Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 68: Occupation of the Prison

After a cigarette, the twenty Red Alert soldiers summoned were all assembled. ♡♢  ♦♦

Throwing down the cigarette butt, Han Feng stood up against the wall.


"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

A terrifying sound of breaking wind sounded, and Han Feng exploded instantly when he heard this sound! Hearing the sound and locating the position, the sound came from behind the building.

"Everyone lie down! Find a shelter to evade! Quick!"

"Boom! Boom!"

As soon as Han Feng finished speaking, two explosions sounded behind the building.

"Luna! Report the number of casualties!" Han Feng shouted while lying on the ground before the aftershocks passed.

"Report to the commander, the death toll is 0, the number of injured is 7, and the number of seriously injured is 1." Listening to Luna's report, Han Feng shook off the dust on his body.

"Quick! Break through!" Han Feng contacted everyone in his mind while standing up.

"Each American soldier leads three mobilized soldiers, and the remaining personnel form a team of three! Break through in a scattered manner!" Orders were issued one after another urgently.

Han Feng knew that if the other party could not see his counterattack, the attack would intensify!

Before the next wave of attacks arrives, break out quickly. The right way is to fight the enemy face to face and close to make their long-range weapons ineffective.

In a few seconds, Han Feng brought all his troops to the first floor.

Relying on the cover of the sentry gun, small teams quickly rushed out of the building, and then each team looked for cover to hide.


"Boom! Boom!"

Behind the building that the sentry gun could not defend, three rockets exploded again.

"Hey... Hehe. Damn, it's a good thing I ran fast!" Looking at the dilapidated building in front of him, Han Feng let out a snicker.

"Luna, look for Brother Wei." Shoot the horse first, and capture the king first! The first thing to do after coming out of the building is, of course, to kill the enemy leader Brother Wei first!

"According to the radar, Brother Wei is 457 meters ahead of you." Luna reported the accurate data to Han Feng.

"Good job, send Brother Wei's coordinates to every Red Alert soldier." In order to fight more efficiently, Han Feng notified everyone of the coordinates of the opponent's leader.

"Everyone, attack!" The enemy did not organize an attack, and no rockets were launched. Now is the best time to advance!

"Thump, thump, thump" The sound of Red Alert soldiers running came from all around, and the frontal battle... was about to start!

"Da da! Da da da!"

The distance of 300 meters was advanced to 200 meters in a blink of an eye. At this distance, the 60 machine guns of the American soldiers could barely reach the enemy.

"Leave five teams to cover! The rest of the people advance quickly!" As Han Feng spoke, the Red Alert soldiers advanced more than 30 meters again. Fifteen soldiers were left to cover, and the rest ran quickly towards the enemy, striving for a quick victory.

"System, recycle the sentry gun!" Han Feng, who stayed behind, issued a recycle order to the system.

At this distance, the sentry gun no longer has much firepower cover. Instead of leaving it as a decoration, it is better to recycle it to increase gold coins.

"Retrieving the sentry gun will earn you 2,500 gold coins, please confirm."


Sensing the increase in gold coins, Han Feng knew that he had no way to retreat. Let's fight to the death!

At this time, the Red Alert soldiers' strong mobility was demonstrated. Small teams dispersed and advanced alternately, making it difficult for the opponent to grasp the key points and could only watch the opponent attack.

"Da Da! Da!"

When the distance was shortened, the patrol team finally started to fight back.

"Grenade! Clean it up for me first!" In the back, Han Feng commanded the battle through remote orders.

After receiving the order, the mobilized soldiers on the front line took out grenades, pulled open their bracelets and threw them at the enemy positions.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

More than a dozen grenades exploded almost at the same time. Although they did not kill a large number of enemies, the "carpet-style" bombing caused the enemy to fall into a short blank.

"Good time! Break through the front! Quick!" In the back, Han Feng felt that the time had come, so he organized the Red Alert soldiers to break through and advance.

"Da Da! Da Da Da!" The sound of firing was even more intense than before.

Through the visual connection, Han Feng learned that the front line had been basically stabilized. Exiting the visual connection, Han Feng looked at the soldiers around him and said, "It's our turn, go!"

Holding the assault rifle, Han Feng rushed all the way.

"How far is Brother Wei?" On the way, Han Feng asked Luna again.

"Report to the commander, Brother Wei is still 261 meters away from you. But..."

"Hmm? But what?" Hearing Luna's hesitation in the second half of the sentence, Han Feng couldn't help but pause his rush.

"But Brother Wei has not changed his position since he evacuated, and he has been in the same place for several minutes. I'm afraid that the other party has some conspiracy." After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng frowned and thought.

It shouldn't be... His side has already used the "trump card" - the sentry gun. Although there was no substantial damage to Brother Wei, the other party was "standing still" waiting for him to come, and there might be an ambush.

"All personnel, disperse further, pay attention to safety!" Han Feng could not figure out Brother Wei's thoughts, so he could only ask the Red Alert soldiers to disperse further. Before he arrived, he had to deal with all the enemy's tricks in a way that remained unchanged.

"Luna, start monitoring Brother Wei's coordinates at any time now, and tell me immediately if there is any change!"

"Got it!"

After giving the instructions, Han Feng took another step and ran towards the front line.

All the way, Han Feng ran in fear. He was afraid of the enemy's rocket attack, and even more afraid of the snipers who could shoot from all around and snatch bullets at any time.

After running for more than ten seconds, Han Feng finally joined the Red Alert soldiers on the front line. Behind him, the Red Alert soldiers who came with Han Feng immediately joined the battle.

"Luna, is Brother Wei still not moving?" Han Feng asked with a hint of doubt.

"Yes, Brother Wei is still in the same place, and he is now 92 meters away from you. Commander, please be careful, you are now within the effective shooting range of the opponent's assault rifle." Luna said a series of reports, waiting for Han Feng's next instructions.

"Give me the high-explosive grenade." Han Feng said to an American soldier beside him, regardless of whether he was in danger or not. He seemed a little impatient to kill Brother Wei.

Taking the high-explosive grenade, Han Feng weighed it in his hand.

The distance a normal person throws a high-explosive grenade is about 30 to 50 meters, and the killing range of a high-explosive grenade is about 30 meters... This also means that if Han Feng throws a high-explosive grenade normally, he cannot effectively attack Brother Wei.

"No choice... Come on! Han Feng!" Gritting his teeth, Han Feng shouted his own name to cheer himself up.

"Uh!!! Ah!" Pulling the ring of the high-explosive grenade in his hand, Han Feng threw it in the direction of Brother Wei with all his strength!

His mind was tightly locked on the high-explosive grenade that had just been released, and he recalled the feeling when he threw it 300 meters away...

"Swoosh..." It could be luck, or it could be inevitable. The high-explosive grenade that had just flown out of Han Feng's hand flashed a light blue fluorescent light on the shell again... But the brightness was far less than the first time.

With a slight sound of breaking wind, the high-explosive grenade flew towards Brother Wei at a posture and speed beyond physical common sense. This time, Han Feng did not ask Luna, but watched the radar display screen himself.

Every second at this time seemed to be stretched, and every breath became heavy...

Closer! Closer!! Sensing the flying speed of the high-explosive grenade and the motionless Brother Wei, Han Feng widened his eyes in excitement. It seemed that as long as the high-explosive grenade went off, he would win.


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