Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 79: Zombies, Evolution

"How is the situation? There are no casualties, right?" Han Feng asked.

"The situation is good and the ammunition is sufficient. There are no casualties for the time being. Please rest assured, the Korean team."

After hearing Wayne's answer, Han Feng felt a little surprised in his heart. Because Wayne's speech and behavior are different from before. To be precise, he is more like a normal human being.

"That's good, you continue to fight. If you lose, don't hold on and retreat in time." After giving instructions, Han Feng withdrew from Wayne's vision connection and connected to several other teams. After checking each battlefield, Han Feng completely exited the vision connection.

When I entered the system, I found that the number of gold coins had reached 7974, almost 8000! Moreover, the gold coins are still increasing one by one, and sometimes they are still beating 10 by 10. I think the red alert soldiers must have killed the second-level zombies.

When he thought of the second-level zombies, Han Feng's heart sank...because there was also a third-level zombie outside. ✪

Looking at the increase in gold coins, Han Feng felt a sense of uneasy fear...

Because the increase in the number of gold coins exceeded his previous expectations. Earning gold coins is of course a good thing, but... too fast speed also shows that there may be problems.

From the time nine teams were dispatched to now, it has only been an hour. The number of gold coins has increased by more than 1,000. Calculated based on one gold coin per level 1 zombie, wouldn’t it mean that more than 1,000 zombies were killed in one hour? ! ! ! How is that possible? !

Nine teams, each team killed an average of more than 100 zombies? No matter what Han Feng thought about, something was wrong. He was making money at an alarmingly fast rate. At this rate, there will be 10,000 gold coins in two hours?

Shaking his head, Han Feng set his mind to find out what the problem was.

You know, the location of this prison is not in a densely populated area like the city center. Instead, it is established in a remote place, which means that the number of zombies should not be so large...

Could it be... that the number of second-level zombies has increased? !

Thinking of this possibility, the hairs on Han Feng's body stood up instantly! Then his attention immediately entered the system and stared closely at the increase in gold coins.

"One...five...one...one...one...five...one..." Within a few minutes, Han Feng's silent words became quieter and quieter, but his heart became colder and colder...

Zombies... have evolved on a large scale? ! ! ! Han Feng was shocked by this idea!

That’s right! In fact, Han Feng didn't see that many zombies through the vision connection just now. And since there is not much difference in appearance between first-level zombies and second-level zombies, he did not observe this.

Now that he noticed this, Han Feng was a little panicked...

If the first-level zombies are evolving into second-level zombies in large numbers... Although this does not pose any threat to Han Feng for the time being, what if the second-level zombies evolve again? !

Thinking of this possibility, Han Feng shuddered...thinking about the terrifying speed, amazing reflexes and tenacious vitality of the third-level zombies...

A breeze blew by, and Han Feng shivered. It wasn't that the wind was so cold, but that he was in an extremely frightening state inside.

Closing his eyes, Han Feng began to think deeply... Why do zombies evolve? Is it because of time? Will all zombies evolve once time is up? Impossible... From this point of view, can so many zombies eventually evolve into level three zombies? ! !

This is too ridiculous! What the heck are humans still resisting? Just wash your neck and wait for it to be eaten.

After rejecting the first hypothesis in his mind, Han Feng continued to guess.

Han Feng, who was deep in thought, glanced at the mobilization soldiers not far away, and another suspicion suddenly appeared in his mind.

Since it is not related to time, then... could the evolution of zombies be due to the upgrade reaction after killing humans? ! Just like the rising star of your own Red Alert soldier. Based on this assumption, Han Feng continued to ponder.

After thinking about it for a while, I still think it’s unlikely… for three reasons.

The Red Alert soldiers summoned by the First One are managed by the Red Alert system, and he is only the highest-level commander of the system. Any combat unit has its own unique and strict upgrade method, so who can manage the zombies?

The second zombies are just creatures without intelligence. Even if the third-level zombies can command the lower-level zombies, it may only be a level suppression between them. It cannot be counted as cooperation, nor can it be counted as combat. Can such a group of "brainless" monsters level up by killing people? ! How about playing? ! ! !

The infection of the third zombie is through wounds, so there is no reason for it to escalate. Bacteria or viruses, do they know how many people they have infected? Besides, there is no energy supply for the host to upgrade... Shaking his head, Han Feng rejected the hypothesis just now...

Frowning tightly, Han Feng muttered, "Why on earth...why...why did such a large-scale evolution occur..."

"The evolution of zombies has nothing to do with time...and it has nothing to do with killing...could it be..." After muttering here, Han Feng seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes widened! All the muscles in the body tensed up instantly!

"I know!" With a trembling voice of fear, Han Feng understood.

Just now Han Feng had been struggling with why zombies evolved, and he had completely entered a misunderstanding and a dead end. Now looking beyond this misunderstanding, Han Feng suddenly figured it out.

Since zombies are transmitted to the next human being through bacteria or viruses, then can we think that... zombies have not evolved, but only bacteria have evolved! Or viruses!!!

Having come up with a new point of view, Han Feng began to ponder again. The cigarette in his hand also lit up...

After thinking for a few minutes, Han Feng still had a few questions that he couldn't figure out. The most critical point is how did the first batch of humans become infected and become zombies? !

Never mind bacteria or viruses. There must be a transmission route, right? ! Now there are so many ordinary people around Han Feng, there are hundreds of people in this prison alone, and I haven't heard of anyone suddenly mutating into a zombie without any signs?

Those who can mutate into zombies must have mutated after being bitten, so what happened to the first batch of people?

And the number of humans infected in the first batch was so large that the entire city turned into a "hell on earth" in just a few hours! Now the communication is interrupted, the signal is interrupted, and all channels for obtaining external information are interrupted. Han Feng can only judge by the delay in rescue. Zombies of this scale have also appeared in other provinces and cities.

Thinking of this, Han Feng was even more confused. What kind of power or ability can cause zombies to break out at least nationwide at the same time? !

In the past few days, Han Feng had been avoiding danger all the time and had no time to think about these questions. Now he is in a temporarily "absolutely safe" area, with plenty of time to think about problems that he had not thought of or ignored before.

As the cigarettes burned out, Han Feng's doubts became more and more serious...

Before he figured out the previous question, Han Feng remembered a weird thing before.

When he summoned American soldier Wayne, the villa was being attacked by more than 50 zombies. When he met Lin Lan at the police station, there were countless zombies attacking downstairs of the police station. Later, hundreds of thousands of zombies attacked the villa, causing Han Feng to have to "move"...

Let's put aside the third time because it was due to the guidance of the third-level zombies. So what happened to the first two attacks?

Zombies don't know pain, they don't know tiredness. They only know to bite living people constantly, how do they know, and come in teams?

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