Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1002: The battle is over

"Don't worry! I'm very good at archery! Besides, you have such a strong head, what are you afraid of! What's so scary about falling from a waterfall and falling on a rock for a few days to recover!"

Rubik's Cube was speechless. The mechanical foot suddenly kicked the chest of the Numu soldier in front of him, and kicked him away with a burst of bones. He turned around and approached the tribe's team with Nisha. It's not that Rubik's Cube didn't want to use the gun, the bullet penetration was too strong. Besides, the scene is all messy and close combat. If you can't use a gun to deal with it, you can still hurt the Na'vi people. After thinking about it, you can only use a knife to solve it.

The Rubik's Cube holding the shield is too conspicuous, and its powerful combat power quickly attracts the attention of other Numu warriors!

Rubik's Cube, who was fighting fiercely, suddenly saw a group of enemies rushing towards him. He had just knocked one over and found that his shield was being held tightly by two Numu warriors. Tang Dao had to deal with the attack of another bone knife. If it were a human, it would be really difficult. Throw away the shield...

Uh-huh! The Numu warrior, who was desperately holding on to his shield, suddenly found that his shield was gone...

Bang bang, punch the two enemies in the face twice in quick succession! The mechanical fist smashed the noses of the two Numu warriors, and the shields they had just retracted bounced back to resist the attack! He knocked away the Numu warrior who was rushing towards him and Tang Dao killed the other one at the same time. Rubik's Cube wondered why Nisha didn't help him. When he looked back, Nissa had no arrows.

One arrow meant one enemy. Rubik's Cube remembered that Nisha had specially brought thirty arrows, which meant that Nisha had killed thirty enemies in just a short period of time.

"Follow me! We're close to the tribe!"

Rubik's Cube and Nisha quickly approached the tribal warriors led by Gaya, and together with the other Na'vi people attacked the surrounded Numu people. Arrows flew and spears and bone knives jingled. Rubik's Cube and Nisha slowly retreated to the rear. Nisha Sha is an archer and stays behind because of the powerful Rubik's Cube. But he doesn't want to continue to work hard and just goes to the back and shoots with his gun.

The Numu people gathered at the riverside and fired without any accidental damage. Under the fierce attack, more and more Numu people chose to jump into the fast water in the hope of swimming back to the other side. Unfortunately, the water quality was not good and they were swept away by the current.

boom! Kill a Numu warrior with one shot.

"How many enemies have you killed? I killed fifty-three." Rubik's Cube said while taking aim.

"I killed fifty-one."

"Very good, the important task of revitalizing the Na'vi people will be left to you. You will definitely become a generation of genius and benefit the forest."

"It would be great if your metal mouth didn't talk nonsense every day! It's hard to imagine that a warrior with such a high combat effectiveness would talk nonsense!" Nissa said with disdain.

The Rubik's Cube doesn't care, just be happy and optimistic.

The battle line continued to advance, and the Numu people were hit by a dense and precise rain of arrows. They could hit the opponent without even aiming at the densely packed Numu people. The sound of falling into the water was endless. Some jumped into the river by themselves, and more Numu people jumped into the river. People are pushed into the river by their own people who are constantly retreating. Maybe the carnivorous aquatic creatures downstream will live a happy life.

The Rubik's Cube fired continuously and emptied all the bullets in the magazine. Nisha also stopped firing arrows. The soldiers in front were killing the Numu people and chasing them into the river...

The Na'vi people won. They stood by the river and screamed strangely at the Numu people on the other side of the river. Due to the well-prepared ambush and full advantage, the Na'vi suffered very few casualties. Half of the Numu people remained in the ambush circle and the rushing river. , and finally left with the remaining clansmen depressed. The Na'vi warriors were screaming and cheering, but several old clan leaders were still not happy. They knew that the war was far from over and might continue for a long time. The clansmen would die in the battle and be injured. The forest's Tranquility is like a sky shrouded in clouds.

After cheering, the Na'vi people left the bodies of the Numu people in the forest for animals to eat, and used stretchers made of broad leaves to carry the injured and dead people back to the tribe.

The funeral cube watched the whole process from a distance. Nissa's tribe and other Na'vi people who came to support the tribe dug holes and put the fallen tribesmen in, then sprinkled flowers and finally buried them with soil. Deep singing echoed in the forest. All the Na'vi people During the memorial ceremony, the only priest present, Mother Nisha, stood on a high place and recited the ancient language, and the other Na'vi people sang along...

The strange thing is that the Rubik's Cube found that the spiritual power or souls of the dead Na'vi gradually merged into the ubiquitous network. Could it be that they were returning to the embrace of the Mother Goddess?

"It's magical and incredible. It must be the wish of many people to return to the embrace of God after death. There is nothing happier than this." Rubik's Cube muttered while standing in the distance.

The fallen tribesmen were buried, and then the victory carnival began. Delicious fruits and melons were placed all over the camp for free enjoyment. The Rubik's Cube became a spectator again. There was nothing to do if you couldn't eat or drink. The Na'vi people didn't drink alcohol, but drank all kinds of fresh fruit juices. There is also barbecue, and a mysterious dance that has been passed down for countless years is performed. I am very interested in the dancing Rubik's Cube. Through dance, I can analyze history, life customs, and find a lot of things. The computer quickly breaks down and organizes the dance...

"Rubik's Cube, why don't you celebrate?" Nisha said as she sat next to Rubik's Cube with fruit.

"I don't eat or drink. The dance is beautiful. I'm watching the dance."

"I didn't expect you to know how to dance. By the way...what did you put in the water to make such a big fuss? People in the clan have been discussing what you did. They are a little afraid of you." Nisha said as she opened the A certain kind of red melon and fruit exposes the delicious flesh inside and eats it in large quantities. The Na'vi people don't pay attention to eating in small bites. They just eat, so there is no need to pay so much attention to it.

"You've seen it all, those two gray things."

"Some people say that you can perform magic. In short, try not to talk too much to those people."

"It's normal. Look, I don't eat or drink. I'm covered in hard metal and have various weapons. Because I have advantages that those people don't have, they spread rumors out of jealousy. I didn't expect that there would be some scheming people among the Na'vi. Yours The Mother Goddess will be very angry. Be careful not to return to the Mother Goddess’s arms after death.”

"Don't mention them. By the way, you also know that after we die, we will return to the embrace of the Mother Goddess?"

"Well, I have seen with my own eyes that the souls of those who died in battle are merged with the omnipresent Mother Goddess. Maybe you can hear their laughter next time you listen."

The Rubik's Cube did not lie. The Na'vi people can indeed hear the laughter of the deceased from the tree of the Mother Goddess. It is not haunted, it is heaven.

Just as Rubik's Cube and Nissa were chatting, Nissa's boyfriend Gaya came over with a group of Na'vi people. During the day, Gaya charged in front and stole the show. She was doing well on the other side and suddenly found her girlfriend and that steel weirdo together. It was inevitable that she would be annoyed. , so he led a group of tribesmen who believed that there was something wrong with the Rubik's Cube to have a chat with the Rubik's Cube. The word chat sometimes means conversation, and sometimes it means fists and kicks...

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