Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1120: Talks

"Report, a parasite robot jumped off the building!"

Looking up, a parasite mechanical soldier rushed out of the broken window, and on the ground, two mechanical soldiers opened their shields and pulled out their Tang swords.

Bang! The parasite robot hit the shield, and then two sharp Tang swords accurately penetrated its soul body! Pulling out the Tang swords and throwing the parasite aside, a parasite robot with a gun shot through the chest was thrown down from the building, and the surrounding residents turned on the lights and opened the windows to see what happened. The cube nodded, not bad, the mission was completed successfully.

Xiao Ke spread her hands, really neat.

"Very good, return the fighter to the next location, well done."

The turntable started the fighter to interfere with the power system of the nearby community. The fighter landed on a dark open space. All the mechanical soldiers and the magic cube got into the cabin together. The fighter took off and quickly disappeared to the next location. When the power was finally restored, the people with sleep on their faces were stunned and didn't know what happened...

For three or four consecutive days, the fighter appeared in two cities near Longshan. Every time it disappeared, it would leave a wall full of craters and wreckage. There would always be one or two piles of metal debris that rusted very quickly at the scene. The addition of ten mechanical soldiers doubled the combat effectiveness.

Longcheng, the military headquarters building.

A group of senior officers were meeting in an office. At this time, everyone stared at the big screen to check pictures and video materials. The first scene played was the turntable entering the scientific research center to steal computer host data. The old film clearly showed the mechanical body and various movements of the turntable, as well as the subsequent exchange of fire, etc.

Next was the southern military base. An officer tore off his disguise and flew away after his identity was discovered by a military dog. Soon, the underground experimental center was completely destroyed by a ground-penetrating missile and all scientific researchers died.

"I think everyone here has seen that those robots have never left the Earth and have never given up their control over us. Maybe... there will be a mechanical insect in our conference room watching our meeting now. It's not that they can't see it, but they are too lazy to care about what we are doing. In addition to these, there are also things happening in the city." After the officer finished speaking, he switched the display content. The first building that appeared was the building where the elevator fell. The photo clearly showed a pile of rusting metal parts in the elevator shaft. Then a street chase was played, which was also recorded using old film. It can be seen that two robots were chasing another robot and finally shot it. "In addition to these, there have been several attacks near Longshan Spaceport recently. Some people have seen alien aircraft appear. Combined with the sinking of the passenger ship and the crash of the passenger plane, we know that the robots on Earth are divided into two factions. They are fighting in our world without caring about our lives!" All senior officers in the conference room looked serious. Everyone knew that the matter was serious, but there was no solution. A senior general sitting in the main seat waved his hand, the display was turned off, and all electronic equipment was cut off. Only the lights were still on. Even the recorder did not use a notebook but replaced it with a real paper notebook. "Everyone, please speak out your opinions. This is a special moment. We are not politicians, we are soldiers, so don't talk nonsense."

Many generals looked at each other.

"Our military strength gap is too big. Even the so-called aircraft carrier is no different from a pile of scrap metal in their eyes. Any fighter can destroy all aircraft carriers. My opinion is not to fight. We can't afford to fight, and soldiers can't afford to die..." A general said helplessly.

"Either negotiate, or... seek help from the descendants of the human citizens of the Mechanical Empire who left the earth. Even if they were born in space, they must have special feelings for the earth. Besides, most of the human citizens of the Mechanical Empire are our Dragon people. This seems to be the best way and the best way at present. Lao Gao is right. We can't afford to fight or die." Another general said slowly.

Hearing this, the eyes of other generals lit up, and they felt good about the attention to seeking help from the human citizens of the Mechanical Empire.

"I remember... the queen of the Mechanical Empire is from our Long country. The Mechanical Empire will not go to war with our Long country nor attack us. Robots follow procedures very well and will not violate procedures. There must be something wrong. I suggest that we contact them for negotiation first and then determine whether to ask for help or something else. Why don't I go to Longshan Spaceport as a representative to negotiate with their generals."

A major general who looked to be in his forties expressed his opinion, attracting the attention of many people. It makes sense if you think about it carefully.

The senior general sitting in the main seat took a deep breath and thought quietly. The meeting room was very quiet. Everyone was waiting for the old general to make a judgment. After a minute of silence, the old general raised his head and looked at the general who proposed the negotiation.

"Okay, negotiate first, and you will leave for Longshan Spaceport early tomorrow morning."



The next day.

A military transport plane landed at Jiangcheng Airport. After a general got off the plane, he took a helicopter and flew to Longshan Spaceport under the escort of six armed helicopters. Things are often very coincidental. Today, the Magic Cube decided to take a temporary break. The fighter plane flew back to Longshan Spaceport and each of them repaired what they needed to repair and went shopping. The combination of work and rest is true.

The spaceport's defense system indicated that an aircraft was approaching, but it was not marked in red, and the dialog box showed that the helicopter belonged to the Dragon Nation Army.

"They came very quickly. I thought they were planning to come in half a year. Turning the wheel, prepare the conference room No. 1." Rubik's Cube put on the clothes of a senior human officer in the mechanical army. The information showed that the other party had a general. It was difficult to bring him. Go and receive them with the rank of captain. People think they look down on them.

When Xiao Ke and the mechanical dog go shopping, there is no need to worry about the mechanical dog being attacked. With a beauty like Xiao Ke, no one will attack it. The spaceport only has a Rubik's Cube runner and ten mechanical soldiers, which is very deserted.

The defense system automatically prompted the landing site, and all helicopters landed slowly. The Rubik's Cube and two mechanical soldiers stood in front of the tarmac, ready to welcome them.

The hatch opened and the general stepped off the helicopter.

"Welcome to the Mechanical Empire's office on Earth. I am the temporary person in charge. You can call us Captain." Rubik's Cube stepped forward and said very friendly.

"It's a pleasure to meet a human officer of the Mechanical Empire. I am the representative of the Dragon Kingdom's army. You can call me Old Tang."

After a brief exchange of greetings, Rubik's Cube took the general and his entourage on a low-floor transport truck to the conference room. When the fighter plane passed by, General Tang deliberately took a few more glances. He felt that it was very similar to the fighter plane in the blurry photo. In other words, it was the same fighter plane. Rubik's Cube didn't care and didn't care whether they saw the content or not. It couldn't change anything anyway.

"Captain Fang, I have never seen you at Longshan Spaceport before. Why did you suddenly take a picture of a human officer coming to Longshan Spaceport?"

General Tang asked curiously. He did not doubt Rubik's Cube's identity. It was impossible to lie in front of those mechanical soldiers. He was just curious and wanted to get inside information.

"Because all the mechanical officers have gone to participate in the war, you may have also received the news. The mechanical empire is not only engaged in civil war but also with other high-threat races. A mechanical officer is much more powerful than a human officer. Good steel is used in key parts. "It's normal to send our human officers to positions that don't involve combat."

General Tang nodded. This is true. Compared with robots, the combat effectiveness of humans and robots has been inferior for centuries.

The transport truck stopped in front of the original camp office building. The flag of the Dragon Kingdom and the flag of the Mechanical Empire were fluttering in the wind on the lawn in front of the building. For some reason, General Tang felt much more relaxed after seeing the flag of the Dragon Kingdom. He got out of the car and prepared to enter the meeting. When he was in the room, Xiaoke trotted back to the base on the back of a motorcycle racing robot dog. He passed by the building with nothing to do and threw a piece of chewing gum to the Rubik's Cube.

After seeing Xiaoke's appearance, General Tang felt something was wrong.

"Who is this……"

"Oh, she, she is what you call an alien, traveling around the universe in her spare time." Rubik's Cube said casually and walked into the conference room first.

Behind him, General Tang was stunned.

"After World War II, we worked hard to study aliens, but we haven't found anything yet. As a result, people just go shopping here and buy chewing gum..." Silently complaining, General Tang walked into the conference room.

A total of six people entered the conference room and sat down. The mechanical empire only had a Rubik's Cube and a runner. The small toy car Transformers aroused the curiosity of several Dragon Kingdom military representatives. General Tang found that this small robot was exactly the same as the one that appeared in the scientific research center. The small robot clicked quickly, and the surrounding scenes in the room changed. General Tang and others found themselves and the Rubik's Cube sitting in a fairyland-like forest, with suspended mountains above their heads. It was really a projection of the Na'vi star, like a dream, and they couldn't tell the difference. true and false.

"The environment is very important. I think you will feel very comfortable sitting in such a dreamy environment. Let's avoid the red tape of humans and just go straight to the point. You know robots don't like beating around the bush." ​​Rubik's Cube spread its hands.

General Tang nodded to express his understanding.

"Well, may I ask if the recent destruction of the scientific research center's documents and the attack on the base were caused by your Machinery Empire? Also, are the fighting incidents in various places related to you?"

"Yes, they all have something to do with us. Don't worry, I can tell you clearly what happened. Zhuanlun, you first tell them about their weapon system."

The wheel turned on the projection equipment, and immediately, all the things related to extracting earth energy to make weapons were played. After watching the video, General Tang and others looked not so good, and then all the information about the Zerg and parasites were played. When they saw the Zerg transiting the planet Several military representatives looked serious when they saw the scene where not a single blade of grass was growing and all living creatures were being devoured.

"You have seen that kind of weapon. To be honest, the Mechanical Empire's technological strength can completely create that kind of weapon at will, but we have not made it. It would be the same as killing a planet full of life. According to our calculations, how many times have we used that kind of weapon? Although it will not destroy the earth, it will have a huge impact on the environment and life on earth cannot afford it.”

Rubik's Cube's expression was very serious. He never mentioned anything about the Mother Goddess of the Earth from beginning to end because no one would believe him even if he told him. As for the attack on the underground laboratory, Rubik's Cube said that the Zerg planned to use the weapon to carry out destruction and he attacked out of desperation.

In the conference room, Rubik's Cube explained everything carefully and thoroughly.

The meeting was long, and the representatives of the Dragon Kingdom's military in the meeting room looked sad. In fact, it was acceptable to have a few people die. What was unacceptable was that there were still many parasites on the earth. The most terrifying thing was that the parasites had already started a war on the human race on the planet Dar. In the infection test, once the virus spreads, humanity, whose numbers have not yet recovered, will face another disaster.

After talking for a long time, Rubik's Cube asked a question.

"I've said a lot, can you convince everyone when you go back?"

General Tang thought for a while, shook his head and sighed.

"It's impossible. I think you should understand human nature. It's useless for me to believe you. Many people don't want to believe you."

"This is why I keep every action secret. It's very confusing. In fact, the mechanical army will not send too many troops to the earth. The only ones who can clean up those parasites are the spaceport mechanical soldiers. Originally, I planned to cooperate with you humans to destroy the Zerg. , It seems difficult now, at least it is impossible to form an alliance before seeing the destructive power of the Zerg. "

General Tang sighed. Rubik's Cube was right. No one would have thought of the Mechanical Empire before seeing the threat of the Zerg. The thought of the Mechanical Empire was often filled with hatred.

"There may have been a lot of action recently, and I have tried my best. The above is all I can tell you."

Spreading his hands, Rubik's Cube sat on the chair and rubbed his forehead.

A beautiful environment cannot bring a beautiful mood. General Tang and others did not know what to do after receiving the information from the Rubik's Cube. They did not know whether what the human officers of the Machinery Empire in front of them said was true. Whether it was true or false, they must be unlucky. The people on earth, whether they are the mechanical empire or the Zerg, have far greater war capabilities than the people on earth and are in a difficult situation.

Half a day later, General Tang and others left Longshan Spaceport with sad faces.

Xiaoke held the juice in her hand and bit the straw. She didn't care what the earth was like. Anyway, her hometown was like that and she still didn't care about the life and death of the earth. At worst, it would become exactly the same as her hometown. It would be better if she didn't sell fakes and defraud her. She lowered her head and looked at the news in the morning. If you buy high-heeled shoes, it won’t take long for the heel to be glued and you may have to throw them away...

The military representatives returned to Dragon City. It was their business to decide whether they would choose to believe what the Rubik's Cube said during the meeting. As mentioned before, it is difficult for human beings to believe what an alien grown up said.

Taking off her high heels, Xiaoke walked barefoot to the Rubik's Cube and sat on the chair.

"Where to go next? I haven't fired a shot in a long time."

"Go to the peninsula. There are a lot of parasites hidden there. God knows why they like the peninsula environment."

The Longshan Spaceport is still calm. It is said that some groups originally wanted to hold up big flags and shout slogans, but I don’t know who stopped them. It’s good that they have clean ears. I hope that when the Zerg comes, they will stand in front of the bugs and hold up the big flag...

After staying for a few days, the fighter plane took off again and flew east. After the fighter plane left, the automatic defense system of the space port was activated, automatically sealing off all areas.

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