Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1114: Air Raid

The Cube had already loosened the cable connection and fixed itself motionless. Xiao Ke was shouting excitedly. Finally, the passenger plane that had slid a long distance suddenly stopped...

Thanks to the previous oil release measures, the passenger plane with a black mark stopped on the lawn. The engine on one side of the wing was missing and the belly was in tatters. There was even a huge wrinkle in the middle of the passenger plane that almost broke on the spot. Many fire trucks and airport ambulances flashed lights and rushed over. The sky was covered with foam.

Looked at the two pilots who were sweating profusely.

"It's a pity that your wife can't get the huge compensation. Goodbye, you will remember this day." After saying that, the Cube put on the head armor and walked to the door of the emergency hatch

Bang! Kicked the hatch open, the thrusters started and flew directly into the sky. Xiao Ke followed behind and disappeared in the distant forest in the eyes of many rescuers...


Space. After playing enough games, Zhuanlun, who was watching the news, suddenly saw a news interruption on the news channel. The content of the news was roughly about a flight being hijacked by crazy people in the air. Then, at a strange time, two robots disguised as humans appeared to kill the crazy people and then manipulated the out-of-control plane to return to the airport for forced landing. The news also put a few pictures. The two people marked as disguised robots took a photo with the hijackers, which looked very harmonious.

The photo was a photo of Mofang, Xiaoke and the two crazy people. They smiled brightly and very strangely.

"Big Dog! The captain is on the news! Those humans mistook that pointed-eared woman for a robot!" Zhuanlun shouted to the sleeping irritable behind him.

Finally, the interview with the pilot was played. One of the reporters asked whether the injury could also be compensated by the insurance company...

"No, don't ask me the damn insurance question. I hate insurance. Thank you. I don't feel well so I don't want to say too much." The pilot pushed the reporter away and left.

All kinds of analysis and discussions are in full swing on the Internet, but the object of the discussion is now very unhappy.

It was just a plane ride, but a madman hijacked and committed suicide. It took a long time to get the large, flimsy passenger plane to the ground to save a group of people. Now they are still discussing what tricks the robots are playing on TV. If they had known that they could just tear the plane apart and fly away, there would be no such trouble. Instead of discussing conspiracy theories, they might as well study how to improve the hijacking problem.

In a certain area on the southern coast, Mofang and Xiaoke were riding motorcycle racing cars on a country road.

The space launch center they were going to was a bit far away. The country road was in poor condition and the driving was very slow. There were fighter jets navigating in the sky without taking detours. There were too many checkpoints on the main road, and the closer to the launch center, the more checks there were. Mofang planned to take the small road to get closer and then cross the wasteland forest to enter the launch center. The troubles never stopped every day.

The command center was found through space image analysis. What Mofang had to do was to invade the command center to search all existing and deleted files to find those insiders. One or two people could not complete such a big task. What they had to do was to find all the participants and then physically destroy them all. It was stupid to talk about freedom to them.

As night fell, Mofang and Xiaoke flew into the space center area. They could not be detected by radar and approached the command center silently.

The command center has its own independent computer network, and the antenna is usually inactive. Mofang and Xiaoke landed on the roof of the command center building, holding two antennas with both hands and began to invade the command center...

Several people working in the command center suddenly found that several devices that had been turned off were turned on, and the computer monitors changed randomly!

"A robot has invaded the computer! Disconnect the host! Quick!"

It must be said that after experiencing several robot invasions of the network, humans quickly became familiar with the robot routines. When they found something wrong, they immediately reacted. They saw several staff members pulling down the switch and unplugging the data cable. That's right, it was not digital control of the power supply but directly pulling down the switch. This primitive method is now playing a huge role. In the past, various advanced scientific and technological methods were always controlled by robots. Since you can control the network, then well, I will do a primitive switch and unplug the network cable...

The reaction was very fast, but unfortunately Mofang still found the required information in the computer.

The mechanical eye opened the nearby map and quickly locked onto a seaside tourist city, with tropical beaches and warm sea water. Similarly, the price of seaside villas has always been high and is the first choice for the rich. Since the end of the apocalypse, it has become a resort city again. A group of newly born rich people buy villas here to enjoy life.

The map is enlarged, and the red circle finally locks onto a seaside villa. According to computer records, a major engineer installed a lot of unnecessary equipment on the rocket, and he lives in that villa. The engineer's wife, who is in her forties, got a huge sum of money from nowhere so that she can afford that kind of luxurious villa. No need to ask, the huge sum must have been given to her by the parasite robot.

The command center building is full of guards. Mofang and Xiaoke quickly took off and headed straight for the city. The speed was so fast that no one had time to react.

Not long after, Mofang and Xiaoke came to the beach in front of the villa. At night, many people were relaxing and entertaining on the beach. The elderly, children and young people were having fun. After standing on the beach and scanning the villa, serious problems were found. There were more than 20 fully armed parasite robots in the villa! They were carrying more explosive weapons and looked like crazy people who were going to launch suicide attacks. Among them were a couple in their forties. According to the skeletal appearance scan, the man was confirmed to be the suspected engineer and the woman was his wife.

"What's wrong? What did you find that made you so unhappy?" Xiao Ke, who was wearing a skirt and a straw hat, asked while eating ice cream.

"There are more than twenty heavily armed parasite robots. It is possible that they will launch an attack on the city and divert human attention to our robots. We cannot let them leave here!"

"More than twenty? How to fight?"

"Air strike, use fighter umbrella missile attack." Rubik's Cube said while looking at the villa.

In the low-Earth orbit of space, the wheels in the fighter jet are operated quickly, and the projection monitor continuously zooms in on the earth image and finally locks on the villa marked by the Rubik's Cube. Then the computer automatically conducts damage assessment, and evaluates the destructive power based on data such as the explosion power of the umbrella missile and the building materials of the villa. After calculation, it turned out that the area around the villa, including the beach, was all within attack range.

"Captain, with the power of the umbrella missile, nearby streets and beaches are within the explosion range. Let me calculate how many people are covered..."

The computer counted the number of people again, and the results came out. There were more than 20 people nearby within the explosion range. Although there was a change, it would not be too big.

"It might kill more than twenty people, maybe more."

"Damn it!"

Rubik's Cube rubbed his forehead. If the more than twenty parasite robots were replaced with bombs, they might not be able to eliminate them all. If they were not replaced with missiles, they would be too powerful. If they did not attack, these parasites would cause even greater casualties. Hundreds or thousands would not be a problem. At the same time, the media on Earth who are fanning the flames will curse the robots to death. If they attack, they will kill those parasitic robots, but it will also affect many people. The death of more than 20 people will also attract abuse and slander.

"How about the two of us attack in?" Xiaoke suggested.

"No, we can't stop more than twenty parasite robots. The consequences of just one escaping will be very serious."

Turning around to look at the street, there are still tourists buying goods in each shop. There is a constant stream of vehicles with their lights on. There are more people on the beach, including families walking along the beach, couples falling in love, old people playing musical instruments, and walkers. Dogs or people can feel the moonlight and waves at the beach. There are a lot of people. The calculated death value of more than 20 people is within the explosion range. There are also many uncalculated shrapnel and building debris that cannot be calculated. It can be said that bombing here is the same as going to the children's playground. Throwing bombs makes no difference.

"Can we scare these people away?" Xiaoke meant to use bombs or terrible events to get rid of the surrounding people.

"That will attract the attention of the parasite robots. Their IQ is not much lower than that of the robots. Once they are alerted, the result will be in vain."

Xiaoke scratched his head, feeling distressed that he could neither explode nor explode. Everyone around the villa had no idea that they were within the range of a missile attack. They were laughing and playing as always. A group of addicts were in the villa not far away. The blood parasite robots may go to various densely populated areas at any time to carry out massacres. God knows whether they plan to attack in ten days or later. The longer it is delayed, the less safe it will be.

Rubik's Cube gritted his teeth. He was going to be scolded anyway, so why not feel the feeling of killing the enemy amidst the scolding? Explode!

"Run the wheel! Launch umbrella missiles! Be careful that the speed of descent is too fast. Be careful to slow down! This is war! A few people will bleed to save more people, which is the correct choice of the computer!"

"Instruction confirmed, launch umbrella missile."

The weapon bay of the fighter plane opened, and the support robotic arm dropped an umbrella missile...

"The umbrella missile has been launched and is expected to hit the target in 63 seconds. The countdown begins..." At the same time, a red number countdown appeared on the screen of Rubik's Cube Xiaoke and the fighter plane.

The locations of Rubik's Cube and Xiao Ke were also covered by the explosion range. They turned around and left quickly, no longer looking at the humans who were still relaxing and entertaining near the villa.

Near low-Earth orbit, a long gray-black missile is rapidly passing through the atmosphere. The warhead is aimed at the coastal city. Flames are continuously ejected from both sides of the missile to correct its falling direction and slow down. The ground is getting bigger and bigger, and the scenery is becoming more and more obvious. More than sixty people are on the ground. Seconds can be long or short, but to a Rubik's Cube it seems extremely long.

"Thirty seconds left."

The gray-black long missile continued to fall. The free fall gave the missile huge kinetic energy, and the engine ignited to slow down the missile...

The red countdown showed ten seconds. Rubik's Cube looked up and could see a small bright spot in the night sky. At this moment, the parasite robots in the villa moved, as if they were about to go out, and the missiles had already passed through the clouds!

When the distance to the ground was still two thousand meters, several mechanisms of the entire missile body opened from the front like an umbrella, revealing a small high-explosive warhead on the umbrella pole! Small warheads are fired continuously and land with tail flames spinning around! From a distance, it looks like a pillar made up of many small rotating light points descending from the sky! Those little dots rotated collectively while falling towards the villa...

The door of the villa opened, and a parasite robot walked to the door with a gun in hand. Suddenly, it seemed to feel something and raised its head to look at the sky, only to see many small dots getting brighter and brighter!

The huge woven pillars fell to the ground, and for a moment it seemed that no sound could be heard. The entire villa was instantly shrouded in huge explosion flames and shattered in all directions. The shock wave spread. The nearby street crowds and the beach were instantly shrouded in shock waves and firelight. On the street A couple who were buying goods were covered by the explosion. A certain family on the beach was covered by the explosion. At the door of another villa next to the villa, the man had just driven his car to the door of his house and before he got out of the car, he watched helplessly as his wife and son welcomed him home at the door of the villa. He was instantly knocked away by the explosion, and the car glass shattered. When the man with blood on his face raised his head and looked out the car window, the villa had disappeared, leaving only the ruins of burning flames and billowing black smoke...

The villa turned into a pit, Rubik's Cube rubbed his forehead.

"Report the battle damage."

"The explosion killed twenty-three people and injured nine. Uh... now there are twenty-four dead and eight injured. The parasite robot and the two men were all killed." Wheeler gave accurate data.

The injured were screaming. The uninjured people who were knocked down by the shock wave stood up and ran, crying and screaming. The windows of several nearby buildings were shattered. Many people looked at the still burning ruins with horrified expressions. The Rubik's Cube turned around and left, Xiaoke He sighed and followed behind Rubik's Cube. The ambulance and fire truck hadn't arrived yet. Rubik's Cube didn't want to stay here and see the misery of those people. Even if Rubik's Cube came back again, he would still choose to launch missiles. Maybe those people didn't deserve to die, and there was no possibility of war.

the next day.

When many people in Longguo get up and turn on the TV or computer, they are immediately hit by a piece of news. A few days ago, there was still discussion about the robot sinking the passenger ship, and the issue of protecting the aircraft has not yet been resolved. How could we imagine that it would happen again today? There was a missile attack, and more than 20 people died, including the elderly, children, and young people. A large number of rusted robot parts, weapons and ammunition were found at the scene. What happened to the robots? Many people have no idea how a good life could turn into this.

Robots once helped the Dragon Kingdom to deal with the crazy elements who made explosions and even launched a massacre of criminals with mixed reviews, bringing years of peace to the Dragon Kingdom. In just a few years, the robots once again pointed their guns at the ordinary people of the Dragon Kingdom... …

The missile attack incident is complicated and confusing. According to investigation, it was found that there were more than 20 robots in the villa at the time, but the robots threw missiles at the villa and killed more than 20 robots. The robot sank the passenger ship, and the robot saved everyone on the plane. What happened to the robot? What are you crazy about? The chaos and inconsistencies are completely confusing, and even the experts on the TV show can't give an answer.

The gate of Longshan Spaceport.

Hundreds of humans were holding signs and banners and shouting slogans. The two mechanical soldiers holding guns at the door didn't know why. They didn't understand the use of holding the big flag. If they felt unhappy, the most perfect way to express their opinions was to use a knife to express their opinions. To the robots, Shouting slogans has no meaning at all, it seems more like it is for human beings themselves.

"I still miss the years when the zombies were cleaned up. They humans were very friendly. There used to be a young human who gave me flowers. He died of old age last year." A mechanical soldier said while looking at the crowd in front of him.

"Yes, it has only been a few years. We fought side by side at first, and now... they are about to start a war against us."

The crowd outside the door was still excited, and the two mechanical soldiers inside the door were still tepid.

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