Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 391: Rapid Support

It’s New Year’s Day~ I would like to wish everyone a prosperous new year! In good health! Happy family! Make money! Everyone will make a fortune~! ! !

At the same time, I also wish that my "Apocalyptic Red Alert" will become a small hit!

——On New Year’s Eve, a coder...

——Separating line——

"I'm hungry."

Seeing Han Feng "ignoring" her, Natasha pouted.

"Luna, serve, two servings, random."

Han Feng didn't even raise his head as he spoke. The body and mind are all devoted to the "battle".

"Okay, Team Korea."

After responding to Han Feng, within half a minute, Luna came over personally carrying two "rice bowls".

After dinner, all fifty groups of slow-dropping bombs from the Intruder fighter jets were dropped.

At this time, the amount of Han Feng's gold coins was close to half a million.

Wiping his mouth, Han Feng stood up and came outside.

Looking at my phone, it’s about 7pm.

It will be dark in an hour or two... Looking at the sun on the horizon, Han Feng felt a little uneasy...

"Luna, are there any movement from the zombies?"

"Report to the Korean team, no. They are still eight kilometers away from the zinc mine. But..." After hesitating, Luna continued, "But their number is increasing little by little."


After thinking for a few seconds, Han Feng slowly said, "Let Tanya bring Lin Lan over."

"Okay, Team Korea."

Four minutes after receiving the order, Tanya drove an SUV and took Lin Lan to the base.

After letting Lin Lan get out of the car, Han Feng said to Tanya, "Take a hundred SEALs and four Terminators to kill some zombies first. Remember to bring more equipment."

"Okay, I'll get ready now!"

"Wait!" Seeing Tanya put her gear into gear and prepare to leave, Han Feng suddenly stopped her and told her, "Grizzly tank, light tank... you can make arrangements yourself. This time, try to destroy them as much as possible. If it comes at night, …I don’t have enough vision, so I’m afraid there will be other troubles.”

"I know, leave it to me~"

After saying that, Tanya stepped on the accelerator and left.

When watching Tanya leave, Lin Lan behind Han Feng said, "Actually, I can go too..."

"Just stay with me." After a pause, Han Feng continued, "By the way, are you hungry?"


"Luna, a portion of military rations with random flavors."

By chance, Luna was in the hospital behind her, so Han Feng turned around and shouted.

"Okay, Team Korea, we'll be ready soon."

After saying that, Luna walked out of the hospital and walked towards the military camp.

"Let's go back to the hospital first."

After saying these words, Han Feng took the lead and turned towards the hospital.

In fact... Han Feng had his own idea of ​​leaving Lin Lan at the base.

After all, Lin Lan had just returned and regained consciousness. If the Holy Master once again takes control of Lin Lan on the battlefield... then Tanya will be in danger.

By keeping Lin Lan by his side, firstly, he can prevent her from "betraying", and secondly, in his free time, he can learn more about the Holy Lord.

Returning to the hospital, Han Feng sat on the chair, and suddenly...a nameless palpitations arose in his heart.


"What's wrong, Team Korea?"

"No, it's nothing..." Frowning, Han Feng felt the throbbing disappear.

"Are you a woman?" Natasha put down her sniper rifle and looked first at Lin Lan and then at Han Feng.

"No." Han Feng answered subconsciously.

But what Han Feng didn't notice was... Lin Lan looked a little lonely when he heard Han Feng's answer.

"I think she is also a master of fighting, right?"

Looking at Lin Lan, Natasha stood up and said.

"What do you want to do? Want to fight her?" Han Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at Natasha and asked.



"Who are you?"

Being "provoked" by Natasha's words, Lin Lan narrowed his eyes and looked at Natasha and asked.

"Sulian special forces soldier, Natasha Volkova. Fight with me? How about it?!"

"Special Forces?" Lin Lan's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Natasha introduce herself.

"What? Are you scared?"

"Haha~ Afraid of you? I'm afraid of hurting you."


Listening to the bickering between the two, Han Feng leaned back and sighed in his heart...

I had long heard that Tanya was a fighting madman... But I didn't expect that this Natasha was even crazier than a madman... She really "beat" whoever she saw.

"Let's go~"

"Come on~"

Just as Han Feng thought of this, he suddenly saw Lin Lan and Natashala walking towards the door.


Pursing his lips, Han Feng didn't feel a trace of emotion in his heart...

Because, Lin Lan will win this battle.

With telekinesis, even if Natasha is as tough as a level 4 zombie, she is nothing more than a "sandbag"...

Han Feng didn't even bother to watch the battle without suspense.

"You two have finished your order! Don't kill me!" Seeing that they were about to go out, Han Feng raised his neck and shouted.

"Got it~"

The two women responded in unison.

Next... various beating sounds were heard outside the window.

Taking out a cigarette and lighting it, Han Feng had to think... Do beautiful girls have violent tendencies in their hearts?

"At least Wei Yun is not..." With a smile, Han Feng murmured...

After Lin Lan and Natasha made such a fuss, Han Feng forgot about his heart palpitations just now.

About three minutes later, Lin Lan and Natasha returned to the hospital in a "messy" manner.

"You are cheating! If you hadn't used some witchcraft, I would definitely win!"


Hearing Natasha's words, Han Feng smiled indifferently...

But Han Feng could also understand Natasha's feelings. A hero admired by all, proudly came here, and of course the first thing he wanted to do was to prove his strength.

But what could she do... Facing the fully armed Tanya, she couldn't beat him.

Facing the superpower Lin Lan, she still couldn't beat him...

If it were anyone else, Natasha would definitely have no opponent.

Han Feng smiled and got up from the chair, and said in a half-joking tone, "Okay~ We've fought, let's..."

"Captain Han! We've been deceived!!!"

Suddenly! Tanya's voice came from Han Feng's mind, interrupting Han Feng's speech.

In an instant, Han Feng and Natasha's faces changed!

"Tanya, what's going on?!"

"White skin, what's wrong?!"

The two responded at the same time.

"Level 5 zombies! They are level 5 zombies! They have been hiding behind the front row of zombies! There are so many of them!"

"Da Da Da! Da Da!"

"After the front row of zombies fell, the level 5 zombies started to fight back!"

"Boom! Boom! Da Da Da!"

"Request fire support! Request fire support!"

In Tanya's reply of less than ten seconds, Han Feng heard countless gunfire and explosions.


Gritting his teeth, this curse squeezed out from between his teeth.

"What happened?"

On the side, Lin Lan frowned and asked, not knowing what was going on.

"Luna! Make ten sets of slow-drop bombs! Quick!"

"Okay, Captain Han."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng asked, "The invader fighters came back and forth so many times! Why didn't they report to me that there were level 5 zombies?!"

"Sorry, Captain Han... In the air, the pilot's field of vision was limited and he failed to observe the level 5 zombies... Sorry..."


Clenching his fists, Han Feng pursed his lips and began to think about countermeasures in his heart.

"It was the battle ahead..."

Looking at Han Feng, Lin Lan unconsciously tightened his three-edged military dagger. He also spoke out his guess.

"You stay here, I have to go take a look."

After that, Han Feng raised his legs and walked towards the hospital entrance.

"You stay and wait for me! I will be back soon!" Seeing that the two people behind him wanted to follow him, Han Feng said again.

Leaving the two behind, Han Feng shook off his steps and headed straight for the Air Force Division...

Arrived at the airport

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