Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 390: Hidden Mission

Luna did not respond to Han Feng's half-joking words, but said seriously, "Tell Team Han that you need to accept the mission issued by the system. After passing the mission, you can build a time machine."

"Okay!" Han Feng nodded solemnly and continued, "Accept the system mission!!!"

When he said this, Han Feng was mentally prepared... because he knew that what Luna had to complete next would be as difficult as climbing to the sky!

You know, the time machine is different from other super weapons in the Red Alert game. It's neither a skirmish mode nor a custom mode.

Han Feng only glanced at the buildings that existed in the mission...

"Report to the Korean team, the system has hidden missions, you can only accept one. Mission 1: Nuclear bomb silo. Mission 2: Weather control device. Mission 3: Iron Curtain device. Mission 4: Chronosphere teleporter. Mission 5: Genetic mutant. Mission 6 Time machine."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng said without even thinking, "Take the mission of the time machine!"

"Okay Team Korea, you have accepted the hidden mission six issued by the system - the time machine."

After Luna said this, the system's mechanical sound sounded, "Hidden mission six, hell level of difficulty. The chance of passing the level is extremely low."

"When the commander completes the following tasks, he can build the ultimate building - the time machine."

"Task 1: Upgrade all main buildings to full level."

"Mission 2 is unknown (when the commander completes mission 1, mission 2 will be unlocked)"

Before Han Feng could react, the system's mechanical sound disappeared...

"Hell level... extremely low pass rate..."

At this moment, Han Feng's mind was filled with these two sentences...

A few seconds later, Han Feng, who was slightly awake, slowly clenched his fists.

"No matter what...I built the time machine!!!"

After talking to himself, Han Feng asked Luna in his mind, "Luna, how many main buildings are there that have not been upgraded to three stars?!"

"Reporting to the Korean team, among the main buildings, the base has a two-star rating. The remaining heavy factories, power stations, and ore refineries are all one-star."

"..." After listening, Han Feng continued to ask, "How many gold coins do you need to upgrade to three stars?"

"Report to the Korean team that a total of 3.4 million is needed to upgrade all main buildings to three stars."

As soon as Luna finished speaking, Han Feng immediately turned his attention to the system.

Staring at the amount of less than one million in the gold coin column, Han Feng said, "There are still two and a half million... almost, almost..."

"Luna, where are the zombies now?"

That's right... for gold coins, Han Feng set his sights on the zombies not far away...

"Report to the Korean team that the zombie wave has stopped eight kilometers away from the zinc mine."

"Okay!!!" After hearing this, Han Feng was about to leave to "withdraw money."

But as soon as he took a few steps, Han Feng was stunned...

In his mind, Han Feng remembered the mysterious girl asking him to return to the defense base...


Looking into the distance, Han Feng hesitated...

On one side, there are a large number of gold coins waiting for him to collect. On the other side, there is the "illusory" threat.

How about... let Natasha guard the base for him? Suddenly, this idea popped into Han Feng's mind.

But the next second, Han Feng shook his head...

Now that Natasha has no weapons of her own, in terms of combat effectiveness, a level 4 zombie can make Natasha "drink a pot".

After rejecting Natasha's idea of ​​guarding the base, Han Feng looked at the Kongzhi Department...

Staring at the two Invader fighter jets on the apron of the Air Command, Han Feng asked, "Luna... what are the weapons of the Invader fighter jets?"

"Reporting to the Korean team, there are two types of weapon configurations for the Intruder fighter planes. The first type is the "young animal" - the Maverick air-to-surface missile (note that only one missile can be launched per attack). The other type, It’s five 4,536-kilogram free-fall or slow-fall bombs.”

"Oh~ five bombs, right~" Han Feng raised his eyebrows and squinted his eyes.

At this moment, Han Feng already had new ideas in his mind.

"Luna, replace these two fighter planes with slow-drop bombs!"

"Report to the Korean team that the Intruder fighter plane is missing one set of slow-drop bombs."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng remembered that he was "impatient" and insisted on watching the attack demonstration of the fighter planes. As a result, one fighter plane now has no ammunition...

After a pause, Han Feng found a solution and said, "No ammunition? Then let the barracks make it?"

"Report to the Korean team that the barracks cannot manufacture ammunition other than individual weapons."


"Luna, upgrade the heavy factory..."

At this time, Han Feng also realized that the barracks only produces and manufactures for soldiers. In other words, after the heavy factory is upgraded, can it also manufacture weapons for vehicle fighters?

"Report to the Korean team that upgrading the one-star physical building - Heavy Factory to a two-star level requires 300,000 gold coins. Please confirm the upgrade."

"Confirm upgrade."

"Okay, Korean team, the one-star physical building - the heavy factory is being upgraded, please wait..."

A few seconds later, Luna continued, "Reporting to the Korean team, the one-star physical building - Heavy Factory has been successfully upgraded to a two-star rating."

"Okay, continue upgrading." Just now, Han Feng saw that he still had more than 600,000 gold coins left. Anyway, the main building will have to be upgraded, but it will be a matter of time. In this case, it is better to upgrade now.

"Report to the Korean team that upgrading the two-star physical building - Heavy Factory to three-star requires half a million gold coins. Please confirm the upgrade."

"Confirm upgrade."

"Okay, Captain Han, the two-star physical building - the heavy factory is being upgraded, please wait."

After a few seconds, Luna continued, "Report to Captain Han, the two-star physical building - the heavy factory has been successfully upgraded to three stars."

"Can we make ammunition for the invader fighter now?"

"Yes, Captain Han."

"Okay, make ten sets of invader slow-drop bombs!" Han Feng ordered, looking at the fighter.

Now there are more than 100,000 gold coins in his "account", which is definitely enough to make some ammunition!

"Okay, Captain Han, ten sets of slow-drop bombs for invader fighters are being made, please wait..."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng saw more than a dozen ground crew members driving out of the warehouse in the air command building and rushing to the heavy factory.

Carrying a full load of bombs, the ground crew returned to the air command to load ammunition for the invader fighter.

During this period, two pilots in blue air force uniforms walked out of the air command building and walked towards the invader fighter.

"Report to Team Han, the weapons of the two invaders have been loaded."

"Take off." Han Feng nodded and said.

Before Luna responded, Han Feng remembered the voices of the two pilots in his mind.

"Report to Team Han, Invader fighter pilot No. 0001, requesting flight permission!"

"Report to Team Han, Invader fighter pilot No. 0002, requesting flight permission!"

"Allow takeoff!" Han Feng ordered, looking at the two fighters.

After receiving the order, the two pilots replied in unison, "Received, Team Han!"

"Boom! Boom..."

Unlike the last takeoff, this time, the two invaders took off in a conventional "run-up".

"Report to Team Han! Please set the combat altitude, combat range, and attack target!"

A few seconds after takeoff, one of the pilots asked Han Feng in his mind.

"Free flight, target the zombie horde. Bomb wherever there are more people!"

"Okay, Captain Han, we got it."

"Whoosh! Howl..."

After responding to Han Feng, the two Invader fighters soared up and shot straight into the distance!

Just a few dozen seconds later... the two Invader fighters turned around and flew back, landing on the apron of the Air Command Headquarters.

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