to be a flash of spirituality, flexibly shuttled around the third-level zombies.

This kind of killing... wasn't considered a battle at all. It was just Han Feng's unilateral crushing of level three zombies.

Any level 3 zombie that appears in Han Feng's field of vision will be separated in the next second.

"Three thousand apiece!"

"Two to three thousand!"

"Six to three thousand!"


Every time he kills a level 3 zombie, Han Feng is like "keeping accounts", silently reciting the amount of money he has received...

"Forty three thousand..." Two minutes later, Han Feng stood in the street full of minced meat and shouted "Who else!!!"

These three words can be described as extremely arrogant! Full of hatred! ! !

"Luna, don't summon the American soldiers yet." When the gold coins accumulated to a certain level, Han Feng gave up the idea of ​​summoning the American soldiers.

There is no other reason than insufficient vehicles... If a bunch of American soldiers are summoned, it will be troublesome to get them back.

"Okay Team Korea, the plan to call in American soldiers has been cancelled."

"Yeah, that's good~" After responding to Luna, Han Feng saw that there were no zombies around to respond to him, so he sprinted towards the city center again.

Since you won't come...then I will personally come and "visit"!

But just as he picked up the speed, Han Feng stopped...

"What if the Level 6 female corpse is really here? If I rush forward like this... will I bump into it?" Wrinkling his eyebrows, Han Feng thought tangledly...

After a few seconds, Han Feng figured it out...it was better to go back first. At worst, he would wait until the zombies got close and fight them. The zombies wouldn't run away anyway.

After turning around, just when Han Feng was about to activate his speed superpower, he paused again.

"What if the sixth-level female corpse is not there, wouldn't it be a loss? If we don't fight this wave of sniper battles now, then zombies will besiege the city, and it will be a headache..."

Just like that, Han Feng, who was standing there in a daze, looked in the direction of the city center, and then turned his head to look in the direction of the distribution warehouse...

"Tsk..." After swaying several times, Han Feng fell into deep thought...

"Luna, can I beat a level 6 female corpse now?" Han Feng just opened his mouth and pouted his lips the next moment and said, "No... I have a hard time killing even a level 5 zombie, let alone a level 6 one!"

"Luna, can I outrun a level 6 female corpse?" After struggling for a while, Han Feng changed the way of asking.

Following Han Feng's question, Luna answered pertinently, "Report to Captain Han, unknown."


"After systematic research and comparison, your current speed is fast enough to be faster than a level 6 female corpse."

"So you can outrun it? Why do you say unknown?" Hearing Luna say this, Han Feng immediately interrupted.

"Uh..." At this time, Luna reorganized her words and said, "Report to Captain Han, it's like this. Since we don't know the true speed of the level 6 female corpse, the system cannot make an effective judgment on the result."

"???" At this moment, Han Feng was even more confused...

Sensing Han Feng's thoughts, Luna explained, "When the level 6 female corpse was chasing you, its speed showed a slow increase. This means that its speed at that time was not at its limit."


After Luna's explanation, Han Feng was silent...

Yes... As the person involved, I know everything that happened at that time.

Every time I tried my best to increase my speed, the female corpse could always catch up easily... until it surpassed me.

"Haha~ It's really funny~" Suddenly, Han Feng, who was standing in place, laughed at himself.

If I knew that I would never be able to beat or escape, I'm afraid I would have returned to the distribution warehouse by now.

If I knew that I could win or escape from the female corpse, I'm afraid I would have rushed into the group of corpses and "killed everyone".

What I am afraid of is the current situation. I can't figure out the opponent's position, and I don't know what the outcome of the battle will be...

"Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated in a hundred battles! The ancients were not deceiving me!!!" Looking up at the sky, Han Feng, who was struggling to stay or go, muttered to himself.

After a few seconds, Han Feng still maintained the posture of looking up at the sky. At this time, Luna asked softly, "Captain Han, what do you want to do now?"


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