Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1103: Unexpected encounter

"Do your robots also want to transform the planet?" Xiaoke asked curiously.

"No, we don't need it. It doesn't matter what the gravity is, whether there is air or is full of poisonous gas. Many planets that are not suitable for survival have actually been transformed into war bases by mechanical armies. Robots are better than humans in terms of survival. This is why robots can rule The reason for the universe." Wheel replied, and Rubik's Cube nodded that it was indeed the case.

The wheel locks on the plain area in the middle of the crater somewhere on the planet and controls the fighter plane to slowly lower its altitude.

As the altitude gets lower and lower, you can gradually see a small scientific research spacecraft parked on the ground, and several closed laboratories have been set up outside. Several planetary vehicles are moving slowly, and the wheels send out friendly signals aimed at the open space not far from the spacecraft. landing.

The fighter plane landed, the hatch opened, and the four Rubik's Cubes stepped off the spacecraft one after another.

"Thank you very much for sending the equipment. I am the leader of the scientific research team. You can call me Da Chen." The scientific researchers wearing spacesuits who came towards us said enthusiastically.

"You're welcome. My surname is Fang. You can call me Captain Fang. This is your equipment. Please accept it."

Rubik's Cube placed the box on the ground. Team leader Chen came over and used the instrument to scan it. He nodded and took the slip from Rubik's Cube's hand. He signed to indicate that he had received it. This would make it easier for Rubik's Cube to collect the bounty after he returns.

"What is that?" Rubik's Cube said, pointing to the remains of a huge object pulled by a planetary vehicle in the distance.

"That? Those are the remains of some kind of creature. We originally thought that thing was the aboriginal people on this planet before, but later we found out that it was left behind by an interstellar air crash. Maybe it was some kind of ancient spacecraft that crashed, maybe it had its own aerospace capabilities. , it’s a pity that none of them can protect it from continuing to live.”

"Do you mind if we go and see the excitement?"

"Of course I don't mind. You can watch as you like. We don't know much about that stuff. After all, we are environmental experts, not paleontologists." Team leader Chen shrugged indifferently.

The wheel turned into a toy car and drove in front, and the mechanical dog followed Rubik's Cube. Rubik's Cube and Xiao Ke looked at the remains from a distance while walking. It was very big, or in other words, it was extremely ugly. Anyway, at first glance, they would never think of anything good. Well, some people may worship this thing as a totem.

"Oh, this thing is a bug shell, right? It looks very big, doesn't it know that bugs should be smaller." The wheel turned into a small robot and stood in front of the remains and complained.

Rubik's Cube frowned and looked at it. He always felt that the more it looked, the more similar it was to the characteristics of the Zerg. But even Long Xing didn't find such a huge bug. What's the connection? The planet vehicle stopped, and the scientific researchers in spacesuits untied the ropes and threw the remains there to continue their work. Rubik's Cube stepped forward, touched the remains, and analyzed them carefully.

The analysis results are not optimistic. The characteristics of the cuticle of the remains are very similar to those of the Zerg and are more advanced. If you look closely at the entire remains, it does not look like what is left after the death of a bug, but more like the shell of some kind of bug...

"Rubik's Cube, what's wrong with you?" Xiaoke looked at Rubik's Cube and his expression was not good.

"It's okay, let's go, it's still a long way to go."

Rubik's Cube turned around and walked towards the fighter plane. Xiaoke was stunned and walked a few steps to follow behind. The wheel and the mechanical dog tested the hardness of the remains. It was very strong. The dog's mouth could only leave a row of teeth marks when biting it.

Start the fighter plane and return to the base star. After three days of rest, the fighter plane takes off to continue interstellar travel...


The next target for interstellar travel is a mechanical planet of the Autobots. Rubik's Cube is going there to see what's going on with the parasite robots hidden by the Autobots. Logically speaking, the Autobots shouldn't let those bugs hide in their own team. That's right, in the cabin of a fighter jet flying at high speed, Rubik's Cube was sitting in the co-pilot seat thinking. Xiaoke was already sleeping, and the wheel and mechanical dog were also in standby mode. Rubik's Cube was in a daze for more than three months during the long journey.

If you can't use the mechanical military space teleportation bridge, you can only fly for a long time. In order to hide your traces, you must be able to endure a long time of suffering.

Suddenly, the display indicated that an unidentified aerospace vehicle had been found...

"Didi! A biological spacecraft was found at coordinates ×××. ×××, moving slowly, is suspected to be a Zerg spacecraft." The fighter computer system issued an alarm.

The wheel suddenly woke up and looked at the Rubik's Cube waiting for orders.

"Hide your body and approach carefully. Let's see if it's a Zerg spacecraft. Logically speaking, only those bugs in the entire universe can spit and glue a large amount of organic matter to make a bulky spaceship."

"As commanded."

The fighter plane switched to manual driving, and the small robot wheel controlled the spacecraft to change its course and go straight to the direction of the biological spacecraft. At the same time, it turned off some distinctive signals to remain hidden. In the dim space, the fighter plane simulated the movement characteristics of meteorites and approached quickly. The mechanical dog woke up, and Xiaoke also After waking up from sleep, I heard that there might be a space battle when I met the Zerg spaceship, and I sat behind the Rubik's Cube excitedly to cheer up.

The biological spacecraft moved very slowly, and compared to the Yuhang equipment manufactured by mechanical civilization, it was a bit like the speed of the aircraft studied by humans on earth.

The angle is different, the fighter plane is approaching diagonally from above the biological spaceship...

The monitor screen projected the image found by the observation equipment. It was a spaceship with a weird shape and looked like a bug shell. The detection equipment carefully analyzed a small area and concluded that those things were indeed made from a mixture of saliva and organic matter. Yes, living things have biological methods, and the spaceship is very large, equivalent to the size of a mechanical fleet light frigate.

"What are those densely packed black holes?" The wheel zoomed in and saw that the outer shell of the biological spaceship was covered with small black holes, about one and a half meters in diameter, all over the sides of the spaceship, and the upper and lower shells of the spaceship looked hard.

"It should be a passage for insects to enter and exit or some kind of weapon. Our fighter planes are too small to destroy it because of insufficient firepower."

The magic cube compared the strength of the enemy and us. His fighter plane was like a sparrow facing a bison. Even if the pointed beak could make the bison drop a few drops of blood, the injury was meaningless to the bison.

"Then what should we do? Watch those damned bugs sneak away and find a place to continue breeding?" Xiao Ke didn't like bugs at all, especially they liked to suck human brains.

The magic cube thought about it and suddenly came up with a good idea.

"Wheel, send a message to the mechanical army immediately. There should be many warships very close to the mechanical planet. They will definitely be very interested."

"Great! Our robots will definitely kill those damn bugs!"

The little mechanical hand clicked quickly, and soon, the video, picture and information content were spread out by the communication equipment...

The mechanical army warships are very sensitive to various signals in the universe. Many high-tech signal processors continuously interpret various signals, one is to find unknown civilizations and the other is to find the enemy and kill the enemy. The signal is transmitted using high technology and quickly spreads to the nearby star field. The mechanical army received the information within three seconds. The computer system immediately decided to send troops. In four seconds, a frigate changed its course. The warship was shrouded by the energy field and started to jump in space!

Xiao Ke thought that the mechanical army would arrive at least two or three days later. Who knew that ten seconds later, a light blue distorted space suddenly appeared in the distant area, and then the bow of a huge warship quickly appeared as if it had come out of a mirror!

The warship appeared behind the side of the biological spaceship. After all of them appeared, they immediately adjusted the ion cannon and energy cannon to aim at the Zerg spaceship and fired decisively!

The beams of light hit the Zerg spaceship, and the fragments flew everywhere. Many special bugs suddenly flew out of the dense black holes, like fighter planes rushing towards the warship, and the warship opened the hatch, and countless fighter planes rushed towards the flying bugs. Unlike the imagined battle, the mechanical army launched a fatal attack as soon as they saw the enemy. No nonsense, no formation, just do it!

Inside the fighter plane, the four magic cubes watched the fierce battle with flames flashing all over the sky, and the turntable controlled the weapons from time to time to secretly kill one or two bugs.

Following the fighter plane came out a tall Transformer, transformed into a fighter plane and rushed quickly towards the Zerg spaceship, followed by dense mechanical soldiers. The mechanical soldiers equipped with a thruster system can make short-distance charges in space!

Transformers and mechanical soldiers drilled into the ship from the gap in the Zerg spaceship that was blown up. The huge Transformer violently crushed the bugs and rushed straight to the middle of the spaceship. There were continuous signals from there commanding the bugs to make various tactics. It can be determined that it is 80% a queen bug, and the Transformers want to catch it alive.

"Will there be parasite robots that want to blend in with the robots to save their masters?" Xiao Ke thought of the key question.

"No, we can't do it in such a big scene. The bugs are doomed to fail. I checked those Transformers and found none of them parasitized. To be honest, those bugs are very unlucky. They flew carefully in space but unexpectedly met us. Meeting in the vast universe is also a kind of fate."

The battle came to an end soon after it began. Those flying bugs were blown up one by one. The Transformers and mechanical soldiers had occupied the entire biological spaceship and found the mother bug. It was straightforward, direct and efficient.

"There is an extra 200,000 bounty in our account, which was just transferred to us by the mechanical army." Zhuanlun stared at the computer and said.

Rubik's Cube shrugged. Fortunately, the mechanical army was still very particular.

The detection equipment showed that at the beginning, half of the screen was red and half was green. Those represented the enemy and us. Now there is only one red dot left, representing the spaceship, and the rest are all filled with green dots. Ordinary bugs were directly killed. The Transformers carried the mother bug back to the battleship. Then, the ion cannon increased its power. With just one shot, the Zerg spaceship was broken into pieces and spread radioactively.

It seems that they fought so hard just to catch a live queen.

The fighters returned to the warship in an orderly manner, and after the battle, they sent a friendly signal to the four fighters where the Rubik's Cube was, and then turned around to start the space jump. The picture was distorted and then the whole warship disappeared.

"You robots are really... efficient." Xiao Ke sighed, it was just a teaching model without any delay, coming and going in a hurry.

The fighter continued to drive towards the mechanical planet. The Rubik's Cube did not move, but actually connected remotely to the interior of the warship to check the queen...

The robot put the queen in a special container, cut the meat for testing, drew blood for examination, and scanned the body. In less than ten minutes, the queen was studied crazily by the robot, and her brain was almost taken out and sliced. She was covered with scars. The robot in charge of the research was doing experiments crazily, and various instruments continuously received its brain wave signals. During the test, it was found that this guy's brain wave signal was very strong, and the data calculation and analysis were completed one by one.

According to the data and information, this thing actually has very poor combat power and mainly relies on controlling low-level insects to protect itself. Sucking brains can enhance intelligence but that is very slow and requires a huge number of brains to be effective. According to the soul data memory, there are many mother insects, each secretly hiding in various corners of the infinite universe, reproducing and expanding.

The fate of the unlucky queen insect is not over yet. It will be sent to the base for scientific research. Maybe it will be broken down into pieces to make specimens and sent to the collection hall...

Not long after, the fighter plane arrived at the mechanical planet.

Xiao Ke looked at the huge mechanical planet made entirely of metal in front of her in surprise. The outermost layer was full of various defensive weapons and warship docks. Countless mechanical army soldiers lined up to board or leave the spacecraft for rest. Fighters flew around in a crisscross pattern. Transformers were everywhere, and there were mechanical insects flying around.

The fighter plane followed the designated route through the dense defense area and drilled into the huge hexagonal metal frame and went down to the second floor. This was still the military area. There were three layers of troops outside, and the living area was inside.

The metal mechanical planet not only did not have the cold feeling of metal, but also had an inexplicable prosperous technological flavor. Many natural creatures began to appear on the fourth floor. The streets were lined with trees and flowers. Above was the endless starry sky and various spaceships and warships. Below was the vibrant green world. Xiao Ke had to admire that technology was really magical.

"Is this the center of your robot world?"

"The center of the world? No, no, no, this is just an ordinary mechanical planet. There are many such mechanical planets in the universe. Not only can they be lived in, but they can also be quickly converted into super weapons." Zhuanlun explained while controlling the fighter to approach the dock.

Xiao Ke felt sorry for the aliens on the planet who rebelled against the robots. There were huge warships, huge armies, and unimaginable mechanical planets. Rebellion would never pose a threat to the robots. The gap was too big to calculate.

When approaching the dock, the dock computer system automatically released the manual control of the fighter and the dock computer system controlled the fighter to dock. There were many small platforms extending outward on the hexagonal mechanical frame. The aircraft could land on the platform. The three-dimensional arrangement could park more aircraft. The fighter slowly landed on a circular platform under the control of the dock computer system, and the power system was closed and the hatch was opened.

"Okay, we're going to stay here for a long time. You can travel and hang out as you please. We're rich anyway. The security here is the best in the universe. If you don't know how to get there, you can use the computer systems on the side of the road. I'm going to do something." After giving instructions, Rubik's Cube left the spaceship and walked alone to public transportation. Xiao Ke behind him looked at Rubik's Cube from behind and always had the illusion that Rubik's Cube was very tired, not as optimistic as he usually appeared...

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