Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 80: Those who planted trees before us, Han Feng enjoys the shade

Hearing what he said, Han Feng remembered that he and Lin Lan had gone to the Ministry of Armed Forces before and saw a document that made people feel desperate... After thinking about it, Han Feng said, "Who knows... By the way, you are not Prisoners? Do you want them to come over and continue to detain you?”

Hearing what Han Feng said jokingly, Guo Yongxing suddenly smiled and said, "Of course~ Of course I hope they come back. Then the world will be peaceful... at least... at least no one will die... and no one will be harmed." Bullying..." After Guo Yongxing finished speaking, the two stopped talking.

There was a fishy smell in the warm summer wind, the smell of putrid blood. What was originally a peaceful afternoon was ruined by this sudden disaster.

Closing his eyes, Han Feng felt the faint smell of tobacco and sourness in the air, and felt... sadness in his heart.

"I'm a little tired, so I'll go back and rest first. You can call me when she's done with the interrogation or if you have anything else." After saying that, Han Feng turned around and walked away.

Behind him, Guo Yongxing's voice came: "Where are you going?"

Han Feng didn't look back, just waved his hand.

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After leaving the building, Han Feng felt the sunshine, as if the injuries on his body no longer hurt so much.

"Luna, have the people in the square dispersed?" From the moment she woke up, Luna told herself that there were hundreds of survivors gathered in the square, but she didn't have time to deal with it. Several hours have passed now, and Han Feng suddenly remembered this and asked.

"Report to the Korean team that they have dispersed. Without your deployment, the Red Alert soldiers who were previously responsible for maintaining the square and the remaining lightly injured Red Alert soldiers are now assigned by the system to patrol, protect and other tasks. β™šβ™žβ€ƒβ€ƒβ™¦β™¦ "

After listening to Luna's reply, Han Feng immediately shouted that he made a mistake. I had just acquired the strong "fortress" of the prison, but I didn't even have anyone assigned to patrol or guard? !

"How are you now? How is the operation of the prison? Are there enough red police soldiers?" Han Feng couldn't help but asked nervously when he thought of the seriousness of the problem.

"Don't worry, Team Korea. Everything in the prison is in good condition now and is running stably. As for manpower...it's a little tight. There is only one police dog and twelve slightly injured red police soldiers maintaining the prison in Nuoda..." said By the end, Luna sounded a little embarrassed. It sounds like Guan Han Feng wants someone to come...

With a bitter look on his face, Han Feng's attention came to the system.

The current number of gold coins is 8235... less than 300 more than an hour ago.

Looking at the gold coins that continued to increase steadily, Han Feng thought for a while and said, "Summon 7 conscripts... Let them patrol and guard more, and let the injured conscripts come back to rest more."

After a pause, Han Feng suddenly thought of something, and then asked Xiang Luna, "By the way! I almost forgot! What should I do if they are injured? There is no military doctor option in the summon list, so who will treat them if they are injured?"

This issue is critical. Injured red alert soldiers will affect a series of problems such as forward speed and combat capabilities. If no one treats them...

Listening to Han Feng's urgent words, Luna couldn't help but say in amusement, "Don't worry, Captain Han! They have finished bandaging. And their recovery speed will be faster than ordinary people. As long as there are no fatal injuries, they will slowly get better."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng was stunned... and then asked excitedly, "Is the bandage finished?! Who bandaged them?!"


"Should I?! They can heal themselves?! And where do their medicines come from?!"

"Any Red Police soldier will do basic battlefield bandaging, so that they can better serve the commander. As for the medicines you mentioned, there are medicines in the trophies collected from Viagra..."

After a few brief conversations with Luna, Han Feng became even more confused... thinking about what happened during the few hours he was unconscious? ! ! !

"Weige's trophy? Why didn't I know?" Han Feng asked in confusion after reacting.

"You were still in a coma at that time... When you woke up, you were busy, and I didn't have the chance to tell you. But don't worry, there are red alert soldiers on duty in the loot area."

After listening to Luna's explanation, Han Feng asked again, "Where are the trophies? What are they?"

"The area where the trophies are stored is 374 meters away from you. The specific coordinates have been displayed on the radar. Among the trophies are medicine, food, fresh water, clothing, daily necessities, etc. It is worth mentioning that a large amount of gasoline and diesel were found not far from the trophy area. Waiting for resources.”

Listening to Luna reporting the "list" of loot, Han Feng gradually opened his mouth. At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind... Damn it! Sent! ! Sent! !

Han Feng couldn't wait and quickly turned his attention to the system. After looking at the radar display, he was in trouble...

What to do if you don’t have a car? Although the Hummer was parked not far from him, but he was bandaged like a "mummy"... it was a bit difficult to drive.

After thinking about it, Han Feng turned around and shouted to Lou behind him, "Brother Yulang! Brother Yulang!"

A few seconds later, Guo Yongxing, smoking a cigarette, stuck his head out of the window and asked, "Didn't you go to rest? Why are you still here?"

Han Feng ignored his question and said directly, "Uh... don't ask, just get in the car and take me somewhere."

Half a minute later...

With the roar of the Hummer, Han Feng got his wish and sat in the passenger seat.

"Where are we going? They are still asking questions." As he spoke, Guo Yongxing pointed to the building, indicating that Lin Lan was still being interrogated inside.

"Let her interrogate first, it's okay. By the way, do you know where the things Brother Wei collected before are?" Han Feng asked.

Hearing Han Feng's question, Guo Yongxing was stunned for a moment, and then said, "I know, shall we go there now?"

"Yes, let's go and take a look now."

"Okay~" After saying that, Guo Yongxing stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the place marked by the radar.

A few minutes later, with the sound of the Hummer braking, Han Feng and his team arrived.

As soon as he got off the car, Han Feng saw a place similar to a warehouse. In front of the warehouse with the door closed, several mobilized soldiers were guarding here.

"This is their garage. There used to be commuter cars, explosion-proof cars, etc. in it. By the way, there are also several scrapped police cars."

Before Han Feng asked, Guo Yongxing first explained the purpose of this place.

After listening to Guo Yongxing's speech, Han Feng looked back at these "warehouses". Don't mention it, it really is a garage... because he saw numbers like one, two, and three on the door.

Looking at the door beam in front of him that was as high as the second floor, Han Feng asked in surprise, "Oh my God... there is such a big garage?"

"Commuter cars are several times larger than buses, and ordinary garages can't fit them at all. Explosion-proof cars are much wider than ordinary cars, so it's not surprising to build such a garage. There are a lot of good things in it, let's go in and take a look?"

Listening to Guo Yongxing's explanation beside him, Han Feng raised his legs and walked towards the garage. When he got closer, several mobilized soldiers came forward and opened the door together.

"Wow!!!!" Two seconds after opening the door... Han Feng shouted with surprise.

Seeing Han Feng's obsessed look, Guo Yongxing smiled and said, "Hehe, there are a lot of good things~"

Han Feng didn't care about Guo Yongxing at all, and raised his legs and walked quickly into the garage. The speed of running was so fast that Guo Yongxing thought that Han Feng's injuries had healed...

At this time, Han Feng was overwhelmed by the huge joy, looking at the large amount of supplies in front of him, smiling foolishly.

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