Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1001: Explosion in the River

The Numu people searched for the assassin for a long time, but they didn't find the assassin and no Numu people were killed. They could only conclude that the mysterious and strange assassin had temporarily left. After confirming that it was safe, many Numu people waved their machetes to clear the weeds and sorted out an uneven path in the forest, winding straight to the river bank. It was impossible to knock down the big tree. Chopping the big tree with a bone knife was no different from asking for trouble. After judging the position of the trees in the forest, the magic cube found three possible places to cross the river.

Behind a group of Numu people who were leveling the path, several large wooden machines were creaking and moving slowly. The magic cube speculated that this thing was just a simple thing thrown into the river as a bridge. They were not as advanced as the Earth's pontoon bridge troops.

The magic cube pointed back, meaning to go back now, and Nisha nodded.

Two figures rushed to the river quickly in the tree canopy, one after the other. The magic cube confirmed the possible crossing location again and pointed the location to Nisha, which played a big role in blocking the Numu people.

Arriving at the river, Nisha swung on the tree and then crossed the river quickly with the help of the vines left before, while the Cube jumped into the river with a splash and hid on the shore where the water flow was relatively slow, sinking silently into the river...

The river water was clear, and he hid his body with the help of the weeds on the shore and waited quietly...

Two hours later.

There was a rustling sound of weeds being cleared on the shore, and it really appeared in one of the most likely locations predicted by the Cube. Many of the cleared weeds were thrown into the rushing river from the top of the Cube's head and washed away. The Na'vi on the other side were hiding without any flaws. In order to make it realistic, they specially summoned several birds that had a good relationship with the Na'vi to sing. The Numu people, who were not hunters, did not see anything wrong at all, and they were not worried about an ambush because it was a sudden action.

There were more and more Numu people on the riverside, and the creaking sound of rough wooden wheels turning came from a distance. They turned stiffly without grease, and there was no fire because the wood was wet.

The so-called river crossing equipment is actually a long square wooden frame made of huge wood. The huge gap will not produce too much resistance. The Numu people can easily climb across the river on the frame. It is simple, primitive and convenient. Perhaps those Na'vi people will be very sad to see the trees being cut down. The Na'vi people only collect dead trees for barbecue and will never cut down living trees.

The huge equipment was transported to the riverside, and the Numu people pushed hard together...

Boom! The huge equipment fell into the turbulent river and splashed water. Several huge wooden frames fell together. The wet wood was very heavy. It fell into the river and stuck to the underwater boulders and stopped in the river. However, there was still a little distance from the other side. Many Numu people carried smaller wooden frames and slowly walked to the other side and threw them down. After a busy time, they actually built a simple ferry.

Underwater, the Rubik's Cube hid in the deep water of the river and grabbed the wooden frame and climbed to the middle of the river little by little. The computer scanned the messy frame and found two weak points in the joints. It took out explosives and fixed them at the weak points and installed the detonation device. At this time, a series of black shadows were crossing the river quickly above the head.

The magic cube is calculating the number of Numu people crossing the river and waiting to detonate the bomb to blow up the wooden frame.

It is not cost-effective for the Na'vi to have too few Numu people, and it is too tiring to fight with too many Numu people, so it is the most appropriate to have the right number of Numu people under the water...

Many Numu people on the wooden frame are running to the other side flexibly. As they are running, one of them suddenly slips and falls into the water. Fortunately, he holds on to the wooden frame tightly when he falls into the water and is not washed away by the rushing river. Suddenly, the Numu person whose head is exposed to the river seems to remember that he saw a pair of red eyes in the water just now, and looks into the depths of the river again out of curiosity...

Suddenly! A huge force came from the water, pulling the Numu person into the water. This time, the Numu warrior finally saw what was under the water! A red-eyed monster!

"Hulu... Wuwu... Save me..."

The Numu warrior, who had only one hand left holding the wooden frame, kept sinking his head into the water and then emerging again. His mouth, which was constantly filled with water, shouted with great effort. No Numu warrior was willing to come and help the drowning man. As the saying goes, if you don't have good swimming skills, try not to save people who fall into the water. It makes sense. Under the desire to survive and madness, the drowning person will do many crazy things and even pull the rescuer into the water!

On the shore, the leader of the Numu tribe was stunned when he saw his men struggling in the water.

"What happened to that guy?"

"Go back and take him. He seems to have fallen into the water. The water here is too fast and there is a waterfall nearby. The wooden frame is unstable. No one dares to save him."

As soon as the voice fell, several Numu leaders on the shore saw that the subordinate could not hold the wooden frame and sank to the bottom of the water...

"Woo woo woo... woo woo..."

In addition to the low sound, shouting underwater will also produce a series of bubbles. The unfamiliarity with water has accelerated the speed of drowning of the Numu warrior. Mofang grabbed his ankle and dragged him to the bottom of the river, stuck him in the gap between the wooden frame and the riverbed, and trapped him with steel wire, then crawled to the other side without looking back, leaving the Numu warrior struggling in place with smaller and smaller movements...

Mofang had just secretly climbed ashore from the bushes on the shore when he heard the strange cries of the Na'vi people, and feather arrows fell like rain!

"It's time to detonate, bloom, beautiful flowers~!"

Boom! Boom! !

The high explosives created splashes of water all over the sky, and the blown-up river water was mixed with countless pieces of wooden frames. The explosion of the two bombs not only stunned the Numu people who discovered the ambush, but also stunned the Na'vi people, and even caused the birds and beasts in the forest to scream. Perhaps this was the first time that gunpowder appeared on the Na'vi planet!

Click... click...! The heavy wooden frame originally used as a bridge could not withstand the impact of the river water and broke. The Numu warriors who had not yet crossed the river fell into the water with the wooden frame and were quickly rushed towards the waterfall. The Numu army was swept away. Cut into two halves, one half was left on the shore, and the other half was left in the Na'vi ambush circle.

The leader of the Numu tribe screamed angrily. The Numu people who had crossed the river were being besieged by several times of the Na'vi people. The sneak attack failed and half of the army suffered heavy losses.

Nisha flexibly jumped down from the tree to the grass where the Rubik's Cube was hiding, and used the sharp bone knives at both ends of the longbow to kill a Numu warrior!

"What did you just do?"

"Just now? We just had a friendly discussion and exchange with the Numu people."

After saying that, the left mechanical arm popped out the shield and the right hand pulled out the Tang Dao and Nisha began to kill the Numu warriors together. The main reason was that the Rubik's Cube blocked the Numu warriors in close combat. Nisha used her bow and arrow to kill them one after another. , melee and long-range cooperation, the Rubik's Cube shield was used to chop with Tang Dao, and the front stab blocked all attacks!

Bang! The shield hit a Numu warrior in the face, knocking him down, and then the shield suddenly fell down and chopped off his head!

When the Rubik's Cube bent down and smashed the enemy to death, suddenly a feather arrow flew past the Numu warrior who was charging towards him...

"Hey! You're shooting an arrow at my head!"

Rubik's Cube slashed the neck of another Numu who was charging over and shouted, the arrow just now almost scratched off the spray paint!

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