Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1011: Bad omen

Just when the Na'vi and the Rubik's Cube thought that everything would end if they drove the Numu people back to the swamp, unexpected changes occurred in the swamp...

The so-called giant beasts in the Numu people's mouths are not giant beasts at all, but a few spaceships from a certain civilization. The swamp area is so inaccessible that even the Na'vi people are not willing to smell the smell. The Numu people were living well. Unexpectedly, there were rare ores under their feet. A certain civilization discovered that Na'vi contained a large amount of rare ores, especially in the swamps. Soon, a spaceship came to occupy the swamps and began mining.

How could the Numu people defeat the space mining ship with modern firearms with their simple wooden sticks, bone knives or stone tools? In their view, the spaceship was a giant beast, so the Na'vi and the Rubik's Cube did not know that the giant beast was actually a spaceship.

Originally, the Numu people planned to occupy territory elsewhere and continue their lives, but unexpectedly they were defeated by the Na'vi and had to return to the swamp again, trying their best to avoid the brutal driving by the astronauts every day.

The Na'vi people have returned to their normal lives, and the Rubik's Cube has nothing to do. It still harasses the galloping beast and the little hamster...

One day, the Rubik's Cube accidentally received a burst of electronic signals. After cracking the electronic signal, it was found that it was not a signal commonly used by mechanical armies, but a new format of unknown technology signal. After a simple decipher, it was confirmed that it was a video communication. Being able to conduct video communication in real time shows the other party's technological level. It's not low. After thinking about it and filtering out many possibilities, Rubik's Cube felt that it was the work of aliens who inexplicably came to the Shenwu Planet, or at least they were creatures from the same place.

Unable to determine where they were and what they were doing based on a signal, Rubik's Cube could only put it aside temporarily and wait for the combat spacecraft to come to Namei.

Unexpectedly, things developed beyond Rubik's Cube's expectations. After another half a year, no fleet information was received. There is only one possibility. The fleet is at war and has no time to deal with minor accidents...


It has been more than a year since I came to Na'vi. I live my life as usual every day, absorbing energy, sleeping, and going out to have fun with Nisha. I have been to the grassland, where there is a grassland Na'vi riding a galloping horse beast. I have been to the beach, and I have seen it. The Seaside Na'vi only rides Icaran. Icaran's back is Nissa's position. The Rubik's Cube can only stay in its paws.

In addition to the suspended mountains, Na'vi Star also has a strange natural phenomenon, which is the huge natural rock arches, which are so big that they look like densely packed bridges across the river.


Nissa screamed strangely and rode Ikaran and flew under the huge rock arch. The Rubik's Cube under her claws recorded this magical beauty in detail. Paradise was just like this.

"Rubik's Cube~Why do you always like to record some scenes~" Nissa shouted from behind Ikaran.

"I am recording, recording everything so that future generations will know what it was like before and what happened. Everything good should be seen by more people. Obviously, watching it on TV is a good choice. I am opposed to development here. Tourist area, then idiots who think they are smart enough to do anything for money will ruin it.”

Ikaran flapped his wings and flew over the misty forest. Nissa and Ikaran combined were sky hunters, and sometimes there would be higher-level predators wandering in the sky.

Rubik's Cube suddenly received a warning from the detection system, raised his head and looked up, and saw a huge creature appearing high behind! red! More domineering!

"Hey! Nyssa! I think we're in trouble!"

"What trouble?"

"I think I saw that sky overlord you once spoke of, Turuk..."

Nissa raised her head in horror when she heard the word Turuk. Sure enough, she saw a huge figure swooping down behind her. Ikaran, who was having neural communication with Nissa, also got the news and was so frightened that the winged beast of Ikaran shrieked and retreated. The wings swooped down, Rubik's Cube tightly grasped the claws of the Ikaran Winged Beast, and at the same time, he drew out his firearm and prepared to shoot the overlord Turuk behind him!

"It's useless...the bullets can't penetrate Turuk's flesh!"

"What good news." Rubik's Cube put away his gun and hugged his paws. Who knows if the frightened Ikaran would suddenly throw himself out to reduce the weight...

Ikaran dived rapidly, the violent air flow making its wings whirring, and the Turuk Overlord Winged Beast behind it was still following closely and getting closer and closer! Turuk not only eats animals, but also Ikaran-winged beasts. Even the Na'vi are a choice on the menu. Although Rubik's Cube is sure that the other party will not eat him, he is single and is now descending at a high speed and cannot escape unscathed!

"No matter whether the bullet is good or not, I have to try it. At least harass it to distract it." After muttering, one manipulator hugged Ikaran's claw and the other manipulator held the gun with one hand and aimed back.

Tu tu tu tu…! The dense bullets swept through Turuk's body in the rear. The bullets did not penetrate Turuk's skin and only left a small white crater. It didn't matter if they couldn't penetrate. The bullets successfully interfered with Turuk's attack on the Ikaran Winged Beast. Pursuing speed, Nisha controlled Icaran to fly into the forest, with Turuk chasing after her angrily. Icaran nimbly dodged the claws that passed her every time, and the clanging sound of her sharp teeth and big mouth was always far away from Icaran's tail. Even if it was just a little bit close, Ikaran would not give up even if he got into the forest. He continuously broke various vines and small trees with extraordinary ferocity!

Fortunately, various plants and trees blocked Turuk's speed. Ikaran managed to escape with his life by turning left and right due to his smaller body than Turuk.

Wings flapped wildly, and Nisha controlled Icaran to land on the rocks in the jungle. Icaran was overly frightened and panting from the exhaustion of the violent flight. Nissa was covered in sweat, and the Rubik's Cube was on alert to quickly change the magazine.

This attack seemed to indicate that the Na'vi people were about to face a dark period. Turuk's attack could be avoided by using the forest, but the alien attack could not be avoided. The Na'vi people who were responsible for guarding the edge of the swamp suddenly saw many things appearing in the sky. Strange birds, they shoot explosions and flames. Oversized bulldozers bulldoze the forest, dig large pits and transport rocks. The aliens finally begin to march into the forest after mining the swamp mineral veins. The method is very simple, burn the forest and bulldoze the trees. Just mining, all they care about are resources and forests, which are of little value in their eyes.

A Na'vi tribe once organized an attack on aliens. Unfortunately, the war horses were vulnerable to the opponent's armored vehicles, and Ikaran was unable to resist the shots from the opponent's aircraft. The entire tribe fell into a sea of ​​fire...

It was far away from the tribe where the Rubik's Cube was located, and more than a month had passed when I heard the news.

Rubik's Cube and Nissa went to meet the clan leader and priest.

"Respected patriarch, respected priest, what happened? Why did I hear a war on the edge of the swamp?" Rubik's Cube asked.

"The Skyman Rubik's Cube, there are many flying strange birds that can shoot explosions and flames. There are also many huge steel behemoths on the ground with round feet. They bulldoze the forest and dig big holes. We think you should know what those are. ." After the priest finished speaking, he took out a piece of iron and handed it to the Rubik's Cube.

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