Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1010: Rescue Spaceship

As expected by the Cube, the landing route set by the two robots is almost exactly the same as the route set by the Cube when it came here before...

"Change the route quickly! Don't keep flying forward!"

The Cube stood on the tree trunk and sent a signal and shouted. It seemed as if a meteor fell from the sky. A very obvious scratch passed through the sky and landed in the direction of the floating mountain, but it was too late. The two robots in the cockpit only heard a burst of noise. The superconducting magnetic levitation interfered with the signal and the detection ability of the spacecraft, and could only fly visually. The electronic equipment of the spacecraft was interfered with, and the rescue spacecraft slowly went out of control...

Nisha looked at the sky in surprise. A huge fireball flew towards the floating mountain, which did not look too stable...

In the cockpit, the two robot manipulators responsible for operating the spacecraft quickly operated various equipment, but unfortunately the interfered equipment could not respond correctly and could only watch the ground getting closer and closer!

"Warning! The spacecraft...lost...control..."

When a robot looked at the floating mountain, it found that there was a floating mountain in front of it with an impact mark, which seemed to be caused by the impact of the falling spacecraft. It seemed that...the rescue spacecraft was also hitting that impact mark! The two robots in the front cabin watched the floating mountain in front of the spacecraft glass grow bigger and bigger, and finally hit the cockpit violently and shattered...

The Rubik's Cube watched the spacecraft hit the floating mountain rock that the previous spacecraft hit, and then fell to the ground with a fireball.

"Why is this happening..."

The crash of the spacecraft did not cause a big fire, but only emitted a clear black smoke, which could be seen from a distance. The Rubik's Cube rubbed his mechanical head and wiped out a series of sparks. What he had to do now was to go over and see if there were any surviving robots. Without the Rubik's Cube saying more, Nisha called twice to summon her Ikran, grabbed the Rubik's Cube and flew to the floating mountain. Several other Ikran knights in the tribe followed, and there were many Na'vi riding galloping beasts on the ground.

Not long.

The huge Ikran flapped its wings to blow away the fallen leaves and slowly fell to the ground. The Rubik's Cube let go of the Ikran claws and ran towards the black smoke, followed by Nisha and several Ikran knights.

Several towering trees were smashed in half, and the spacecraft engine was destroyed, causing a chain reaction and smoke. The rest of the hull did not explode or catch fire because there were no dangerous substances. The entire spacecraft roughly retained its original shape without distortion. The rescue spacecraft was much larger than the spacecraft that the Cube took when it arrived.

Rubik's Cube ran to the hatch of the ship skillfully and took out a special fire extinguisher to put out the flames caused by the engine. He threw the fire extinguisher away and ran into the cabin...


Nisha screamed behind him, gritted her teeth and followed Rubik's Cube into the cabin. There were broken cables everywhere, various electronic devices that were still flashing, short-circuited switches, and all the scenes in the cabin were beyond Nisha's cognition...

The Rubik's Cube turned off the power system of the spacecraft and forcefully opened a deformed hull frame. There was a pair of mechanical hands underneath. The Rubik's Cube grabbed the mechanical hands and pulled the robot out. Unfortunately, the fire on the robot's chest had been pierced by several steel parts and had already gone out. He pulled out another one, and the mechanical head and chest had already been squeezed into a discus...

Nisha watched the Rubik's Cube pull out one after another of the same weirdos in vain, but unfortunately they were all dead.

"Rubik's Cube! There is one that is still moving!" Nisha pointed at a pair of trembling mechanical hands under the steel frame and shouted.

"Help me pull it out!"

The mechanical arm grabbed the steel frame and exerted all its strength. The Rubik's Cube made a creaking sound and lifted the steel frame. Nisha hurriedly grabbed the mechanical arm and dragged the robot out. With a loud bang, the Rubik's Cube ran out of power and the steel frame fell. Regardless of the weak energy, he hurriedly crawled to Nisha and looked at the mechanical soldier. It was dead...

The fire and energy system were destroyed. The residual energy short-circuited and caused the mechanical arm to still move...

The Rubik's Cube continued to search and rescue other robots without saying a word. He confirmed that the fire was extinguished one by one until he found the last robot in the spacecraft and confirmed its death...

Nisha dragged the Rubik's Cube, which consumed a lot of energy, out of the cabin and put it aside. Nisha and the Na'vi who came over dragged out all the wreckage of the mechanical soldiers and put them in a row. The Rubik's Cube sat aside and felt very bad. Life on Na'vi was good, but he was very lonely without his kind. I really want to communicate with my kind. I waited for several months, but what I got was an accident and a row of damaged wreckage...

"Cube, what should we do next?"

"I will collect all the dangerous weapons and lock them in the cabin. They should return to their hometown. A spaceship will come to pick us up home in the future. Thank you, thank you."

"Nothing, there is only so much we can do."

Nisha patted Cube on the shoulder and sat beside Cube looking at the wreckage of the spaceship. She always thought that her Ikallan partner was the biggest in the sky, but when she saw the fireball and the huge hull falling from the sky, Nisha finally realized that there is a sky beyond the sky. It is not known whether the huge spaceship coming to Na'vi is good or bad for the Na'vi, because Nisha found that no bow, spear or bone knife can penetrate the steel plate of the spaceship...

After adjusting his mentality, Cube began to search for useful supplies on the spaceship.

"Cube... come and see what this is?" Nisha shouted at the door of the cargo hold at the rear of the spaceship.

Hearing the call, Rubik's Cube ran to the door of the cargo hold. It turned out to be an armed reconnaissance helicopter carried by the rescue spacecraft. It had combat and reconnaissance capabilities. It was relatively intact because it was well fixed and the cargo hold was not damaged. Unfortunately, two of the six propeller blades were broken and could not be used. Perhaps there were more damages inside the fuselage. The rescue spacecraft only carried a small amount of ammunition, all of which were placed in a sturdy safety cabin and were of no use to Rubik's Cube now.

"This is our Ikallan, but it's a pity that it's damaged. Let it continue to sleep..."

Collect all the mechanical soldiers' guns and knives and put them in the cargo hold, various ammunition, various dangerous goods, and finally all the mechanical soldiers' wreckage were also put into the cargo hold. The hatch slowly closed, and the darkness gradually enveloped the well-preserved cargo hold. The machinery was locked.

The Rubik's Cube was in a very bad mood. He finally waited for the rescue ship, but it ended like this. All the robots died. If possible, the Rubik's Cube would rather lose contact with the fleet than die. Only when alive can everything be possible. If dead, there is really nothing...

If the rescue ship crashed, the fleet would quickly dispatch combat ships to search again because of the continuous disappearance of ships. With the combat ship's ability to resist the interference of the floating mountain area, it is not a problem. The Rubik's Cube can only wait for the next rescue.

Now all the Na'vi in ​​the tribe know that the Rubik's Cube is not an individual but comes from a special civilization. The huge ship fell from the sky with flames. They are very confused, confused about what mentality to use to treat the unknown civilization.

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