Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1121: Coldness

After the apocalypse, there are also places that have not been completely covered by forests, such as a peninsula outside the Dragon Kingdom. When the zombie crisis broke out in the apocalypse, the crazy rulers took extreme measures, such as launching nuclear bombs with serious pollution and immature technology. After the nuclear explosion, a large crater was left in such a big city, and surrounding buildings were extensively damaged. Coupled with climatic conditions and other factors, the entire city was simply covered with weeds and vines.

A sci-fi fighter plane landed on the roof of a shopping mall in the center of a once prosperous city.

The hatch was lowered, and all the combat units such as Rubik's Cube and Xiaoke stepped out of the fighter plane. The scenery in front of them was beautiful. Yes, the ruined city was beautiful. Golden sunlight shone from the dark clouds in the sky. The buildings that were not completely destroyed were sprinkled with gold. Vine plants rose from the buildings. With the ceiling hanging down, various small lizards mutated by nuclear radiation are crawling around, and occasionally wild wolves can be seen walking by.

"It's quite beautiful. Except for the trace amount of radiation, the environment is not bad." Xiaoke nodded and wore a mecha to prevent radiation. The beautiful scenery in front of him had a desolate beauty.

"What we want to attack is the subway station. We will release mechanical insects to search for the target. Fighters will take off to provide fire support at any time. There are no humans here. Uh... okay, there are a few people, but there is no need to worry about causing riots. I think they have already felt it when they see us. It's very turbulent." Rubik's Cube said as he looked at the two men wearing tattered clothes and holding bows and arrows in the ruins in the distance.

Degradation, complete degradation, those few people may have never seen fully armed robots and fighter planes. When the fighter planes took off, those few people retreated in horror and disappeared into the ruins.

The mechanical soldiers released the mechanical insects, and several mechanical insects flew to the two subway entrances according to the prompts. Rubik's Cube and others could clearly see the real-time pictures sent back by the mechanical insects. When they entered the subway station, the dark picture turned into a night vision picture, and the mechanical insects locked several Three red objects, seven in total, were standing motionless inside the dark subway train.

"Grumpy, you and the five mechanical soldiers go to the opposite side. Xiaoke, I, and the remaining five mechanical soldiers go down from here. The other side has more weapons and be careful."

The computer automatically made the plan and shared it. The teams were divided into two groups and ran to their respective predetermined locations. Both sides of the subway station were blocked by the collapse caused by the nuclear explosion. It was impossible to escape. All they had to do was to block and kill those parasite robots. .

When they walked down to the platform and were about to enter the platform, the seven parasite robots moved under the watchful eyes of the mechanical insects. They took out their weapons and hid in the hiding place, and were discovered!

"Attention all units! Attack! Use electromagnets and induction grenades!"

After Rubik's Cube finished speaking, he took out the triangular metal piece and threw it forward. The triangular metal piece flew into the platform, then turned around and flew to the subway car. Finally, it stood firmly on the car board. The electromagnet function exploded instantly! The nearest parasite robot suddenly flew into the air together with other metal objects and stuck to the carriage board with a bang!

Another mechanical soldier on the opposite side threw a sensor grenade. After the grenade was thrown, it flew towards the sucked parasite robot and exploded at close range!

boom! The explosion was deafening in the subway platform, and the parasite robots that were sucked and unable to escape were blown to pieces on the spot, with six remaining! Rubik's Cube secretly sighed that it was a pity that one of them was killed in the first wave of attacks. They still had to work next. The two mechanical soldiers opened their shields with their left arms, held the shields and huddled behind them and walked down the steps. In order to reduce the collision force of the bullets, they deliberately tilted the shields to parasitize them. The bug robot opened fire, and the bullets hit the shield and bounced upward toward the head!

"The enemy shot at us in the subway tunnel, and only the guns and heads were visible." A mechanical soldier reported the situation.

"Look for bunkers and use sensor grenades. They don't have them. Be careful with rifle grenades!"

Rubik's Cube also opened his shield. Xiaoke followed Rubik's Cube while moving and firing. When he came to a pillar, he quickly ran behind it. As soon as he squatted down, he saw a rotten skeleton leaning against the pillar.

"Oh, this guy is so pathetic."

Use your gun to sweep away the skeletons, turn around and shoot from the pillar to the opposite subway tunnel...

There was a loud explosion, and a grenade flew over the Rubik's Cube and hit the wall of the subway tunnel on the other side. Rubik's Cube felt that it was not a problem to continue fighting like this. He came here to kill the opponent rather than to shoot at each other. The firepower of both sides was almost the same. What to do if you go and cause losses? The number of subordinates is not large.

"Runner, if we drive them out, can you deal with them with fighter fire?"

"Reporting to the captain, I think most if not all of them can be solved. The fighter planes have strong firepower and high defense. You can give it a try."

"Okay! All units should be careful to get out of the way of the other exit! Don't be too obvious, bugs also have intelligence!"

He turned around and opened fire. He planned to conceal his intention, but ended up smashing the head of a newly emerged parasite robot with one shot. The broken parts clinked and fell on the rails. Although they were not dead, they were basically useless. There were still five of them left. Rubik's Cube secretly sighed. My marksmanship is pretty good, at least I can kill one in the chaos.

The mechanical dogs and five mechanical soldiers on the opposite side began to inadvertently leave the exit and prepare to charge. The parasite robots were a little confused. They knew that once the mechanical soldiers charged, they would face a group of opponents with strong fighting abilities. The insect brain was not yet able to be precise. Fighting reaction requirements!

The Rubik's Cube took out the triangular electromagnet and threw it out again. This time, he was very good at parasitism. When he saw the thing, he immediately lowered his head and ran away in the tunnel. He did not notice that the triangular electromagnet forced him to another exit...

Two sensor grenades were thrown out, and the five parasite robots focused their fire to knock them away. Seeing that they could not get any benefits by staying underground, they opened their shields and ran towards the exit!

Outside, the wheel-controlled fighter plane in the sky aimed its cannon at the subway exit. The computer monitor showed that five red objects were getting closer and closer to the exit. Soon, five parasite robots jumped out of the subway entrance. When they looked up, they saw a drone overhead. Fighter plane...

Fighter planes open fire!

Machine cannons, laser weapons, energy cannons, and fighter planes were aiming at the ground and firing wildly. The Rubik's Cube inside the subway station could only feel the dust and cement slag falling from the top of its head. A billowing heat wave and a large amount of fireworks poured in from the exit in front. The Rubik's Cube felt that it was not the problem of the fighter planes. Instead, Runner, who hadn't fought for a long time, was taking the opportunity to enjoy the excitement of firing.

"Yeah...like...!" Every part of Roun Lun's body felt comfortable.

The fighter planes ceased fire, and the ground exit was in a mess. Many parasite robot parts were scattered around the blasted crater. What was speechless was that there was still a parasite robot that escaped in the chaos. The fighter planes locked and tracked, and the detection results showed that the parasite robot had a mechanical leg. Damaged, its running speed slowed down. It knew it couldn't outrun the fighter planes, so it simply crawled into the ruins of the city building to avoid being locked by the fighter planes.

"A bug escaped and now it has entered the ruins. Huh? There are still a group of barbarians living there?"

The magician who just ran out of the subway station heard the message from the wheel. Since there are human activities, there must be human settlements. Concrete ruins are undoubtedly the best choice. Things are a bit troublesome, but fortunately, it is not a big problem.

He rushed out of the subway station, passed through the thick smoke and fire, and quickly surrounded a ruins in front of him. Without even looking at the local humans who were howling like primitive people, he entered the ruins with guns in hand...

Rubik's Cube and Xiaoke separated from other mechanical soldiers and got into the narrow dark corridor. They pushed away a pile of tattered mattresses piled up by an unknown person. The parasite that originally showed a red figure on the mecha's mask suddenly disappeared. Rubik's Cube knew that it was not the opponent's death or escape. He used some method to hide his figure, signaled Xiaoke to be careful, and began to slow down and search forward a little bit.

The shopping mall is very large, and there is a large chain supermarket connected to the back. According to the data obtained after the fighter planes scanned the entire ruins, there is a large skylight in the middle of the ruins, and there are humans running around inside.

"The guy is in there, stay safe."

In groups of two, all the units spread out and approached from all sides. Except for the occasional damaged areas with light, the dark ruins were more like the middle of the night. From time to time, screams echoed in the darkness.

Xiaoke swallowed nervously, walked forward side by side with the Rubik's Cube and guarded his side. The mecha assist can see the picture clearly in the dark as in the daytime. In addition to displaying the three-dimensional terrain and various item data, the mask is the most conspicuous. It is a white locking circle. The circle moves with the movement of the muzzle. When aiming at those humans, it displays a yellow mark. Only when the enemy is locked will it turn into a red circle.

Not long after, under the huge skylight in the middle of the shopping mall, the light returned to the dazzling sunlight. The humans who were close to the barbarians had already disappeared without a trace, but there was still the sound of a woman crying.

Xiao Ke walked forward with a gun, and the Rubik's Cube was going to check in another room. Xiao Ke felt that it was still dangerous to walk alone in the ruins, so he followed the woman's sobbing instinctively...

After turning a corner, the white sunlight shining through the broken hole in the roof was very dazzling. Suddenly! The aiming circle turns red!

Click! He hurriedly turned his gun to lock on the parasite robot whose mechanical legs were flashing sparks. Just when his finger was about to pull the trigger, the circle turned yellow again. The parasite robot put its pistol against the neck of a woman wearing shabby clothes. The lance was destroyed in a fighter bombing.

"Put the gun down...it's better to let me go! Otherwise I'll kill her!" the parasite robot said in a hoarse voice.

Xiao Ke was still pointing his spear at the parasite robot, but no matter how he adjusted it, he could not lock on the parasite robot hiding behind the woman. Xiao Ke was a little anxious.

The situation was a bit stalemate, and Xiao Ke was still thinking about what to do. Over there, the parasite robot turned its pistol and aimed it at Xiao Ke...

At this moment, two mechanical soldiers appeared on both sides of Xiaoke. They held long guns and aimed at the parasite robot hiding behind the woman. They pulled the trigger and fired continuously! The flickering muzzle flash and sound made Xiaoke's eyes freeze. They didn't care about the woman's life or death... They saw that the woman's body was constantly bursting with blood, and the ferocious bullets mercilessly penetrated her weak body and hit the parasite robot behind her. Continuous fire, high rate of fire, dozens of bullets hit the woman and the parasite robot in the blink of an eye...

Stopping shooting, the woman and the parasite robot fell backward together, just in the sunlight shining down from the hole above their heads.

"You...why did you kill her...?" Xiaoke found it difficult to accept the truth.

"You can kill the opponent and the hostage when your own life is endangered. Otherwise, not only will one person die and many people will die, but the hostage in the end will not be able to survive. Shooting based on the calculated results is the best choice." A mechanical soldier next to him Leng Bing said, although it is difficult to accept, it is the fact. The fact is the fact and cannot be changed.

"I'm actually discussing human nature with a group of robots that destroyed the universe..." Xiaoke rubbed his forehead.

Rubik's Cube walked over and looked at the parasitic robot and the human woman who were killed. He did not blame the mechanical soldier. What happened just now was a comparative calculation problem as the mechanical soldier said, and he could only choose the minimum casualty.

"Don't be sad. At least more people can survive now. You didn't do anything wrong. You just don't know how to deal with killing innocent people. Let's go. There are still many parasites waiting for us to deal with. If you don't go, It will cause more casualties." Rubik's Cube turned and walked outside. Many primitive humans outside were throwing cement blocks and stones at the mechanical soldiers. The gray and black shape of the mechanical soldiers was easily reminiscent of the word "devil".

Two mechanical soldiers who once guarded the entrance to Longshan Spaceport felt human warmth again.

"I remember that people from the Dragon Kingdom always liked to throw eggs and cabbages at the space port. Why did they turn into cement blocks and rocks here?" A mechanical soldier said slowly, and just after he finished speaking, he raised his robot hand and knocked away a piece of cement slag.

"It's very simple. Eggs and cabbage can be turned into energy to replenish human physical fitness. Here... unless they are crazy, they will throw eggs."

The mechanical soldier who asked the question felt that what his companion said made sense.


A distant galaxy.

Dozens of large warships and hundreds of frigates and other warships are floating in space, and there are countless densely packed warships. All the mechanical armies are surrounding a large warship, and opposite the bow of the warship, an even larger fleet is quietly Floating, that is the Decepticon mechanical army battleship group.

There are still parasitic robots in the army. They secretly stir up troubles and cause internal strife between the two armies. However, in the process of constant internal strife, the parasites also find that it seems that the mechanical army cannot be defeated at all, and the construction speed far exceeds the attrition speed...

In the Autobot camp, a small battleship's weapons were charging, and then it opened fire on a large Decepticon battleship opposite!

The weapons of small battleships cannot break through the protective cover of large battleships, but this attack is more like throwing a stone into the calm water. The already tense weapons of both armies are activated at the same time, and another protracted battle of destruction is about to begin...

When those parasite robots excitedly watched the robots in front of them being plotted to start a war, suddenly the entire battle group area was swept by a huge energy! All mechanical beings are familiar with that kind of energy fluctuation. After feeling the fluctuation, all mechanical beings stop moving and wait quietly for orders.

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