Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1102: Star

Bang! A suitcase hit the mechanical dog's head. The suitcase was broken and the messy clothes flew behind and covered the Rubik's Cube's face. One hand was holding the dog's tail and the other hand was holding Xiao Ke's ankle, unable to get the clothes off his face. Look. The appearance is a bit like women's underwear...

"Zunlun! Don't you know how to say hello in advance before taking action!"

"I just removed their spaceship and the fixed steel plate. I didn't expect them to know that there is space outside the door, so... I'm very sorry about this, but all the air will be sucked out soon. Hold on for five seconds."

Five seconds later, all the air in the cabin that was opened with closed doors was exhausted, the airflow disappeared, and gravity returned. It felt really strange to have gravity without air.

Xiaoke landed and took a deep breath in the mecha mask. Rubik's Cube let go of the dog's tail. He opened his mouth angrily and let go of the drive shaft. Now there is a vacuum around him and there is no air. Rubik's Cube and the mechanical dog don't care. Xiaoke's mecha automatically provides air and continues. Search carefully beforehand, the advanced female worm must be found.

"The mother bug ran towards the equipment cabin, followed by six more powerful bugs! Wait, I seem to see a spacecraft computer host in the equipment cabin. I sent the picture." The wheel sent the information to the Rubik's Cube.

"That bug is planning to cut off the operation of the main engine and cut off our control of the spacecraft, runner! If you try to destroy the steering device and detection system of the spacecraft, we might have to abandon the ship."


Putting on a new magazine, Rubik's Cube led Xiao Ke and the mechanical dog to move forward. When they passed by the hatch that was opened into space, they looked out and saw that a large number of bugs in the void meteorite were struggling with their limbs and legs. They had nowhere to use their strength. The feeling of moving and floating made them uncomfortable. Bugs, corpses, debris, etc. slowly spread around, and the impact meteorites drifted randomly.

After taking a look, he turned around and ran forward along the passage opened by the bug. The front was very, very close to the equipment cabin.

After turning a few turns, you can visually see the door of the equipment cabin. Rubik's Cube suddenly grabbed Xiao Ke and pulled him down to the side of the cabin. The mechanical dog took advantage of the situation and lay down!

Thumb thump! Two gray bone spurs penetrated directly into the steel plate of the wall at the corner. The bone spurs were very strong and strong. If they hit the mecha, the Rubik's Cube was not sure that the light mecha could stop it. Even if it could stop it, it would cause damage to the mecha. Without saying a word, he pointed his gun forward and fired continuously, and another bone spur flew past the gun.

Xiaoke fired a few shots and quickly retracted, then stepped forward and fired a few more shots, complaining while shooting.

"Didn't you say those bugs can't attack from a distance? Then look at what we are facing now!"

"I never said this! Besides, I'm not a bug. I don't know what their characteristics are!"

"Look at those bone spurs outside, they look like porcupines!"

The Rubik's Cube took out the last automatic sensor grenade and threw it out. It exploded, and a special wailing wave spread in the airless corridor. Just now, the sensor grenade automatically flew to the mouth of the guy spitting out bone spurs and exploded. When the Rubik's Cube showed up, he saw a bug with a blooming mouth. Struggling there, he raised his hand and fired three times in a row. The bullets knocked the bug to the ground and twitched.

Other bugs would also shoot bone spurs, and they would have a great time fighting each other. The female bug inside was trying hard to destroy the host system, and the wheel on the spacecraft outside felt that it was getting more and more difficult to control the spacecraft.

"That bug is cutting off the main engine, and the spacecraft is going to lose control!"

The wheel was shouting in the communicator, and the Rubik's Cube was also very anxious. If once the control of the spacecraft was lost, the initiative would be in the hands of the bug. At that time, it would be troublesome to run away frantically or activate the equipment in the spacecraft. I think After thinking about it, he decided to abandon the ship and blow up the entire spacecraft!

"Have the steering device and detection system of the spacecraft been destroyed?"

"It has been completely destroyed. Now the spacecraft can only fly in a straight line even if it is launched." Runner replied.

"Okay! Let's retreat and turn off the spacecraft's gravity system!"

The wheel was immediately operated. In an instant, the gravity system of the spacecraft disappeared, completely turning into a vacuum and gravity-free suspension. The remaining bugs could not adapt for a while, and took the opportunity to jump out of the cabin with Rubik's Cube and Xiaoke's mechanical dog and jump hard into the distance. …

The bugs quickly found a way to fix themselves. After being fixed, the first thing they did was to shoot bone spurs at the three exiting aisles of the Rubik's Cube. They spit out more than a dozen bone spurs and stabbed densely along the aisles! The Rubik's Cube at the back turned around and saw that the bone spur was getting closer and closer, getting closer and about to hit! Rubik's Cube's expression remained unchanged. When he saw that the bone spurs were about to hit him, he kicked off the wall again and turned from the 90-degree turn in the corridor to the other side. As soon as he left, the wall facing the corridor clanged and hit more than a dozen bone spurs!

In the equipment cabin, the female insect successfully cut off the main engine. All the equipment of the spacecraft returned to manual operation, and the wheel lost control of the spacecraft.

Then the mother insect stretched out several tentacles to connect those complicated cables, and its nerves imitated those aliens who can control data fluctuations with their heads and began to control the spacecraft. The difference was that it did not have to fill its back with data cables. It was starting the spacecraft engine. The runner in the broken spacecraft outside saw that the tail engine of the spacecraft was igniting irregularly, as if the startup process was intermittent.

"Get out of that spaceship quickly! The mother insect is starting the engine, oh... no! She has successfully started one engine, and the starting speed is getting faster and faster, and maybe the thrust will be increased soon!" Runner shouted.

The more dangerous it is, the more things go wrong. Somehow, the mother insect suddenly restarted the closed door. The three Rubik's Cubes running out were stopped by a closed door. The mechanical dog used laser cutting Rubik's Cube and Xiaoke shot continuously to break through the closed door...

The huge hull of the spacecraft began to move slowly, and the impact meteorite went straight ahead.

Kicking open the destroyed closed door, the three Rubik's Cubes continued to rush toward the exit. The gap exposed in space could be seen from a distance. The mecha's auxiliary power system issued a boost to accelerate the escape. Suddenly, the spacecraft engine The sudden increase in thrust caused the speed to tremble like a cough. The screen flickered, and the three guys hit the metal wall together and were dizzy. The spacecraft was speeding up!

"Come on! That idiot is about to control the spacecraft into overspeed! You must come out immediately! I see a growing star in front of the spacecraft!" In the cockpit of the broken spaceship, the wheel looked at the star in front of the spacecraft's route. , if it hits, the entire spacecraft will be reduced to ashes.

Rubik's Cube stood up, grabbed Xiaoke and rushed out. The mechanical dog kicked its legs violently, and the three guys went straight to the gap together...

Several huge engines at the tail of the spacecraft suddenly increased in brightness, which was a sign of acceleration. Just as the spacecraft was about to move forward at high speed, three small objects flew out of the damaged gap. Less than three seconds after they emerged, the scene around them flashed, and the entire spacecraft was violent. The smashed meteorite flew straight to a star ahead. Rubik's Cube breathed a sigh of relief, and took the mechanical dog and Xiaoke to avoid the chaotic meteorite and fly to the broken spaceship.

After getting into the air-sealed cabin, air flow rushed in. Xiaoke put back his helmet and walked into the cockpit. Rubik's Cube came to the main driving position and sat down.

The broken spaceship is leaving the meteorite belt. Through the projection equipment, you can see a spacecraft heading straight for the star like a rocket. That is a very scary thing.

In that spaceship that was running wild, the warning lights and bells never stopped...

"Didi! Warning! It is expected to enter the dangerous range of stars in twenty seconds! Warning! It is expected to enter the dangerous range of stars in twenty seconds!"

The mother worm and the remaining bugs screamed. It tried hard to control the steering of the spacecraft, but no matter how it tried, it could not change the course. It could not even turn off the engine and reduce the speed. It could only watch the bottle cap-sized red planet on the screen of the equipment cabin getting bigger and bigger. big! Time passed by like a torment, and now the red planet has almost filled the entire screen. The surface of the orange-red planet is constantly erupting with waves of red and golden waves, as if there are high-temperature storms!

"Didi! Warning! Entering the gravitational range of the star!"

The spacecraft was getting faster and faster under the gravity of the star, and the red color on the screen became brighter and brighter, until it flickered twice and lost the picture. That was because the temperature at the front of the spacecraft was too high and the equipment was burned.

The bow of the ship turned red and gradually spread backwards. Slowly, the metal of the ship's bow began to melt...

The out-of-control spaceship disappeared into the dazzling golden light...

"How is that spaceship?" Xiaoke asked.

"Think about what it would be like for you to stand barefoot on the sun. Maybe it has been broken down into atoms now. There is no possibility of survival, not even by God." The wheel said lightly while looking at the star that was constantly spewing out.

"It means...burned to ashes?"

"No, don't be too optimistic, there won't even be ashes left," the mechanical dog added.


Xiaoke was lucky to be able to run out. She felt scared for a while, but well, it felt really good to participate in a big battle and make something earth-shattering at the end! Escape from death is really exciting!

"Okay, let's go back. I'll make a report and video information. Remember what should be included and what shouldn't be included. We're going back to collect the bounty and buy a new spaceship. Maybe there's a cabin in a corner of that ship. There are survivors, but none of that matters anymore, does it?”

"As commanded."

The wheel began to produce a report, Rubik's Cube rested on the main driver's seat, and the cabin fell into silence.


A few days later.

News spread rapidly in the universe. Thanks to the powerful communication capabilities and space jumping capabilities of the mechanical army, the news about the reappearance of the Zerg spread throughout countless galaxies in two or three days. Various defensive measures were put on the agenda. Four Rubik's Cubes were obtained. The bounty is preparing to replace the spaceship. According to the meaning of the wheel, the Rubik's Cube directly goes to the fleet to get a warship, which saves trouble and safety and also has strong combat effectiveness.

Rubik's Cube felt that there was no need to buy a big ship or battleship. For example, this little junk spaceship seemed a bit big at the moment. After much thought, he finally decided to buy a large space fighter with a slightly larger space, room for activities and simple living facilities.

The fighter plane is fast and can be flexibly adapted to various battles. It is a multi-functional fighter developed by engineering robots for the human citizens of the Mechanical Empire. It has four seats, which can be increased if necessary, and two rest cabins, which can carry out sleep travel. The spaceship is equipped with basic weapons and equipment such as machine guns, energy cannons, missiles, etc., with advanced performance and high cost performance.

Selling the old ship, plus the bounty and the additional reward for discovering the Zerg were just enough to buy a fighter jet. According to the Rubik's Cube requirements, the fighter jet was spray-painted in blue and red. The domineering shape and spray paint made it very distinctive.

Receive the spaceship, Rubik's cube, Xiaoke, mechanical dog, and wheel. Sit in the creation cabin and feel the comfort of the new spaceship. The operating system is more advanced and the computer is better. The internal facilities are very good. There is the main and co-pilot in the front, and there are two seats in the back. Chair, the Rubik's Cube is considering when to help the mechanical dog increase its deformation ability so that it can transform into a human form and act as a small Transformer.

The seat can be adjusted and modified, the main driving position is raised, a small robot wheel is sitting on it, a small manipulator is waving quickly, the projection operation equipment is more advanced, the Rubik's Cube is sitting in the co-pilot, and behind it is Xiao Ke and the mechanical dog lying on the floor.

The Rubik's Cube did not satisfy these designs. When no one was paying attention, he went to the power cabin to upgrade the energy reactor to a high-level energy device. The weapon system was adjusted, and the entire modification and performance were improved. Xiaoke went out to buy a lot of food and fresh water. , she also made some female decorations and transformed her seat into a small garden. When she was bored, she made a pot of flowers and placed them in the cabin, which looked a bit warm.

Grumpy and Spinner don't like flowers. They think they are useless except a waste of water. The Rubik's Cube doesn't matter. It's just a long journey to see the flowers.

In order to test the performance and data of the new aircraft, Rubik's Cube accepted a reward and went to a desolate planet to deliver some scientific research tools, such as microscopes, to the human citizens of the Mechanical Empire to study whether the planet had the possibility of survival.

Bring the cargo, turn the wheels and start the fighter plane to take off, flexibly draw an arc and head straight into space...

"Aha! I love this new fighter plane! Look at our flexibility and speed! Long live high technology!!"

Amidst the strange screams, the fighter jet left the planet and accelerated, its engine flashed blue and then disappeared instantly...

Twenty-six hours passed.

There is a yellow and reddish planet in front of the cockpit glass. It looks similar to Mars and is about the same size as the Earth. The gravity will not make humans feel too uncomfortable. In addition, the surface of the planet is filled with a lot of turbid gas. The human citizens of the Mechanical Empire have been studying what can be done here. It cannot become a new natural planet.

Sitting on the seat behind the co-pilot of the Rubik's Cube, Xiao Ke is carefully observing the planet. From a distance, it looks very similar to her home planet, with yellow sand all over and a harsh climate.

"Can living things survive on this planet?" Xiaoke asked.

"Theoretically it's possible, but it requires a lot of technology and energy to transform. For example, catching those icy meteorites in space and throwing them on the planet to increase moisture, and cleaning up those toxic gases to help plants grow. In short, this process may take decades. It is worth the time to complete it. After all, one more viable natural planet can support countless lives. If the planet is idle, it is better to use it. "

Rubik's Cube is very supportive of this kind of plan. Big investment will bring greater returns, and humans can create greater value on a planet. Of course, they need the supervision of the Mechanical Empire, otherwise they themselves will start civil strife on the surface of the planet.

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