Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1100: Target spacecraft discovered


There was a sound of a heavy object impacting in the spacecraft. It was the sound of the outer armor of the spacecraft hitting a small meteorite. After being hit by the spacecraft, the meteorite deviated from its original route and flew away randomly. It hit other meteorites one after another, triggering a series of chain reactions. The meteorites became more and more... The dense wheel could not allow the spacecraft to avoid all the meteorites, so it had to pick as few small places as possible to hit them all the way. Fortunately, those meteorites did not move very fast and did not have much force.

Xiaoke, who was sitting in the cockpit, saw a small meteorite in the distance getting bigger and bigger, and finally it was as big as a millstone. The glass in the middle of the cockpit made a clang and then bounced open. Unconsciously, his palms were covered with sweat.

"Zunlun, the future of the mechanical empire is in your hands, it's up to you." Rubik's Cube said nervously.

"I will definitely go crazy..."

Fist-sized meteorites were clanging and banging randomly, leaving a gap behind the spacecraft. The Rubik's Cube carefully searched all nearby meteorites for clues. Soon, a small amount of metal debris was found on a meteorite the size of a washbasin. It was a modified meteorite. Metal debris left behind by subsequent spacecraft impacts.

"The spacecraft is not far away. Search carefully, focusing on large objects."

"Some metals in meteorites contain radioactive electromagnetic components, and the detection equipment is interfered with, so we can only rely on visual searches." Zhuanlunzhan spread his hands.

"What good news." Rubik's Cube rubbed his forehead.

The video device is turned on and displays the four directions of up, down, left, and right, the wheel is staring in front, and the three Rubik's cubes are staring at the monitor seriously...

More than twenty minutes later.

The runner who was controlling the spacecraft suddenly saw a huge piece of ice flying in front of him! The size of the ice was almost as big as a ship. The three Rubik's Cubes who were staring at the monitor suddenly felt that the spacecraft turned sharply and rotated in a circle. After finally sitting still, they saw a huge ice block drifting slowly in front of the cockpit glass. What if this collision It will definitely be finished when you go up there.

"Look! There are bombardment marks behind that piece of ice!" Xiaoke pointed at a circular diffusion hole on the back of the ice and shouted.

"Found it! The ship must be hiding in the direction where the ice came from. They used heavy artillery to drive the ice away. Be careful to hide your body. We must prepare a battle plan before the situation is discovered." Rubik's Cube ordered.

The wheel controls the spacecraft to fly in the direction where the ice blocks float.

Not long after the flight, a large shadow could be seen far ahead through the cockpit glass. Based on the comparative analysis of the shadow's size, width and other data, it was probably the missing spacecraft. The wheel slowed down the speed of the spacecraft and it approached silently. The other party was closing in. When the device is hidden, it is also impossible to detect other aircraft approaching because the device is turned off.

The Rubik's Cube is wearing a mecha, and Xiaoke is also ready. The mechanical dog does not need to wear its own equipment, and the small robot wheel remains in the spacecraft on standby.

The spacecraft stopped one thousand meters away from the spacecraft.

Entering the closed door to drain out the air, the external hatch is opened, the mechanical dog is in front of the Rubik's Cube and Xiao Ke is in the back, and the spacecraft is kicked off and flies lightly towards the target. This is the first time for Xiao Ke to fly in a vacuum and gravity-free environment. In short, it feels like there is no place in the sky or on the ground. It's quite amazing. The mecha's intelligent system automatically controls the thrusters to assist in flight, and it quickly flies over a distance of one thousand meters.

"Follow me, pay attention to activate the electromagnet to attract the surface of the spacecraft, and gather at point one."

The Rubik's Cube was shared through the computer to mark the gathering point at the door of a garbage drop bay of the spacecraft. Three figures approached silently. The mechanical dog was the first to stick to the spacecraft and suck it firmly. It looked like it was standing on the surface of the spacecraft. The Rubik's Cube and Xiao Ke were closely connected. Followed by.

Bang! Xiaoke wasn't used to the vacuum and gravity-free environment, so he couldn't control himself and bumped into the spacecraft.

"Excuse me……"

"It's okay. There should be some small meteorite impact inside. I'll open the door."

Since there is no energy or power, it is impossible to control the computer to open the door, but the Rubik's Cube can burn through the metal door of the garbage discharge port. The mechanical energy will soften the metal in a short time. I reach in and pull the manual device to open the metal door. The metal door that has just been opened floats in the air. After taking out a few bags of garbage, the lighting system turned off and it was dark.

"Be careful." He ordered, Rubik's Cube took out the firearm from his back and popped out the bayonet, and was the first to enter cautiously. The mecha's night vision equipment helped Xiao Ke see the scene in front of him clearly. Countless garbage bags were floating in the garbage bin, and the mechanical dog Finally, he swam through the hatch like a fish.

Open the staff-only sealed door inside, and the air is released. When you open the door again and enter inside, you can already feel the air, but there is still no gravity. After the power is cut off, the gravity system of the spacecraft stops working and becomes weightless. The three Rubik's cubes are swimming in the corridor. Swim forward, and you can leap far away with each kick. The carpet is slowly fluttering, and various handicrafts and furnishings are swinging back and forth.

After running forward for a while and arriving at the private room, Xiao Ke saw a door ajar. He approached and gently pushed the door open...

Sudden! A pale, dead face appeared in front of Xiao Ke, and his originally tense nerves were frightened by the sudden appearance of the face.


Fortunately, the sound inside the mecha cannot be transmitted outside.

"Why are you crazy? It's just a dead person. It's not like you haven't seen it before." Rubik's Cube felt that Xiaoke was just making a fuss. There was nothing strange about a corpse floating in the air in a weightless situation.

Xiaoke was really frightened. Fortunately, the enhanced heart was strong enough and the nerves were thick enough. After the fear passed, he began to observe the room carefully. This person was killed in the room. Drops of red blood were in the air. Floating, the deceased's chest was pierced with some kind of sharp weapon and fatally struck, and a large amount of blood poured out, leaving floating blood masses all over the room.

"Be careful, everyone in the other rooms is dead. The wounds are similar to those caused by the Zerg's forelimbs. Be careful, adjust the weapon to silent state, and fire first when you see the enemy."

Raising his spear, the Rubik's Cube carefully scanned each room.

Not far ahead, corpses floating and colliding in the air appeared, as well as a large amount of blood floating randomly. It was not difficult to get through so many corpses, but the difficulty was that they would be stained with blood, and the smell of blood would attract the enemy's attention. , Fortunately, the Rubik's Cube was smart enough to grab a floating corpse and push it forward. The blood hit the corpse and created a passage.

"Why did they turn off the internal power of the spacecraft? It's enough to turn off the outside. There's no need to control the inside too, right?" Xiaoke complained.

"Who knows, maybe those guys don't know which switch to turn off."

The Rubik's Cube is in front. No matter where you drill, the muzzle is always facing forward. Now you are going to the cockpit of the spaceship. The Rubik's Cube needs to start the spacecraft equipment and then close all the sealed hatches. In this way, you can face a small number of enemies and clean them one by one without any problem. There is no doubt that the cockpit must be the enemy's key defense point.

After turning a corner and opening a closed door, Rubik's Cube saw a Zerg soldier floating in the front cabin...

The Gauss gun hit the Zerg's mouth with continuous shots. Rubik's Cube clearly remembered that this thing could summon other bugs through sound, so he gave priority to beating its mouth to pieces. The unlucky guy didn't want to avoid it, but it was very difficult to avoid it. If the limb legs It can move if it can touch the walls, floors, and ceilings. Unfortunately, it happened to be floating in the air when the gun was fired, and the limbs and legs were waved for a long time without touching anything.

The energy bullets fired and penetrated the insect's vitals. The huge insect floated motionless, and the disgusting liquid dripped out and spread everywhere.

"I think... those bugs really don't know how to control the spacecraft equipment." Rubik's Cube thought for a while and said.

In fact, the Rubik's Cube's guess was close to ten. It was the Zerg who hijacked the spaceship through careful planning and brought it here. They had trouble turning off the equipment to hide themselves. The switch was too complicated and I couldn't figure it out. Accidentally, the spacecraft owner The energy system reactor has been shut down and only the reserve energy is left to maintain the basic operation of the spacecraft. It is even harder to start. They are not the material at all. After many days of tinkering, the gravity system has not been started. Bugs don't like to float. If the sharp limbs are used, The jointed legs can be inserted into the metal to fix themselves. The question is, who would be idle and play with metal? It's hard.

I thought it was some human fanatics who hijacked the spaceship to replenish the bandit nest's popularity. Unexpectedly, with the Zerg comeback, Rubik's Cube became more interested in killing the Zerg.

Just then, the wheel outside spotted something.

"Captain, we found a strange spacecraft at the tail of the spacecraft. It looks like an insect egg and more like a twisted twist. According to the data, it seems to be a Zerg spacecraft."

"Runner, you can find a way to destroy that ship without attracting attention. I believe you can do it."

"Of course, look at me, ka ka ka~"

The three Rubik's Cubes continued to move forward. They thought that there were more and more corpses of various creatures, but there was no corpse at all, not even a trace of blood. It seemed that something had taken them away. Why did the bugs take people away? Eat? Wouldn’t it be more lively to eat on site? Rubik's Cube always feels like something is not normal.

Suddenly, two bugs appeared in the other two directions at the intersection ahead!

The Rubik's Cube opened fire, but there was still a bug that screamed sharply. The squeaking sound spread outward through the narrow corridor. Other bugs screamed in the distance. There was no need to hide the figure. The other party already knew that someone was coming. Xiao Ke cooperated with the Rubik's Cube and fired. Kill the two bugs, push away the bug corpses and accelerate straight to the cockpit!

When passing by an intersection, I saw an insect's limbs and legs nailed into the metal. It was approaching quickly. The Rubik's Cube threw out a sensor grenade. The grenade accurately and automatically attached to the insect's chest and detonated.

boom! In a gravity-free environment, a bunch of limbs, legs and insect entrails flew out along the aisle.

"Quick! We're still a hundred meters away from the cockpit! Fire at will!"

He kicked the aisle equipment hard and jumped forward quickly, shooting all the way. The five or six bugs in front were smashed to pieces by the intensive continuous fire from the Rubik's Cube. They were just low-level soldiers of the Zerg tribe, and high-level bugs were difficult to destroy easily.

There were more and more bugs and they even started to fight in close combat. As the situation progressed, Rubik's Cube and the three of them were at a bit of a disadvantage. The bugs' limbs and legs were long enough to attack from a long distance. However, Rubik's Cube put away his firearms and drew out his Tang Dao!

Uh-huh! A sharp segmented leg was pierced into the metal wall in front of the Rubik's Cube. I tried to pull it out but failed for a moment. I raised the knife and dropped it. One segmented leg was chopped off by the Rubik's Cube, and then the other segmented leg was chopped off again with three or two strokes of the knife. The legs were chopped off, and the last one penetrated the insect's vitals to kill it. Xiaoke was also using a knife. The mechanical dog was simpler, always looking for opportunities to knock down the insect's back and bite it.

Soon, the fight rushed to a closed door.

"Come here!" Rubik's Cube shouted.

Xiaoke and the mechanical dog shook off the bug and quickly jumped behind the Rubik's Cube. A bug followed closely. Just when they were about to rush to the Rubik's Cube, the Rubik's Cube activated the closed door...

Click! The closed door closed, and the strong closing force cut the insect into two pieces, with the head and front legs on the inside, and the belly retreated on the outside.

At this time, Rubik's Cube and Xiao Ke's bodies were covered with scratches. They did not bother to check the safety conditions and continued to rush towards the cockpit. Behind them, a group of bugs attacked the closed door frantically. Because the closed door was very powerful, it was particularly strong and made a lot of noise. I couldn't get it out, there were a lot less bugs inside the door, and I could see the cockpit door going forward.

bass! The blade of the Tang Dao was almost completely submerged into the mouth of the last insect. He pulled out the Tang Dao and pushed the floating insect corpse into a certain room. The Rubik's Cube came to the door of the cockpit.

The walls of the corridor and the roof of the shed were clanking, and it was obvious that the insects were trying to dig through the steel plate to get in.

The huge one-eye of the mechanical dog shoots out a red fan-shaped beam to scan the hatch, and the internal situation is completely revealed.

"The door was stuck with some kind of slime by those bugs. In addition to the four bugs, there are two humans in the cockpit. It looks like their clothes are the pilots of the spaceship. They are trying to restore the gravity system."

"Shoot the hatch with an energy bomb! Burn it through!"

Raising their guns, Rubik's Cube and Xiaoke kept shooting energy bombs with their guns. The mechanical dog also fired fiercely. The energy bullets hit the hatch and began to melt. The bugs and two humans inside the hard hatch only saw that the hatch suddenly turned orange and started to rapidly soften……

Finally, the first hole appeared, and an energy bomb entered the cockpit along the hole. A certain unlucky pilot was hit in the chest by the energy bomb. He only felt a tightness in his chest. When he lowered his head, he saw a hole as big as a plate appeared in his chest. There were still bursts of green smoke, and he fell to the ground dead.

The bugs squeaked and screamed, and the closed door melted and collapsed to the ground. The four bugs were greeted by crazy shooting. No bug could break out of the narrow hatch, and the cockpit was hit with sparks flashing and a large area short-circuited and ignited.

He raised his hand and stopped shooting. Three Rubik's cubes floated into the cockpit. The pilot who was still alive was trembling, and there were water droplets floating between his legs...

Come to the bridge and click quickly. The power supply system is restored, the lighting is started, and all the sealed doors in the spacecraft are closed! Restart the power system...

Bang! Ding dong…

The mechanical dog was still looking around with its legs up, but suddenly it fell to the floor. Xiaoke was more direct. Originally, because she jumped in, she was lying on her stomach in parallel, which is suitable for action. As a result, the gravity system activated and she fell directly to the floor on her stomach. Outside Various things fell to the ground with a crackling sound. Floating corpses fell, and blood stains were sprinkled on the floor. Various objects fell to the ground and many handicrafts were broken. Bugs also fell all over the floor. It is estimated that there are Rubik's Cubes still standing on the entire ship.

Rubik's Cube turned around and spread his hands. Xiaoke gave Rubik's Cube a fierce look and stood up.

"I know you must have done it on purpose, because I saw a gloating smile on your face." Xiaoke gritted his teeth.

"Be big. It's just a fall and it's not a big deal. It doesn't matter if this pilot peed his pants."

In the corner, the pilot suddenly fell down when gravity was restored just now, and then, the suspended yellow water droplets fell down and covered his face...

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