Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1101: Fierce battle inside the ship

"I'm sorry for letting you taste me. Can you tell me where the others have gone? Why are there only a small number of corpses in the cabin?" Rubik's Cube opened the mecha's facial shield and asked the pilot who was still alive.

"In...in the warehouse...there is a terrible devil..."

The pilot's mental condition was obviously not very good. That's right. After being messed with by a group of bugs for so long, he still had a strong psychological quality. The Rubik's Cube opened the structure diagram of the spacecraft and found the cargo warehouse. The cargo warehouse is very spacious under the cabin of the spacecraft. Now It has been completely locked by all the closed doors. The devil the driver mentioned is obviously not those ordinary bugs.

Implementing brainwave interference to make the pilot sleepy, Rubik's Cube turned on the spacecraft monitoring system to check the situation in the cargo bay.

"Very good, the damn bugs also know how to destroy the monitor, and their IQ has improved. The worst thing now is that we can't determine whether the unlucky ones in the cargo hold are dead or alive. Well, let's assume that they are still alive and can be saved, then If it’s difficult to save someone’s life, then they should pray to their own gods for their lives.”

The monitor in the cargo warehouse was destroyed, but the monitors in other aisle cabins were intact. Only bugs were everywhere. He quickly connected the Rubik's Cube on the screen with his fingers to connect the control system of this larger spacecraft to his own shabby spacecraft, so that the wheel would work. Ability to remotely control the entire spacecraft.

The display shows that the link reading is completed, and the spacecraft is controlled by the wheel.

"Report to captain, I can control the entire spacecraft normally."

"Very well, open the cabins one by one to help us monitor the movements of those bugs. I think you know what to do."


After handing over the control of the spacecraft to the wheel, the three Rubik's cubes started running towards the warehouse. They ran to the door of a certain cabin and ordered the door to be opened. The seals opened. After a round of shooting, several bug corpses were left behind. The bugs were locked in various seals. You don't know if there are any enemies approaching in the cabin, and you don't know when the cabin door will open. It's impossible to be on high alert all the time, which gives the Rubik's Cube three opportunities.

Aisles and the like need to be cleared by shooting. Just open a small crack in the door of a small cabin and throw a high-explosive grenade in before closing the door. All problems will be solved.

"How far are we from the warehouse?" Rubik's Cube asked as he ran.

Outside, in the dilapidated spaceship, the wheels were turned to quickly check the calculation results.

"It will take at least twenty-five minutes to deal with those bugs. Because several emergency hatches cannot be opened, we need to take a long way around. In fact, it is closer to go straight up and down." Runner answered seriously.

"I see."

The mechanical eye scanned the wall next to it while running. Soon, it found a maintenance channel. The channel was very narrow and hidden. In addition, it was repaired and modified by humans and had a lot of messy things installed outside, so it was difficult to find. Fortunately, the Rubik's Cube can After scanning, he raised his hand to signal Xiaoke and the mechanical dog to stop, took out the explosive and stuck it on the steel plate of the wall with a few clicks.

Hide behind obstacles and detonate bombs...

boom! ! There was a huge earthquake in the cabin, and a large hole was blown out of the steel plate of the wall where the bomb was installed. Ignoring the smoke and flames that had not dispersed, I went straight in and went down the ladder.

In another aisle below, six bugs raised their heads and stared blankly at the top of their heads. The shock just made them wonder what happened.

suddenly! A steel plate above the head suddenly fell. Along with the steel plate, there were two mechas holding guns back to back. The Rubik's Cube and Xiao Ke fell back to back together and simultaneously fired at all the bugs on both sides of the aisle. The disgusting liquid splashed and the residual limbs flew around. They stopped. At that time, there was only one insect left that had not been hit and was lying on the ground twitching. Xiao Ke stabbed it with a bayonet and killed it easily.

The mechanical dog finally jumped down, and the three guys headed straight forward to another sealed door.

"Captain, there are more than ten bugs behind the door. There are too many." The wheel saw the other side through the monitor. It would be difficult to deal with the large number.

"It doesn't matter. We just need to open the door a small crack. We will attack from a distance and they will not be able to get through. We will massacre them unilaterally."

The wheel machine's eyes lit up, yes! Low-level bugs don't have high IQs and don't know tactics. They only know how to rush forward. They will definitely rush to the crack in the door to attack the captains on the opposite side. At this time, you only need to stand far away and aim at the crack in the door to fire! With a quick operation, the sealed door opened a twenty centimeter wide gap...

Rubik's Cube, Xiaoke and the mechanical dog stood in the distance and aimed at the gap and fired continuously. The energy bullets hit the door along the gap. The bugs crowded in front of the door were shot to pieces. The bugs rushed forward one after another and rushed forward crazily!

"Captain! There are two bugs approaching from behind!"

"Robotic dog, you go and solve it."


The mechanical dog stopped firing and turned around to rush behind. Rubik's Cube and Xiaoke continued to shoot. There was already a pile of insect debris behind the door, which affected the shooting. The closed door was also used by those crazy bugs to forcefully open it on both sides. In fact, at this time Breaking it apart will undoubtedly help Rubik's Cube and Xiaoke increase the shooting range, causing the bugs to die faster.

The mechanical dog rushed towards the two bugs and fired while running. One of the bugs it hit on the spot was injured and fell down. Immediately afterwards, the mechanical dog violently kicked off the floor, jumped up and ran along the side wall, and then kicked hard towards the bug's back again. The mechanical dog's mouth bites wildly and pulls out the insect's entrails!

Rubik's Cube raised his hand, Xiaoke ceased fire and took the opportunity to change the magazine. The bugs inside had basically lost their combat effectiveness.

The mechanical dog walked back with its head and tail, and Rubik's Cube walked into the door with a gun that popped out a bayonet, and used the bayonet to kill the insects that were not dead one by one. Just because of a gap in the door, a group of bugs were taken to the blame, once again proving that he has higher technology and higher The importance of wisdom, low-level bugs are easy to deal with, but high-level bugs cannot.

The mechanical eye shot out a fan-shaped beam to scan the back of another door. After reading the Rubik's Cube, I felt a bit cheating. There were at least seventy or eighty bugs behind the door.

"What's wrong? You don't look good." Xiaoke asked curiously.

"To be honest, it's hard for me to be happy. I'm afraid the rescue plan has to be abandoned. Now what we need to find out is what the devil the pilot said is. There is a work cabin separated from the cargo warehouse. The cabin is very big. , it’s full of bugs and even bugs of a higher level. I think that devil must have a high status and it would be interesting to catch it or kill it.”

"How about... we report to the mechanical army that their battleships can perform space jumps and space folding and can arrive in just a few seconds." Xiaoke thought of a good idea.

"No, the magnetic field interference and ray interference here are too strong to send out the signal. Now we can only take one step at a time. Runner, please find me a way to eliminate these bugs immediately."

"I try my best……"

The wheel carefully examined and analyzed the detailed structure diagram of the spacecraft. It took ten seconds to finally come up with a good idea. Use a special oil for the spacecraft engine. That oil helps the engine to increase power and is highly corrosive. Normally, it would be fine if placed in a special container. Once it is removed, it will easily corrode the steel plate of the spaceship. Its power is similar to that of sulfuric acid. The Rubik's Cube once used that thing to corrode a parasite robot alive in the swamp.

"I can release highly corrosive dangerous materials to corrode all the bugs in that cabin. The hatch cannot be opened otherwise corrosion will leak. You must pass through an abandoned ammunition transport channel in the wall to get over there!"

"Act quickly."

After Rubik's Cube finished speaking, he ordered the mechanical dog to use the cutting laser to cut the wall steel plate. The mechanical dog's huge one-eye shot out a red beam and started cutting. The speed was not fast, which is why the Rubik's Cube was rarely used by Grumpy. The wheel control equipment on the other side adjusted the transportation pipeline to connect to the spacecraft. Dangerous goods storage equipment, a special liquid flows rapidly along the pipeline...

It was a temporary pipeline that was decided to be used temporarily. It could not withstand highly corrosive liquids. Before the pipeline was completed, the runner must be closed to prevent the spread of poisonous gas.

In the overhead pipe of the cabin full of bugs, an automatic valve opened, and a faint air of temperature spread in the cabin...

The bugs have very sensitive senses of smell and hearing. After a while, they started to scream and smash the door wildly. However, the closed door was designed to be too strong and could not be destroyed in a short time. Highly corrosive gases spread and liquids spilled. The bugs banged wildly and randomly. Outside, machinery After the dog cut it, the Rubik's Cube stepped forward and kicked off the steel plate to reveal the ammunition transportation channel inside. The rows of shell chains were motionless. The spacecraft was complex. The passenger transport companies did not find the ammunition transmission device installed in the solid wall. All equipment remained intact. In good condition, the three Rubik's Cubes got into it and then bent down and stepped on the conveyor belt and ran forward quickly.

"Captain, a passage has been opened, all monitors have been destroyed, and something has left the warehouse!"

The message sent by the wheel made the Rubik's Cube feel bad. It must have been caused by the bug known as the devil leaving the warehouse. It is the only one who has the habit of destroying the monitor so that others cannot see it. The mucus can block the detection equipment from scanning the warehouse. Those people... basically concluded that the possibility of survival was zero.

"Open the steel plate in front and go straight in! Those bugs have escaped!" Rubik's Cube shouted.

The front mechanical dog decisively fired lasers to destroy rows of fixing screws. Rubik's Cube and Xiao Ke stood on both sides of the steel plate. When all the screws melted and fell off, the mechanical dog slammed into the steel plate and fell into the cabin with the steel plate. Rubik's Cube and Xiao Ke raised their guns. Immediately afterward, aim internally!

Press the trigger with your finger to fire at any time, and the mechanical dog will roll around and stand up again, grinning and roaring!

However, the huge warehouse was quiet, there were no bugs, only corpses everywhere...

Xiao Ke bent down and reached out to turn over the body of the young girl, who was face down. When he turned around, Xiao Ke was so frightened that he almost sat on the ground. There was a hole in the girl's forehead, the blood-red inside of the skull was empty, the brain was gone, and the whole The brain matter has completely disappeared!

"It's almost the same as in the movie. The demon should be an advanced female insect. She is not only an egg-laying machine but also can improve intelligence by sucking the brains of other creatures. Obviously, what it wants is not a spaceship or a slave but brain plasma. I really Enough with these stupid predatory bullshit creatures, eat, eat, eat! They are primitive, barbaric and despicable! Watch carefully as they escape in the Zerg spaceship!"

"Don't worry, I made that spaceship unable to even float on the sea. I will destroy that broken ship now."

Xiaoke continued to look around. There were no living bodies everywhere in the cargo hold, and all the brains were missing, regardless of whether they were men, women, old people or children.

"Let's go and kill that savage creature raised by my cousin. I will make it regret coming to this world and seeing how cruel space is!" The Rubik's Cube stepped over the corpse and went straight to the closed door that was destroyed by violence. The mechanical dog and the little Ke followed closely behind.

Just after passing through the closed door, two broken back bugs screamed and pounced, shot and killed them, and continued to run and chase. According to the information sent by the wheel, the bugs were rushing to their own Zerg spacecraft, and encountered constant encounters during the pursuit. After being intercepted by the bugs, they can only run for a long time before engaging in firefights. This is the characteristic of the Zerg tribe. With the strong combat power of individuals and the crazy swooping of massive numbers, the mechanical army's group combat method is learned from the bugs. Large numbers often lead to qualitative changes.

Lock on fifty meters ahead and launch a grenade. The smart grenade will get between two bugs and explode to instantly eliminate the enemy.

Passing through the fireworks, Rubik's Cube ran and shot, and the group of bugs was already very close to the Zerg spacecraft!

Outside, the wheels clicked and laughed strangely as they watched the Zerg spacecraft containing hundreds of bugs break away. Then, they used some tricks to control the Zerg spacecraft to fly between two huge meteorites. The bugs in the spacecraft didn't know what happened and couldn't help it. Controlling the spacecraft to dodge, he watched the two huge meteorites getting bigger and bigger...

Finally, the meteorites collided together silently, and the Zerg spacecraft in the middle was shattered. Countless bugs were thrown into the chaotic meteorite belt. The Zerg could survive for several hours when exposed to the vacuum. If they could not find a suitable environment before that, Even if you avoid it, you will inevitably die.

The group of bugs were destroying the last closed door. As long as the closed door was opened, they could return to their own spacecraft and leave. Suddenly, a white insect in the team that looked like a large maggot screamed to stop the destruction of the closed door. It was too late. The scream The closed door has just been smashed open over there!

In an instant, the three bugs that were destroying the door just now disappeared together with the damaged closed door, and then there was a huge suction force and the bugs were sucked out of space one by one...

In the distance, three Rubik's Cubes were running and shooting. The mechanical dog was about to open its mouth and bite a bug's vitals. Suddenly, the three Rubik's Cubes, including those bugs, were sucked forward by the violent airflow fluctuations, and they collided and moved quickly along the way!

"The sealing equipment of the spacecraft has been damaged and the air is leaking! Find a way to fix yourself!"

The mechanical dog at the front saw a damaged drive shaft sticking out of the bulkhead. This is strong! The dog's mouth opened and it bit the transmission shaft tightly. Behind him, Rubik's Cube saw the mechanical dog fixing itself. Without saying anything, he reached out and grabbed the dog's tail. The mechanical dog's huge one eye lit up. Fortunately, the tail was strong enough.


Xiao Ke, who was at the back, rolled forward. Rubik's Cube grabbed Xiao Ke's calf and held it tightly. The irritable dog's mouth moved and he bit it.

All kinds of corpses, insects, people, and countless sundries, furnishings, tableware, and all the lighter objects in the passage connected with the damaged area were flying outward with a clatter. Fortunately, the gravity system of the spacecraft was still there, otherwise If some safe or mechanical equipment flies out and hits you, no one can catch it.

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