Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1115: White Dragon

Bang! A man in his twenties wearing glasses hit his head against the door and bounced back. His handsome glasses flew to the ground and shattered. He was coughing violently, dizzy, dizzy, and bleeding from the corners of his mouth. Before he could catch his breath, his collar tightened and he was lifted up. What appeared in front of him was not a robbery. The criminal was a strange man with red eyes, and the red light made it clear to the man that it was a robot.

"Child, tell me all the information about those fake robots. Don't think that they are for your own good or for any other ridiculous reasons. In fact, I prefer to search from your head, but before that, I still want to see if I can let you Tell me everything," Rubik's Cube said, holding the man in his arms. He was a staff member of the engineer and was involved in helping the parasite leave the earth.

"I...ahem...I don't know..."

"Okay, I know you're lying, and now I'm going to use force. Maybe you will never know how dangerous you are doing."

bass! The ultra-thin bayonet penetrated his brain. The man's eyes widened and his whole body twitched. The thinking data in his mind was continuously searched and copied by the Rubik's Cube. There were several people involved in assisting the parasite, including engineers, assistants and engineering staff. To be honest, they themselves didn't know it. Is this right or wrong? In addition, Rubik's Cube learned one thing from the information. There was a human who left on the rocket with the parasite robot. It looked like the scientist who was kidnapped from the passenger ship.

He drew his bayonet and turned away without looking at the motionless body lying on the ground.

In the next two days, the Rubik's Cube killed all the people who were hiding in various places in the city and participated in the parasite operation. Maybe they had family and friends, but they were all insignificant compared to the parasites that sank passenger ships at every turn.

It was originally looking for confusing codes, but it turned into a parasite-killing robot. The mess was mixed together, which made the Rubik's Cube feel confused. What kind of weapons did those humans develop that would make the Zerg so interested? ? I finally found some suspicious clues about the confusing code, but they were broken again.

At the beach, Rubik's Cube and Xiaoke were lying on deck chairs watching the waves and resting.

"Where should we go next? I feel pretty good after being here on Earth for so long. I can cultivate immortals, fight, and even do crash landing. It's much better than my home planet. At least it won't be littered with the post-war waste of the mechanical army." Xiao Ke picked up the After taking a sip from a glass of juice, the seaside scenery was beautiful. In just two days, the people here forgot about the missile attack that had occurred nearby and continued to have fun.

"There is a suspicious place not far from here. After we have a rest, we will go investigate. Then we will continue to go north to the military base to find the remaining six people. Only by knowing what the weapon is can we deal with the bugs. The bugs in another space and time are unknown. When they came here, they were less vocal about racial superiority and more cautious and low-key than before. Enemies who felt they were superior to others were not scary, because those who felt they were superior to others were idiots, and those cautious enemies were the greatest threat. "

"Sounds very reasonable. No wonder those idiots in the universe who always think that their race is noble will be ruled by your robots."

"We don't want to keep those idiots, but we can't massacre them, so we have to manage them as chicken farms."

Xiaoke rolled her eyes after hearing Rubik's Cube's words.

Leisure continued. I rested in this coastal city for three days and read the news and various commentaries. One night, when no one was paying attention, I put on the mecha and turned on the flight system. Rubik's Cube and Xiaoke flew directly north. At midnight It has penetrated deep into the uninhabited virgin forest. Originally, there were urban roads everywhere, but since the end of the world, it has been completely returned to the forest animals.

The suspicious location to be investigated this time actually feels that the Rubik's Cube has nothing to do with the chaotic code. It is mainly to satisfy curiosity. It is said that someone saw a white dragon before it was covered by a forest. The dragon is a mythical beast. The Shenwu Planet also has legends about dragons and even fairyland. There are also records, some of which are only circulated and seen by Xuancheng with his own eyes. It is impossible to tell whether it is true or not. It is unrealistic that there are dragons on the earth. It is probably that some kind of creature looks very much like a dragon, so it causes misunderstandings. Take a look It's also good.

The legendary dragon appears near a certain city. Satellites have long since lost sight of the bustling city, only ruins.

One morning, on the horizon, Rubik's Cube and Xiaoke flew over a certain ruins and landed on a certain building.

Kaka! Bang~!

The thrusters were turned off and landed, and I stood firmly on the edge of the building. In fact, this building is very large and very tall. The surface is covered with ivy and moss, like a huge green pillar. The city has gone through changes and returned to its original state. Various animals are active in what was once a proud place for humans. In the city, birds and beasts are constantly flying in and out of the broken windows of the buildings. It feels like it would have been hundreds of years after human beings became extinct. In fact, this is indeed the case for the local area.

"Where is the dragon?"

"It is said that under the mountain next to the city, yes, it is the one with the waterfall. I don't think we can find the dragon, but I hope to find it. Magical species are so rare that they should be protected." Rubik's Cube said while looking at the mountain in the distance.

"Maybe there are still many people who want to eat dragon meat and drink dragon blood." Xiaoke complained.

"You're all mentally ill. Let's go and take a look."

The thrusters started to take off again. The Rubik's Cube was always vigilant about the appearance of high-energy creatures. Along the way, it tried its best to avoid the areas marked red by the detection equipment. It circled around and got closer to the mountain and waterfall. The strange thing was that it was getting closer and closer to the mountain and waterfall. The closer you get to the mountains and waterfalls, the fewer the ferocious beasts are, until finally you can’t see any ferocious beasts, only small and gentle animals, which is very abnormal.

The mecha continuously scanned the mountains and waterfalls, but found no large creatures, not even a big snake.

Suddenly, the mecha automatically locked on a platform on the cliff next to the waterfall. There was a cave about five or six meters deep. When the Rubik's Cube traced the platform, Xiaoke understood, drew an arc and landed on the platform together.

The platform is very strange, and there are obvious traces of artificial repair. There is a simple antique pavilion on the outside of the platform near the waterfall. An exquisite fence surrounds the cliff. The waterfall next to it is shrouded in mist like a fairyland. There is a simple wooden bed and bookshelf in the cave. What is even weirder is that in Spiritual power fluctuations have been detected here, and it seems that a monk has built a moisture-proof magic circle here.

Opening the mecha helmet, the Rubik's Cube mechanical eye locked on a white jade-like object placed on the wooden bed.

Walking to the bed, I picked it up and put it in my hand. I felt a cool feeling. It was about the size of my palm and was as exquisite as a white jade crystal. The strange thing was that the computer couldn't identify what this thing was. It was not an ore or a metal, like... The scales on some kind of creature.

"what is that?"

Xiaoke walked closer and stared curiously at the white jade crystal. He stretched out his fingers and touched it. The cool feeling was very comfortable.

"I don't know, it's a bit like dragon scales, maybe. Anyway, I haven't seen it or heard of it. Huh? There are words on it." The Rubik's Cube saw a word on the scales. If he hadn't been attracted by the scales just now, it would have been easy to ignore it. , the computer scanned the entire scale and finally determined that it was a Dragon Kingdom character, Jun.

"Whose home is this? Will the owner be unhappy if we break in?" Xiaoke felt that this must be a monk's cave.

"No, I think this is more like a vacation home. Maybe the owner doesn't live here but comes to stay for a while occasionally. Let's go. There is nothing here. We still have to investigate the other six scientists." Putting the scales back in place, Rubik's Cube and Xiaoke flew off the cliff platform...


The reason why we chose the military base not far ahead is because that base has the same scientific research equipment as the scientific research center. After analyzing most of the scientific research institutions in the Dragon Kingdom, Rubik's Cube feels that this is the best place in terms of research direction and professional performance. There is a possible location, but a lot of old-fashioned and effective equipment must be installed to avoid robot intrusion. In recent days, old-fashioned transmitter signals have always been received. It is easy to capture the signal. If you want to crack it, you must have a special code book. The code is five or six. The sky changes once, and every time you want to crack the army, you change the password. It is very old, but effective.

Intelligence data is sent from space. The military base is very large and heavily guarded. It is not afraid of monitors or detectors. What the Rubik's Cube is afraid of is the large number of military dogs in the base...

I don’t know why, but electronic equipment can be hidden from humans but not from dogs’ noses. After computer calculations, the probability of hiding it from military dogs is less than 20%. The probability is pitifully low, but there are more than 200 dogs raised in military bases. Military dogs, every key position is guarded by military dogs. As the saying goes, although it is old, the effect is very good.

They had to give it a try no matter what. Rubik's Cube and Xiaoke intercepted a military vehicle on a road. Later, Rubik's Cube harmlessly copied the memory of one of the officers, then knocked out the two people in the car and tied them in the grass. After all, the other party was not Enemy, the harmless copy of the memory will have no effect on the officer, at most it will make his head dizzy for a while.

In order to adapt to the espionage operation, Rubik's Cube worked hard to regain the ability to change his appearance. His facial muscles transformed into the appearance of that officer, and then he took off his coat and put it on. Rubik's Cube hoped that the smell of his coat could be hidden from the military dogs.

"I won't change my face and leave. It's easy to leave without seeing him off." Xiaoke said lazily while sitting on the motorcycle.

"Wait for me here and don't cause trouble. If someone makes small talk, knock them unconscious. It's not a good idea to kill someone."

"I know, go ahead."

Rubik's Cube nodded and got into the military vehicle, started the car and drove towards the base. While driving, he imitated the officer's habit of styling his hair...

A few minutes later, the car arrived at the first checkpoint. In order to avoid the Rubik's Cube, the military dog ​​slammed the accelerator and caused a strong smell of oil smoke. Fortunately, the military dog ​​was being lectured by the dog trainer and did not have time to pay attention to the Rubik's Cube and take out his ID. , scan the face, go through the inspection cutscenes that need to be done, and the car will be scanned again.

"Sir, where is your driver?" The sentry clearly remembered that he had gone out as two people, but he came back as one person.

"Oh, Xiao Liu was feeling a little unwell, so I asked him to stay in the hospital for a sling. Actually, I don't understand why he was given so many antibiotics. God knows why doctors like antibiotics." Rubik's Cube spread his hands and said speechlessly.

"They just love to abuse it, and people love quick results."

The sentry then complained and waved his hand to open the protective door. The gate and the iron door opened. The Rubik's Cube started the vehicle and smiled at the sentry and drove into the base.

There were patrol teams everywhere in the base, and there were military dogs in front of each patrol team. Rubik's Cube had no choice but to close the car window and drive the vehicle according to the officer's memory. He turned left and right all the way to the parking lot of an office building. As soon as he got out of the car, he was unlucky to see A group of ten patrols came towards us...

"damn it……!"

The computer brain reacts very quickly. Rubik's Cube immediately walked to the car and opened the hood and opened a few flaps. Suddenly, the pungent smell of oil filled the air. He lowered his head and pretended to be inspecting the vehicle.

As the patrol approached, the military dogs couldn't stand the pungent smell of oil and dragged the handlers on their way quickly, successfully evading inspection.

Putting on his military hat, Rubik's Cube walked towards the office building, returned the salute to several guards and entered the building. What Rubik's Cube didn't know was that there were several old-fashioned instruments at the door of the building, some kind of magnet device. When Rubik's Cube passed by, the pointer of the magnet device shook slightly. , fortunately the guard was bending down to pick something up and didn’t see the pointer shaking...

Greeting familiar officers along the way, Rubik's Cube imitated the officer's habits and came to the office. Fortunately, this guy was a civilian employee and had an office computer.

In the past, every time he invaded a computer network, he always made too much noise. This time, the Rubik's Cube planned to invade quietly. He sat on his seat, took a drink of water from his water glass, and pressed his palm on the computer case...

Searching the aircraft takeoff and landing records at the base airport, searching for all monitor contents, housing allocation and other information, after a while, it was discovered that six people came here with their families after the passenger ship accident. The surveillance screen freezes the moment when the six people stepped off the plane. Quickly calculate and compare the details of the six people's faces, mark the dots on the faces and finally connect them to form a line, confirming that they are the six scientists.

In the low-Earth orbit of space, the wheel received the message from the Rubik's Cube and quickly locked the residences of six scientists. The red circles were locked. If necessary, missiles could be launched at any time to destroy the residences.

In addition to the six people found, the Rubik's Cube also found something else. Some kind of scientific research equipment was being assembled and tested. The test was at the highest level. No one knew what was being installed there except the base chief officer, a few installers and six scientists. What, after computer analysis, it was confirmed that it was most likely related to the weapons developed by seven scientists.

"Runner, you use fighter equipment to comprehensively analyze all buildings in the military base and look for suspicious equipment."


The small rotating manipulator clicked rapidly on the projection display, and the ground on the big screen was zoomed in, and it began to search and scan all the buildings in the base...

Scan completed.

"Captain, no suspicious targets were found in the base. I wonder if they put some high-level secret facilities underground?" The wheel indeed did not find any suspicious facilities.

"You're right. It's most likely underground. I want to leave here and find a way to search the underground. You should pay attention to searching for those six people. If they come into contact with the Zerg, whether they are coerced or voluntary, they will be destroyed by air strikes. You understand what I mean. What?”


Rubik's Cube nodded, disconnected, put on his military hat, turned around and walked out.

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