Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 429: Heading to the Nuclear Contaminated Area

s Chapter 6, Chapter 6! Finally I have finished writing... I finally caught the tail of the spring breeze in February!

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Thank you for your expectation, the daily update is nearly 20,000! Big fire, big fire, big fire!

——Dividing line——

"Luna, if I wear a radiation protection suit, avoid all cities along the way, rush to the main laboratory alone, and then destroy it. What is the chance of success?"

Speaking of his thoughts, Han Feng felt that this matter was stable. But out of a "rigorous" attitude, Han Feng still asked Luna's opinion. And, specifically for this matter, Han Feng also asked the system to do a simple simulation to see if there are other problems.

"Reporting to Captain Han, according to the system's preliminary estimate... the success rate is only between 148 and 216."

"Ah?" Hearing Luna say this number, Han Feng frowned and asked in confusion, "Why is it so low? It shouldn't be?"

"Reporting to Captain Han, it's like this, you overlooked two crucial issues."


"You are wearing a radiation protection suit, which will seriously affect your travel speed and combat efficiency."

Hearing this, Han Feng couldn't laugh anymore... Yes, wearing a heavy protective suit is equivalent to losing the advantage of speed...

"In addition, the weapons you carry will also become a new source of pollution due to nuclear radiation pollution."

Then Luna said another fatal point.

"But you can rest assured, Captain Han. As for weapons, the combat laboratory will customize a new set for you. When you are about to leave the nuclear contaminated area, you can discard the weapons you were using at that time."


Hearing Luna's self-questioning and self-answering, Han Feng nodded slightly...

"Another question is... around the main laboratory, the GS virus will be more active than farther away. In other words, the zombies may be more powerful."

"In addition, the system extends to another question. Have the zombies that have survived nuclear contamination and are not dead already, or are they undergoing mutations? This system cannot infer..."


Frowning, Han Feng pursed his lips and did not respond, but weighed the pros and cons in his mind...

"While you are wearing the anti-nuclear radiation suit, you cannot open the protective suit by yourself. If the protective suit leaks... the nuclear radiation will corrode your body and pose a great threat to your health."

"As mentioned above, if you fight zombies in a nuclear contaminated area... it is an extremely dangerous thing. Once the protective suit is damaged, the consequences will be disastrous. At the same time, while you are performing your mission in the nuclear radiation contaminated area, physiological activities such as eating, drinking, and excretion will be forced to be prohibited."

"So cruel..." Han Feng responded subconsciously when he heard that he was not allowed to eat or drink.

After Luna finished talking about all this, Han Feng asked, "Assuming everything goes well, how long will it take to complete this mission?"

"Based on the distance of the road and the driving time of the vehicle... you will be in the nuclear radiation covered area for nearly thirty-six hours."

"That is to say... you can't eat or drink for nearly a day and a half?"

"Yes, Captain Han."


Hearing that it took so long, Han Feng's face fell instantly...

I thought it was a task that was easy to accomplish, but I didn't expect there would be so many obstacles in the middle!

After a moment of silence, Han Feng ordered, "Luna, ask the combat laboratory to make a set of my weapons and equipment according to the highest standards. By the way... summon eleven more radiation engineers! This time, I have to run even if I don't want to!"

"Captain Han, have you decided to go in person?"

This time, after Han Feng finished speaking, Luna did not respond in the same way as before. Instead, she began to worry about Han Feng's safety...

"There is no way... If I don't solve the hidden task three, I will never get the time machine."

Although his tone seemed to be light, Han Feng had actually put all his efforts into it!

"Okay, Captain Han... Your supporting weapons and equipment are being made in the combat laboratory, please wait..."

"Eleven radiation engineers are also being summoned, please wait..."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng turned and walked out of the bedroom.

"Knock, knock..."

Arriving at the door of Lin Lan's house, Han Feng knocked gently.


After a while, the door opened, and seeing Han Feng, Lin Lan asked, "Did you remember anything again?"


Shaking his head, Han Feng continued, "I'm going out for two days."

"What for? Did you find the Holy Lord?"

At this moment, Lin Lan also began to have some obsession with the Holy Lord...

"No, no, other things will take me two days."

"Then... when are you leaving?"

Hearing that the time was still short, just two days, Lin Lan did not react much.

"I guess it will be a while, the sooner the better." After saying that, Han Feng suddenly smiled and said, "The sooner you go, the sooner you come back~ Isn't it?"

"Is it dangerous?"

Facing Han Feng's smile, Lin Lan suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart for some reason.

"It's not dangerous, I'm so strong, it's okay~"

Leaning against the door frame, Han Feng pretended to be relaxed.

But... no one knows that the road ahead is long, good or bad. Even Han Feng himself could not guarantee that he could return victorious...

"Report to Captain Han, your weapons and equipment have been manufactured. Eleven radiation engineers have also been summoned."

"In such a hurry, let's have dinner first."

Luna's voice in his mind and Lin Lan's questioning voice sounded at the same time.

"No, no, I ate so much at lunch, and now I'm not hungry at all."

As he spoke, Han Feng stepped back two steps and said, "Wait for me..."

After the sound fell, Han Feng turned around and walked downstairs.

"Hey! You..."

Looking at Han Feng's back, Lin Lan stretched out his hand to grab something...

Since there was no new order from Han Feng, the three armored personnel carriers were still downstairs at this moment. But inside the ship, there were no traces of the people at that time.

After getting into one of the troop transport ships, Han Feng saw several boxes of nutritional ointment stacked in the corners of the ship.

"This saves me trouble..."

After staring at the box of nutritional ointment, Han Feng continued, "Luna, ask one of the radiation engineers to take off the protective suit, and then ask the other ten radiation engineers to bring it on board. This time, let these ten Radiation Engineer, come with me."

"Okay, Team Korea."

After speaking, Luna paused and continued, "Team Han, would you like Tanya and Natasha to accompany you?"

"No, one less person means less danger. If something unexpected happens...at least I still have the power of mind to control it. I will take them both...and take care of their protective suits."

Without thinking too much, Han Feng refused directly.

"Okay Team Han, I understand."

After finishing speaking, the armored personnel carrier's springboard slowly lowered.

Accompanied by heavy footsteps, ten radiation engineers boarded the cabin one after another.

"Let's go, let's go back quickly."

When the springboard closed, Han Feng gave the order to set off.

During this "alone" action, Han Feng did not notify anyone except Lin Lan, nor did he say goodbye.

A lone armored personnel carrier floated slowly above the road under the reflection of the setting sun.

When the sky was occupied by darkness, Han Feng opened the shutter of the window. While sucking the nutritional ointment, I admired the moonlight...

At night, Han Feng took out the cotton lining from the spare protective suit and spread it on the relatively flat deck. Sleeping in clothes...

That night, Han Feng in the cabin felt like he was back when he was a child, lying in a cradle...

"Ring ring ring! Ring ring ring!"

The next morning, the alarm on Han Feng's cell phone rang loudly.

Turning off the alarm, Han Feng felt that the cabin was still shaking slightly... This meant that the troop transport was still moving forward and had not stopped.

"Luna, where are we? How far is it?"

I rub it because I didn’t sleep well.

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