Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 352: Military Rations

The doubtful Wei siblings pulled over a chair and sat down. After about ten minutes, the three people who were chatting waited for everyone to arrive.

Taking the clothes from Liu Rui, Han Feng changed his clothes on the spot.

"I never thought that there was a hospital in this desolate mountain! What's more outrageous is that it is still open! Awesome!" Liu Rui muttered softly while looking around the inside of the hospital.

"Okay, okay~ Stop looking around. Let's go somewhere~" After putting on his clothes and shoes, Han Feng stood up and said to everyone.

Looking at Han Feng's back as he walked out, everyone looked confused and couldn't guess what Han Feng was up to...

After leaving the hospital, Han Feng led everyone to walk for two minutes and arrived at the Allied base next to him.

"Luna, open the door." When Han Feng estimated that he was about ten meters away from the base, he contacted Luna in his mind and gave the order to open the door.

"Okay, Captain Han."



Accompanied by a series of pneumatic sounds, the Allied base slowly lowered a huge springboard.

"Wow wow wow! Military base!" Behind him, Wei Peng jumped up excitedly and said, "Brother-in-law! This is the country's military base! We found it!!"

Han Feng looked at the dim interior of the base. He was in no mood to pay attention to the revelry of Wei Peng. Instead, he frowned and asked, "Luna... the system has not been upgraded yet?"

"Yes, Captain Han, the system is currently being upgraded, please wait..."

"No wonder the base is so dark..." After muttering, Han Feng asked again, "When will the Red Alert system be upgraded?"

"Sorry, Captain Han, I don't know..."

After listening, Han Feng nodded and said nothing more.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law! Look at the fighter jets!" Wei Peng rushed forward and held Han Feng's arm and shook it continuously, while pointing at the air command department and shouting.

"Brother-in-law! Look, there are mines here too!" Just after pointing at the air command department, Wei Peng pointed to the ore refinery.

"Okay, okay~ Let's go in first, and then talk after we get in, okay?" Enduring Wei Peng's noise, Han Feng took the lead to climb the base's springboard and step into the base.


As expected... As soon as everyone entered the base, they all began to express sincere admiration.

"I discovered this base by accident, and these around me just happened to be..."

"Ding ding ding..."

When Han Feng just started to "make up" the origin of the base, the base just happened to receive a call...

"Wait a moment, and visit on your own~!" Seeing this scene, Han Feng hurriedly threw down a sentence and turned around and disappeared on the spot.

After bypassing several corridors, Han Feng made sure that everyone could not find him, and then began to contact Luna and said, "Luna, has the system been upgraded?!"

"Report to Captain Han, yes, the base upgrade is complete."

"Great!!!" After waiting for most of the day, the system was finally upgraded!

"Dangdangdang..." Just when Han Feng was excited, he suddenly heard a sound of footsteps...

Looking in the direction of the footsteps, Han Feng saw a fully armed soldier walking towards him.

"Report to Captain Han! SEAL Team 0001 reports to you!"

The newcomer was wearing a specially made black combat uniform with a 5-inch submachine gun hanging on his chest. But what caught Han Feng's eyes the most was the flippers on his side.

Looking at the flippers, Han Feng understood that this was the Navy SEALs' reliance in fighting in the water.

"Report to Captain Han! SEAL Team 0002 reports to you!"

While Han Feng was still observing the equipment of the first SEAL, the second SEAL was summoned and saluted Han Feng and reported.

"Luna, after all the SEALs have been summoned, leave a team of nine people, and the remaining five teams will be assigned to each brigade." Looking at the well-equipped SEALs, Han Feng contacted Luna in his mind.

"Okay, Captain Han."

A few minutes later... the fifty-four SEALs were summoned.

According to Han Feng's instructions, one of the teams was left to join the Sixth Battalion to protect the safety of the base. The other SEALs were sent to the zinc mine...

Looking at the more than fifty "special forces" forming a square array and pedaling, Han Feng, who was standing on the base, felt a sense of pride.

Of course...standing behind Han Feng were Wei Peng and others.

Watching the convoy leave, the various questions from the crowd instantly pulled Han Feng into the "vortex"...

"Brother Han! When did you have such a force?!"

"Xiaopeng, don't talk nonsense! This is not an army! This is your brother Han's private guard~!"

"Don't lie to me, can this be a private guard?! Look at the equipment! What kind of guard can have such treatment?!"


"Oh, stop, stop, stop!" Facing the questions coming at him, Han Feng spread his hands and pushed everyone away and said, "I won't explain this question, I can't explain it! Have you found your own bedrooms? If not, go quickly!"


Seeing Han Feng like this, everyone had to stop and turn back to the base.

"I guess it was Brother Han who saved the soldiers here, and then they repayed Brother Han, do you believe it?" In the corridor, Wei Peng touched Liu Rui and guessed in a low voice.

"You are stupid... These special forces are so powerful! How could this guy save them..."

While everyone was looking for their own bedrooms, Han Feng came to the living cabin of the soldiers in the base alone...

Holding a cigarette, Han Feng took out his mobile phone to check the time.


"It's almost twelve o'clock..." Han Feng muttered, and took back his mobile phone.

Feeling his hungry belly, Han Feng then remembered... He hadn't eaten in the morning.

Pursing his lips, Han Feng thought of a "strange" question...

Although there is a kitchen in the base, I have never heard that there is food here!

Moreover, I have never seen any soldiers delivering supplies to the base.

It's been several months... There are more than fifty soldiers and more than fifty engineers in the Sixth Brigade. What do they eat? !

Looking sideways at the sniper resting in the living cabin, Han Feng stepped forward and asked, "Brother, it's almost noon, what are you eating?"

Seeing the "commander" coming to ask questions, the sniper immediately stood up and responded, "Report to the Korean team that my lunch meal is rice bowl with pork and vegetables."


The moment he finished listening, Han Feng's eyes widened! The slightly opened trembling mouth indicates Han Feng's extremely shocked mood!

"Pork with pickles and vegetables?! And... rice bowl?!" Han Feng blinked and asked again in disbelief.

"Yes, Team Korea, this is my lunch meal." As he spoke, the sniper took out today's lunch meal from the box under the bed...

"Higher Army...Individual Soldier...Self-heating Food..." Taking this package of military rations, Han Feng read the eye-catching title above...

"This, this, this! What is this?! Why didn't I know?!" Seeing that the sniper's food was so good, Han Feng's mentality instantly "collapsed"...

"Reporting to the Korean team, the restaurant in the base can automatically generate two hundred military rations every day. The military rations issued are also different according to the status of the recipient. In order to better maintain the nutritional needs of the soldiers, the military rations are also divided into for a variety of flavors.”

The sniper stood there and Luna explained first.

"Where is the restaurant?!" Han Feng held back the saliva and asked while holding the pickled meat and vegetables ration in his hand.

"Report to the Korean team that the location of the restaurant has been marked by radar. Please move to the system to view it."

"Here you go!" Han Feng turned his attention to the system and stuffed the rations in his hand back into the sniper's arms...

When Han Feng ran to the restaurant, he saw Wei Yun rummaging around.

"Brother Han? You are here

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