Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 353: Nutritional Cream

Holding up the box, Han Feng was a little surprised by the heavy weight in his arms...

"A military ration... Why does it feel like there is a bag of rice and flour in it?!"

"Tear it!"

While muttering, Han Feng tore open the outer packaging of the French military ration.

"Military ration open flame heating device, solid fuel, water purification tablets, matches, three flavors of biscuits, jam, cheese, strawberry-flavored cereal, canned beef stew, solid soup, roasted meatballs, roasted chicken sauce pepper, salt, hot cocoa, sugar, tea, coffee, chocolate, energy bars..." ✪

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝔱𝔴𝔨𝔞𝔫.𝔠𝔬𝔪]

When Han Feng finished reading the introduction in one breath, he thought, isn't this the amount used by a group of people on a picnic? There are six small bags of drinks alone...

"Brother Han... I can't eat so much." Looking at the full box of food, Wei Yun said with a smile.

"It's okay~ There are so many of us, one person..."


As he spoke, Han Feng reached out to take out one of the cans, but he was burned and screamed.

"Hot!" Looking at the fallen can, Han Feng looked at Wei Yun and said.

"Great! This saves me from heating it~" What made Han Feng laugh and cry was that Wei Yun didn't care about his "injury" at the first time, but picked up the box and ran away happily...

"It's time to eat! It's time to eat!" Putting the French military rations on the dining table, Wei Yun ran while calling everyone to notify them to eat.

Shaking his head, Han Feng smiled and stood up.

In the dining cabinet, Han Feng saw cutlery, fork, spoon, chopsticks and other tableware. Counting the number of people, Han Feng took away seven sets of tableware.

A few minutes later, after not having such a sumptuous meal for many days, everyone couldn't wait to grab the military rations and gobbled them up one by one.



"Tsk tsk..."

Han Feng sipped the food in his mouth, and his expression was similar to everyone else's, all of them looked intriguing.

"Is it delicious?" After swallowing the food, Han Feng looked at Wei Yun and asked.

"Good... delicious!" Seeing Han Feng looking at him again, Wei Yun swallowed it with a delicious look...

Seeing Wei Yun's "poor" acting skills at a glance, Han Feng put down his bowl and chopsticks and said, "Wait for me! I'll be back soon!"

Three minutes later, Han Feng ran back with a pile of military rations.

Preserved pork with preserved vegetables and rice, fish-flavored pork rice, mutton noodles, chicken fried rice, mushroom pork fried noodles...bags of military green Chinese military rations were scattered on the table by Han Feng.

"What do you want to eat? Pick it yourself! If not enough, there are more!" Han Feng said "arrogantly" while pointing at the military rations on the table.

Instantly... the restaurant "exploded"...

After getting their favorite food, everyone couldn't wait to tear open the military rations packaging again.

Spicy sauce, yellow peaches in syrup, beef sausages, instant drinks, storable biscuits and various staple foods...

Except for the staple foods, the other side dishes of each Chinese military ration are very uniform.

"Well! Brother Han! This is good! Delicious!" Liu Zhe held the fried rice with diced chicken and praised it while "spraying".

"Brother-in-law! The braised pork is fat but not greasy, it's amazing! It's amazing!!!" Wei Peng, who hadn't eaten meat for a long time and had a greasy mouth, agreed with a smile. Those smiling eyes were narrowed like a slit.

Watching everyone eating happily, Han Feng nodded and said, "Chinese people still understand Chinese people's stomachs~"

After lunch, everyone "disbanded" and went to their own bedrooms for a nap.

Han Feng accompanied Wei Yun to throw the garbage on the table into the trash can, and chatted about the future.

During the chat, Han Feng deliberately concealed the fact that he proposed on New Year's Day.

For this reason, Han Feng, who smiled from time to time, made Wei Yun a little puzzled.

"By the way, Brother Han, there are so many military rations here, can we take them out to Brother Wang and the others to eat?" Suddenly, Wei Yun talked about business.


Seeing Han Feng's embarrassed expression, Wei Yun guessed something and said, "What's wrong, Brother Han? Is it... these military rations are not enough?"

Shaking his head, Han Feng said nothing.

However, Wei Yun didn't know that the base only produced 200 military rations per day. It just corresponds to the maximum number of residents in the base... Then there are still extra military rations to supply outside...

However, at this time, there are only 150 to 60 people living in the base, and there are 40 to 50 military rations left. But... even if these military rations are sent out, it's just a drop in the bucket.

"Brother Han, forget it if it doesn't work... Let's think of another way." Seeing Han Feng's dazed look, Wei Yun knew that he "said the wrong thing".

"No... I seem to have thought of a solution..." His eyes returned to Wei Yun's face, and Han Feng turned around and walked out of the base after saying this.

"Luna, if I upgrade the barracks, can I produce military rations?!"

Just now, Han Feng suddenly thought of it. Since the barracks can summon soldiers and make ammunition... can the barracks make military rations? !

They are all "people-oriented" barracks, and the probability of military rations coming out of the barracks is the highest!

"Report to Captain Han, I'm sorry, I don't know. Before you upgrade the building, I can't get the extra reward content."

Then Han Feng's question, Luna answered truthfully.

"It doesn't matter! Luna, upgrade the barracks!" After listening to Luna, Han Feng felt "expected". For the "rations" of the survivors, Han Feng decided to upgrade the barracks first!

Anyway... in the end, all the main buildings must be upgraded! Even if the barracks cannot produce military rations, there is no loss.

"Report to Captain Han, upgrading the physical building-barracks to two stars requires 300,000 gold coins, please confirm."


"Oh my god!" When Luna gave the upgrade amount, Han Feng tripped and almost fell down...

"How much?!!!" Han Feng asked again after stabilizing his body.

"Report to Captain Han, upgrading the physical building - barracks to two stars requires 300,000 gold coins."


"Excuse me, Captain Han, should we upgrade the barracks now?" Seeing that Han Feng didn't speak, Luna asked again.

"Upgrade...confirmed." Han Feng responded with gritted teeth while clenching his fist.

"Okay, Captain Han, the physical building - barracks has been upgraded to two stars."

As soon as Luna finished speaking, Han Feng's gold coins instantly dropped from 1.7 million to 1.3 million...

"What about the extra reward...what is it?!" Han Feng asked faintly without relaxing his clenched teeth.

"Report to Captain Han, congratulations on getting the extra reward of Crazy Ivan and individual supply rations for the second-level barracks."

"Yeah yeah yeah!!!" After hearing the four words "supply rations", Han Feng instantly clenched his fists and punched the air a few times! At the same time, he kept shouting yeah yeah!

"Luna! Let's talk about individual soldier rations first!" Han Feng, who was always worried about the food crisis, did not even listen to the introduction of the new soldiers first.

"Okay, Captain Han, individual supply rations refer to the rations specially produced for Red Alert soldiers when they are on missions in the wild because they cannot build picnic facilities."

"Each individual supply ration is equipped with a self-heating device. That is, after pouring water, wait quietly for fifteen minutes, and the instant food inside will be heated."

"The price of each individual supply ration is determined by the nutrition and taste of the ration. Different levels have different production costs."

"High-level supply rations, the price is ten gold coins per portion. (Preserved pork with preserved vegetables rice, fish-flavored shredded pork rice, etc.)"

"Intermediate supply rations, the price is one gold coin per portion. (Chicken fried rice, shredded pork fried rice, etc.)"

"Low-level supply rations, the price is one gold coin per portion. (Rice, nutritional paste, etc.)"

"Report to Captain Han, the introduction of individual supply rations is complete."

After listening to Luna's explanation, Han Feng held his chin and thought. In the base this morning, I saw the military rations in the hands of the sniper. The name was "Advanced Army Individual Self-heating Food", but judging from the content, these two should be the same thing...

"Hey? Then

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