Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1013: Weapon Test

What I saw after digging through the grass was a huge deep pit. Various vehicles and machinery were constantly digging out the soil and transporting it away. The huge yellow pit looked like a forest scar. During the excavation, cartloads of ore were dug out of the deep pit. A few Several humans were evaluating and inspecting the pile of ores, and the Rubik's Cube began to scan each other.

The inspection results can basically confirm that they are closely related to the aliens who were driven away from the Shenwu Continent. They have the same technology, the same writing, and the same genes.


Nisha gritted her teeth and was about to rush out with a bow and arrow in hand, but fortunately Rubik's Cube reacted quickly and caught her.

"Are you crazy! Are you going to use your bow and arrow to shoot through those huge vehicles? Any recklessness before you find a way will bring sorrow to your tribe! Calm down! You are a hunter, not a fool!"

Rubik's Cube let go of Nisha and continued to investigate the vehicles and weapons. Next to her, Nissa sat on the tree trunk and remained silent. Rubik's Cube did not have time to provide psychological counseling services. The most important thing now was to discover the opponent's strengths and weaknesses. They could not rush in all at once. Then slowly look for weaknesses.

After a detailed scan of the vehicle, the Rubik's Cube found that it was not much different from Earth vehicles, except that it was larger and required the same power system and so on.

The armaments are also similar to those on Earth. For example, machine guns and grenade launchers are installed on the roof of off-road vehicles. Armed soldiers wear body armor and hold firearms. Now the Rubik's Cube needs to capture an opponent's soldier and capture the opponent's patrol car for more detailed testing. I looked around. , select a small bunker on the edge of a deep pit.

"Come with me."


"Go and send those idiots a friendly wish for good health, just the kind you want."

After hearing this, Nisha said nothing and happily followed the Rubik's Cube with a bow, arrow and dagger. As she walked, she put poison on the arrows. It was not an anesthetic fruit but a highly poisonous fruit. This shows that Nisha was interested in those aliens destroying the forest. Very annoyed.

Rubik's Cube installs silencers on firearms and pistols, and prepares bayonets. Rubik's Cube does not intend to attract the opponent's attention until the situation is understood, causing the action to fail.

The bunker post was built on a high ground on the side of the pit, with its back to the pit. The forest and grass nearby were completely burned with incendiary bombs. The view was wide. After X-ray scanning, a high-tech heavy machine gun and a grenade launcher were found. , in addition to three fully armed soldiers, equipped with a large number of monitoring equipment and a computer.

The Rubik's Cube is very interested in computers. This is the computer equipment produced by the opponent's technology. The Rubik's Cube can basically find all the weaknesses of the opponent through the computer.

Using the cover of grass, Rubik's Cube and Nisha arrived at a position fifty meters away from the outpost. The front was full of bare ashes. Now they needed to use special means to get close to the bunker.

Inside the bunker, three soldiers who were playing cards suddenly saw the computer monitor flashing randomly.

"The computer is out of order. Remember to call someone to fix it. It's your turn."

All the electronic equipment failed and did not attract the attention of the soldiers. Rubik's Cube and Nisha quickly ran outside the bunker. The bunker was made of concrete and steel bars as the main structure. The Na'vi people had no choice but to search around and find the entrance to the bunker. The thick iron door was small and small. The gun holes blocked the attacks of many Na'vi people, and many traces of arrows could be found on the iron gate and cement wall. Nisha pushed the iron gate, but it didn't move at all. Rubik's Cube waved her hand to signal not to mess around.

Kaka! A mechanical finger turned into a sharp knife and penetrated the shrinkage hole, and the computer quickly cracked the iron door's electronic equipment and opened the iron door silently.

Take out a flash bomb, turn on the safety, open the iron door a small gap and throw it in, then close the door...

Three soldiers who were playing cards in the bunker saw a strange thing coming in from outside the iron gate. Then, their eyes lit up and the three of them fell into a brief coma...

"We only have a short time for interrogation. Don't leave any traces of me and let them think that your people have retaliated against this place." Rubik's Cube said as he picked up the flash bomb shells and put them away, without even looking at the three fainted ones. The soldier found the computer host, stretched out his robotic hand and extended a large number of energy tentacles to analyze the computer.

After scanning all the data on the computer, the three soldiers had already woken up. As soon as they woke up, they saw a Na'vi pointing a bow and arrow at them, and another... a robot?

"Don't kill us..."

Rubik's Cube ignored the begging soldier and inspected the bunker, confirming that these aliens could not breathe the air of Na'vi normally, so they had to stay indoors with air treatment equipment or wear masks when going out. After calculation, it was confirmed that if these aliens were in... If you are exposed to air for two minutes, you will be deprived of oxygen and you will die of shock and death for four minutes.

"What to do now?" Nisha didn't know what the Rubik's Cube planned.

"Of course it's to test the damage done to their body armor by the weapons, and to check the characteristics of their weapons. Let's start working now and just leave one alive."

After saying that, Rubik's Cube raised his gun and fired bullets at the chest of a soldier. Ordinary bullets penetrated nearly three-quarters of the body armor. The joints could not block the bullets. The joints of his forearms were broken. The soldier howled miserably, and Rubik's Cube didn't look at it. He put on a sniper rifle bullet and shot at the hard body armor on his thigh.

Of course, the result was that a hole was made in the body armor and the thigh was broken. I took a pair of gloves and stuffed them into his mouth, pulled out the bayonet and stabbed the other leg...

If the strength is too weak, it cannot penetrate. It requires force to pierce the body armor. The Tang Dao is slightly better. If you use more force, it can cut through the body armor. The joints are easier to cut through. Now the soldier who was experimented with the Rubik's Cube has wounds all over his body and a broken leg. It was too horrible to watch. In the end, the Rubik's Cube popped out an ultra-thin bayonet and stabbed its chin straight into the brain to copy the data...

"What do you want me to do? Test your weapon on that bastard like I am, and test where to shoot to kill him more easily."

Nisha drew her bow and fired her arrows without saying a word. The bunker defended against attacks from outside and also prevented the sound from spreading outwards. The soldiers in the corner who were twitching after being shocked by the Rubik's Cube watched helplessly as their two companions were brutally killed.

Finally, Rubik's Cube and Nissa came to the still-living soldiers.

"Tell us something useful. If you know the same as the two of them, then you have no value, you know." The demon said expressionlessly.

The soldier opened his mouth but said nothing. Rubik's Cube looked at Nisha and then at the iron door. Nisha understood, walked over and opened the iron door in the frightened eyes of the soldier, and the air poured into the bunker...

Rubik's Cube snatched the mask and respirator from behind the soldier, and watched expressionlessly as the soldier's face turned red until he turned white and his breathing became rapid. He ignored him, found an incendiary bomb in the bunker, placed it on the table, and put an alien The man threw the gun to Nisha, and the Rubik's Cube dragged the body that was shot by bullets out of the bunker. If the body was left behind, it was very likely that traces of the Rubik's Cube would be found. Concealment came first.

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