Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1014: Ambush

There was an off-road vehicle on the side of the bunker. Rubik's Cube looked at the analysis and confirmed that bullets could penetrate the steel plate, but bows and arrows could not. The weak points were the power equipment and chassis. He turned around and dragged the body and ran towards the forest with Nisha...

In the bunker, the soldier who was short of breath and on the verge of shock gritted his teeth and sat up with force, reaching for the mask respirator on the table, ten centimeters! Only ten centimeters difference! The soldier was in a trance and was weak. Fortunately, at the last moment, he suddenly burst out and grabbed the respirator with force. He hurriedly put the respirator on his head. The hot air brought out by gasping for breath covered the glass of the mask with a layer of water vapor, which quickly disappeared. He was able to breathe. It feels so good.

Suddenly, he saw something flickering in the corner of his eye. Turning his head, the soldier saw the flashing red light of the incendiary bomb on the table turning solid...

The bunker was devoured by fire. The ferocious flames caused the ammunition in the bunker to explode. The inside, including the soldiers who were not dead, was burned. Rubik's Cube and Nissa disappeared silently into the forest.

Dispose of the body, take the opponent's gun, Rubik's Cube, and Nissa and run back to Ikaran's hiding spot. Find Ikaran and take off immediately without saying a word. If something happens to the opponent, they will definitely intensify the search and hide around until night comes. It is unrealistic. Rubik's Cube can be sure. The opponent has a search radar for life, and a life as big as Ikaran hiding here is very conspicuous.

"Choose places with thick fog and canyons to fly! Don't fly at high altitudes!"

Nisha controlled Icaran to fly towards the vapor-filled canyon according to the instructions of the Rubik's Cube. Icaran flew close to the water with ultra-high flying skills, and even the Rubik's Cube mechanical foot could feel the cool river water. According to the information obtained from the opponent's computer, It seems that their computer technology is very backward, not to mention that there is not even a hint of the birth of intelligent life. The radar is similar to the earth and has poor ability to search complex terrain. The life detection system can scan the forest but cannot effectively detect complex terrain.

In fact, after the bunker exploded, the alien patrol did take off several helicopter-like aircraft to search for the Na'vi. Nissa deliberately left an arrow inside the bunker. The one who impressed the aliens deeply about the Na'vi was the Knight of Icaran. , so the radar has been constantly searching the nearby airspace for traces of Ikaran.

Ikaran flew to a stone forest area. Huge stone pillars were still filled with water vapor on the water. Rubik's Cube felt that this was a good place to hide.

An electronic signal swept across, indicating that the other party had probably discovered Ikaran.

"Put me on top of that stone pillar! Fly carefully at low altitude in the stone forest, and try to lure them to me. Remember that your bow and arrow can penetrate the opponent's cockpit glass. Don't fly in a straight line. You are more flexible than them!"

"What is cockpit glass?"

"Just aim at the humans inside the aircraft and shoot arrows! You can't see where to shoot!"


Flying to the top of a stone pillar and putting down the Rubik's Cube, Nisha and Ikaran flew into the water-filled stone forest area and continued to hover. The tall stone forest was more than ten or twenty stories high. It was strong and strong. Ikaran shuttled flexibly through it and took the Rubik's Cube. Take out the firearm, remove the silencer, squat and aim, waiting for the opponent to enter your shooting range...

Fifteen minutes later, a helicopter-like aircraft quickly arrived at the stone forest area.

The two pilots searched carefully, and finally saw a vague figure of Ikaran in the water vapor with a blue Na'vi on the back!

"There! It must be the murderous blue-skinned monkey!"

The aircraft's rotors flipped and flew into the stone forest area to chase Nisha. At the same time, it turned on the machine gun switch and shot at Ikaran flying in front...

Boo hoo hoo...!

The sound of dense bullets cutting through the airflow rang in the ears of Nisha and Ikaran. Small craters were continuously being punched out in the stone pillars next to them. The aircraft quickly pursued and locked onto Ikaran flying in front! There were too many stone forests, and Icaran was too flexible to hit. As he turned around, Icaran gave full play to his flying talent.

Ikaran skimmed the water, and the aircraft behind him also whizzed by. Nissa strictly followed the Rubik's Cube's instructions not to fly in a straight line.

The two pilots in the aircraft cabin were wondering, when did the blue-skinned monkey learn to fly maneuvers?

A series of bullets swept through the water and made splashes one after another. Nisha let Ikaran sway left and right to avoid while flying the aircraft towards the stone pillar where the Rubik's Cube was. The Rubik's Cube was motionless and raising its gun to aim at the aircraft that was getting closer and closer. There was only one chance. If the helicopter discovers that there is an ambush with firearms, it will definitely fly to high altitude and may face more aircraft.

Nisha gritted her teeth and kept circling around the stone pillars with Ikaran. The flying bullets kept passing by, and the sound of piercing the air made Nisha feel nervous and scared.

Suddenly, the pilot of the flying aircraft found that the equipment was seriously interfered with. Communication failed, radar failed, and other electronic equipment could not be used. The two did not pay attention. This situation will also occur when encountering electronic interference areas. This situation only occurs when One possibility is that there are mineral veins waiting to be mined below. The two of them would never have imagined that there are no mineral veins here, only advanced robots...

Without automatic locking, the shooting was even more inaccurate. The two pilots simply operated the equipment manually to pursue Nisha!

The chase and escape are getting closer and closer to the Rubik's Cube. Namex's unique diffuse water vapor obscures the sight of the two pilots, and the interfered electronic equipment cannot detect any abnormalities. The aircraft is getting closer and closer to the Rubik's Cube's shooting range...

Finally, Nisha and Ikaran took the lead in flying over the stone pillar where the Rubik's Cube was located, followed by the aircraft. The Rubik's Cube fired at the aircraft from a high position!

Chuchuchu! ! The Rubik's Cube remained motionless and fired bullets. The shells were flying. The side of the aircraft was strafed and a series of small holes were shot. The bullets penetrated the thin aircraft skin, drilled into the inside of the equipment, rolled and destroyed, broke cables and shattered parts. The pilot of the aircraft that had just flown by the stone pillar The alarm light in the cabin was flashing and the cable was short-circuited. The smoke was pungent.

"We've been hit! Who's shooting at us..."

The out-of-control aircraft barely managed to fly carefully to avoid the stone pillars, while Ikaran in front flew above the aircraft and turned around with her belly up. Nissa pulled down her bow and aimed at the aircraft cockpit glass! Shoot the arrow!

There was a click, and the cockpit glass was shot through. The long arrow shaft with broken glass pierced the chest of a pilot, while the tail of the arrow was still outside the cockpit. Unfortunately, Nissa shot the pilot of the aircraft, another weapon. The operator watched helplessly as the helicopter crashed down into the water and rocks...

boom! A violent explosion rose with flames. The high temperature dispersed the water vapor. Ikaran passed by the flames. Nissa showed her fangs and screamed in excitement. It was normal for her to be excited about shooting down a terrifying strange bird for the first time in her life.

Cube stood up and put away his gun.

"Don't think you're the only one with a gun."

He looked down at the still-burning wreckage of the aircraft with a cool look, then lifted his feet off the ground...

Icaran flew to the top of the stone pillar, grabbed the Rubik's Cube, and continued flying towards the tribe. Icaran felt that he had perfectly cooperated with the Rubik's Cube to kill a strange bird, and he no longer acted secretly when grabbing the Rubik's Cube.

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