Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 430: Secret Passage

"Luna, how far have we gone...how far do we have to go..."

Outside the boat, Han Feng looked at the desolate vegetation waiting to grow. Inside the boat, Han Feng, who was bored, asked questions for who knows how many times.

"Report to Team Han, we have traveled 423 kilometers. We are less than 300 kilometers away from our destination."


After a soft response, Han Feng continued to lean against the inner wall of the cabin, quietly waiting...

Around 9 o'clock in the evening...

"Report to Team Han, we are now the last 60 kilometers away from the destination main laboratory." After a pause, Luna continued, "If everything goes well, we will arrive in two and a half hours."

Hearing the report in his mind, Han Feng thought for a while and responded, "Luna, turn on the radar scan."

"Report to Team Han, turn on the radar scan with you as the center point..."

"Confirm, scan."

"Okay, Team Han, the radar is turning on, please wait..."

Two seconds later, Luna continued to report, "Report to Team Han, the radar scan is complete."

"Any findings? For example, supply boxes or something."

"Report to Team Han, there are a total of 3012 animals within ten kilometers around you. No supply boxes were found."


After hearing this, Han Feng "got it".

Now that he is on a mountain trail, it is not surprising to have some animals around.

As long as there is no supply box, it means that the surroundings are relatively safe. At least... there are no level 6 zombies.

"Always pay attention to the surroundings, it will be dark soon."

While in a good mood, Han Feng did not forget to remind him again.

"Okay, Captain Han."

After hearing this, Han Feng closed his eyes and waited for the battle that might appear in two hours...

To be honest, wearing a heavy protective suit, Han Feng didn't know how much strength he could exert. However, with the existence of telekinesis, even if he really encounters something, he will have the strength to fight. At least... escaping should not be a problem.

Two hours later...

"Report to Captain Han, now there are only ten kilometers left to the destination main laboratory, and it is expected to arrive within half an hour."


Listening to the report getting closer and closer, Han Feng took a deep breath... I don't know why, at this moment, there is always a strange feeling in my heart.

A few seconds later, Han Feng smiled and shook his head. I thought maybe it was because of my "reverence" for nuclear radiation that I felt this way...

Twenty minutes later...

"Luna, how far is it?"

"Report to Captain Han, we are less than two kilometers away from the main laboratory."

"Stop moving forward." After hearing this distance, Han Feng immediately decided to stop the advance of the armored personnel carrier.

Han Feng had his own ideas for doing this.

If zombies are found around the main laboratory, then fighting is inevitable.

No one knows whether the zombies that have "lived" in the nuclear radiation disaster area for half a year have evolved other unknown things.

If I really can't beat them, I will definitely run faster than the zombies. But if the troop carrier is parked next to the laboratory, the situation will be bad...

The troop carrier with a speed of less than 30 kilometers per hour in the mountains is not as fast as a bicycle on the road...

In order to be able to attack or defend, Han Feng temporarily "abandoned" the means of transportation. He decided to walk the rest of the way.

"Okay, Captain Han."

Accepting Han Feng's order, the armored troop carrier slowly stopped moving forward...


After stopping steadily, the troop carrier lowered the gangplank.


With dull steps, Han Feng stepped onto the nuclear radiation contaminated area that people kept away from.

Following Han Feng were ten radiation engineers.

Since Han Feng was wearing armor now, the Snow Drinking Mad Blade and the leather armor of the telekinetic weapon could not be worn on his body.

In order to solve the problem of transporting the weapons, Han Feng activated his telekinesis. Under the support of telekinesis, these weapons floated beside Han Feng.

Although the Mad Blade was extremely heavy, it was a little easier for Han Feng, who could "lift" a huge weight.

Since the God's Vision was activated, Han Feng had been using it to observe the surroundings and had never turned it off.

There was a God's Vision "exploring the way" in front, and there were radiation engineer teams on guard in the other three routes. Under this defensive formation, any abnormality in any direction could be discovered in time.

"Always be alert..."

As he got closer to the main laboratory, Han Feng's vigilance increased.

"Yes! Captain Han!"

In his mind, the muffled responses of ten radiation engineers came back.

"Luna, are you sure... the main laboratory is here?"

Looking at the destination in the distance, Han Feng did not see any traces of the remaining buildings.

"Report to Captain Han, according to the 3D modeling of the radar, the main part of the main laboratory is ten meters underground."

"Oh, I see."

After that, Han Feng quickened his pace.

A few minutes later, Han Feng stood on the land above the main laboratory.

"Stay alert."

Before his attention entered the system, Han Feng specifically reminded him again...

When he came to the radar in his mind, Han Feng saw that there was an extremely long "tunnel" in the sand table, leading directly underground.

And at the end of the tunnel... is a relatively large secret laboratory.

According to the subtle modeling of the radar, Han Feng found that the entrance and exit of this secret passage was just a few meters away from his feet.

Withdrawing his attention, Han Feng turned his eyes and looked at the entrance and exit at his feet.

Staring at the plain ground, Han Feng quickly discovered something was wrong...

Frowning, Han Feng found that the entrance was closed... From the outside world, it looked well disguised. Even if you walk on it, you won't notice the secret under your feet.

But... according to the original video, the mother escaped from this laboratory.

In a laboratory without a second entrance or exit, this passage is definitely the only way for her to pass.

So...here comes the problem!

Since the mother body came out from here, then... who covered this entrance and restored it to its original appearance? !

The mother body comes to the world with anger, and the special forces and scientific researchers here will definitely not leave any survivors. Even if there are a few who are "lucky", they cannot escape the erosion of the gs virus...

But...look at the surrounding environment. There are no traces of battle on the rock walls or trees.

"Ha~" After thinking about this, Han Feng suddenly laughed bitterly. I thought to myself that this happened half a year ago~ I still treated it as news and analyzed it for a long time...

Throwing away the distracting thoughts in his mind, Han Feng suddenly activated his thoughts and attempted to lift the "hidden cover" of the main laboratory!

At this moment, Han Feng was not afraid at all of the "monsters" in the laboratory. Even if it is true, more than half a year has passed, and even if the zombies are not dead, they will become "skin and bones"~ Then what strength will they have to fight?


The next second, Han Feng was stunned...his mind power couldn't lift the cover? !

Take a closer look...

It turns out that this underground gate is welded together with the entire tunnel...

In other words, if you want to use brute force to open it, you need to "uproot" the entire tunnel...

"Luna, decipher."

Staring at the row of buttons on the ground door, Han Feng ordered. Since destructive entry is impossible... let's follow the "regular procedures."

"Okay Team Korea, the combat laboratory is deciphering the code, please wait..." A few seconds later, Luna continued, "Report to Team Korea that the code has been deciphered and the underground door has been opened."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng took a few steps back, and then used his mind power instead of his hands to open...

It's not that Han Feng is afraid of a sudden attack inside... but that it's better to be cautious than anything else.


A few seconds later, the sealed door was opened...

Standing there, Han Feng stared at the hole tightly, motionless...

"Team Han? What are you waiting for?"

A minute passed. Luna, who had not seen Han Feng move, felt a little puzzled and asked in a low voice.

"Am I using my mind power to deliver oxygen down there? It's been sealed inside for more than half a year. Even if there are no toxins, the smell probably won't be good."

"Team Han..."

"What's wrong?"

Han Feng couldn't help but be confused when he heard Luna's long voice and hesitant tone.

"Team South Korea, the radiation protection suits of the radiation engineers... have their own oxygen production systems. Don't worry... outside air will never enter the protective suits..."


After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng was stunned...Have he been "playing" in this relationship for a long time? ! ! !

Curling his lips, Han Feng murmured in a low voice, "This is my first time wearing this thing. I didn't know... I'm just being cautious..."

As he spoke, Han Feng walked to the entrance of the cave and looked down...

"I should have brought a fluorescent stick..."

Looking at the extremely dark interior, Han Feng felt worried.

Even though I have God’s Vision, God’s Vision does not have night vision function!

"Report to the Korean team...the protective clothing of the radiation engineers has its own lighting function..."

Sensing Han Feng's distress, Luna added in a very appropriate manner...

"I told you earlier~" While responding to Luna, Han Feng stretched out his hands and kept groping on the protective clothing.

A few seconds later... "Where? Where is the light? Where is the switch?"


Suddenly, Han Feng heard the sound of a switch closing in his ears.

The next second, Luna said, "Report to the Korean team...the lighting system has been turned on for you..."

"Oh~ it turns out it's on the head...hehe..."

With an awkward smile, Han Feng stretched out his hand to adjust the "small flashlight" attached to his helmet.

With the addition of a bright flashlight, Han Feng looked down again...

At this moment, with the light of a flashlight, Han Feng saw the long and "bottomless" tunnel.

When there is no light, the ground is pitch black. With the light... it becomes even darker.


Looking at the tunnel under his feet, Han Feng felt a sense of fear in his heart.

Don't worry, it's not a sense of danger. But... Han Feng was a little scared.

The wilderness, the secret passages... it's a perfect sense of déjà vu in a horror movie! ! !

"Um...come here~"

Raising his head, Han Feng glanced around, and finally fixed his gaze on the radiation engineer closest to him...

"You go down to investigate first, I will follow you."

Pointing to the tunnel, Han Feng said...

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