Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 67: Occupation of the Prison (Part 1)

"The sentry guns are being built, please..."

"Whoosh...Boom! Boom! Boom!" In an instant, several huge explosions resounded throughout the prison! The explosion's fire illuminated every corner of the prison and interrupted the system's report to Han Feng.

"What! What is it?!" Standing up from the ground, Han Feng covered his ears with his hands and asked the system intermittently.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→🆃🆆🅺♦🅽.🅲♦🅼]

"Reporting to the commander, it's rg."

"r...rg? What is it?" Han Feng asked the system doubtfully, rubbing his ears and feeling much better.

"RG rocket launcher. The rocket launcher is a portable anti-tank weapon that launches rocket grenades. It mainly launches rocket armor-piercing grenades. It can also launch rocket grenades or other rocket grenades. It is used to attack tanks, armored vehicles, and infantry warfare at close range. Vehicles, armored personnel carriers, military equipment and destroyed fortifications. The effective attack range is 300 meters. The rocket armor-piercing projectile that was shot here just now..."

After hearing the system's answer, Han Feng shouted in his heart that it was bad!

"Vision connection!" Activating the radar's vision connection function, Han Feng saw that his Red Alert soldiers suffered heavy casualties... The armor-piercing bullets have a penetrating effect and can penetrate dozens of steel plates, let alone the walls of this building. Got it!

Blessings come in pairs, and misfortunes never come alone. Because of the explosion, Han Feng's arrangement was disrupted, and the opponent's vanguard troops had already rushed into the building.

"System! Sentry gun! Quick, has the sentry gun been built?!" Han Feng asked eagerly. Although his ears were buzzing at the moment, he could still vaguely hear the sound of gunfire from the outside world. What puzzled him was that the unique firing sound of the sentry gun had not been heard for a long time.

"The sentry gun has not been built yet because it was interrupted during the construction process."

"Can we build it now? Is there any impact from being interrupted?"

"No, Commander.

"Then build it quickly now! The entrance and exit of the building! Hurry!" After giving the order, Han Feng noticed a loophole in the system. I can’t say it’s a loophole, it’s probably a weakness. That is, you cannot be interrupted when you are summoning or requesting construction. If you are interrupted...

"The sentry guns have been constructed."

"The sentry guns are being activated..."

"Bang bang bang bang!!" After a few seconds of introduction, the Vulcan cannons mounted on the sentry guns fired at each other rapidly. The precise mini-shells penetrated each patrol team and finally exploded.

The patrols on the first floor who were charging upstairs were a little confused by the suddenly built sentry cannon, but the confusion only lasted for a few seconds before they were killed by the fierce firepower.

The sentry guns began to work, and the powerful firepower cut off enemy support from the outside. What Han Feng now faces is the patrol team that has rushed into the building and the rockets that don't know when they will attack again.

Sure enough, more than ten seconds after the last wave of rocket attacks, there was another "swish" sound in the air...

"Damn! Everyone! Avoid! Find cover, hurry!" Han Feng knew that the rockets were coming, and he hurriedly told everyone in his mind to avoid them.

"Boom! Boom!" As soon as Han Feng finished speaking, explosions suddenly broke out.

"System, modify the settings of the sentry gun! Prioritize attacking the rocket launcher!" The disgraced Han Feng had no time to clean up the dust on his body and urgently issued orders in his mind.

"The sentry gun settings are being modified, please wait..."

"The sentry gun settings have been modified. Now priority is given to killing the rocket launcher."

After hearing the system's reply, Han Feng breathed a sigh of relief. But the shock in my heart was not reduced by half.

The opponent not only has assault rifles and grenades, but also powerful weapons like rocket launchers!

It shouldn’t be! It shouldn’t be!

It can be explained that there are assault rifles in the prison, and it can be explained that there are grenades in the prison, but... there are rocket launchers in the prison? ! ! This is impossible to exist no matter what!

Why! Why? ! Could it be...could it be said...that there is also an equipment warehouse here? !

For Han Feng, the equipment library is not unfamiliar. As early as a few days after the zombie outbreak, the police station's equipment library refreshed his knowledge.

An ordinary police station actually has a large number of military assault rifles and grenades. This is obviously unreasonable...

Thinking of this, Han Feng's heart instantly fell to the bottom.

If there really is an equipment warehouse here, then...will there be C-4 bombs? !

In terms of power, C-4 bombs are much higher than high-explosive grenades.

And not only the C-4 that may appear...will sniper rifles be among them? !

Thinking of such a powerful long-range weapon, Han Feng felt like a light on his back.

"Report to commander, the enemy has invaded the second floor."

! ! !

"So fast?" Han Feng exclaimed.

It was only a few minutes before the charge, and the opponent had already reached the second floor.

Listening to the bursts of gunfire coming from downstairs, Han Feng quickly asked Xiang Luna, "How many people are there on the second floor? How many people do we have?!"

"Reporting to the commander, there are only three American soldiers left on the second floor. As of now, we only have 19 combatants left."

"Be more specific!"

"There are seven American soldiers and 12 conscripts. Soldiers who are incapacitated are not included in the calculation."

After listening to Luna's report, Han Feng fell silent...

From the beginning to now, he has summoned nearly 50 Red Alert soldiers, and now... there are only 19 left!

"Such a high casualty rate..." After whispering, Han Feng blamed himself.

I thought that the mob would not bring too much trouble to me, but I didn't expect that the other side had such powerful weapons and equipment.

Such miscalculation did bring considerable losses to our side...

"How many enemies entered the building?"

"Report to the commander, 36 people."

"I can't stand it anymore, prepare high-explosive grenades! Pay attention to avoid... Try to survive."

Through the conversation with Luna, Han Feng knew that the three American soldiers on the second floor could not withstand so many patrol members. He had no choice but to remotely order the three people to make the final "suicide" attack through the radar.

"Boom! Boom!" Three huge explosions sounded on the second floor, and the whole building trembled. The huge shock waves overlapped and reinforced each other. It actually shattered most of the ceiling on the second floor!

Looking at the huge hole on the ground in front of him, Han Feng hurriedly asked Luna, "Is it solved? Did they survive?"

"Sorry, commander, they died together with the enemy..." Luna reported the result of the attack just now with regret and apology.

"Don't blame you... There's nothing we can do about it." Han Feng comforted Luna, but his hands had already clenched into fists. Hearing the "bang bang" sound of the sentry gun downstairs, Han Feng said, "The rest of you, do a good job of defense and try to stay away from the window."

Han Feng didn't know whether the other party had long-range weapons such as snipers, but it was always a good thing to be careful.

One man guards the pass, ten thousand men can't open it! Downstairs, a sentry gun guarded the entrance and exit of the building, preventing the other party from entering.

The fierce artillery fire lasted for a minute, and each firing would take away a life of the enemy. Han Feng's "small treasury" continued to grow at a rate of 20 or more per second.

Suddenly, the sound of firing downstairs became intermittent.

"What's the situation?" Hiding behind the bunker in the corridor, Han Feng asked in confusion. According to the time calculation, the bullets of the sentry gun were far from being fired, so why was the firing not as fast as before?

"Report to the commander, most of the other side has evacuated the attack range of the sentry gun." After listening to Luna's explanation, Han Feng understood. It seems that the enemy's charge plan has failed and they are now retreating.

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