Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1126: Discovering the second target

The soldiers yelled to stop and hurried away from the checkpoint. The reason why no one stayed was simple. A car bomb was more serious than being hit by a howitzer. The car was going so fast that it would probably explode. What was speechless was that the other party actually opened fire. He blew himself up while driving a sports car. Do you plan to drive a sports car when you die and go to heaven?

There were a large number of horses and iron frames lying on the road at the checkpoint. The owner of the vehicle being inspected did not care about his car and ran with the group of soldiers. Rubik's Cube felt that the other party was very knowledgeable. Take a look and vacated the checkpoint to make it easier for him to pass. It takes such a friendly attitude to do that, what a good person!

With the yellow sand and dust rushing all the way, not far from the checkpoint, the sports car deformed quickly and easily!

Kaka! The wheels stretched to both sides, and complex machinery appeared completely. The propellers sprayed flames downwards, and the entire car, which only underwent simple deformation while maintaining its shape, suddenly jumped up! It flew over the checkpoint, iron racks and other facilities before landing with a crash. The vehicle regained its shape, the engine roared, and it quickly disappeared with yellow sand and dust...

The checkpoint soldier and the car owner looked up from behind the sand and looked at each other confused. They didn't understand why the sports car could jump. Is this the selling point of the super car?

The road condition is getting better and better. Although it is not as good as the Dragon Kingdom Highway, it is still much better than the shabby roads in the Pirate World. There are more and more pedestrians on the road. The Rubik's Cube still goes straight to the pyramid according to the calculated route, passing through several East African countries. , and finally, arrived at the border checkpoint of the country where the pyramid is located.

The checkpoint here is different from the checkpoints in several nearby countries. The inspection is stricter and the facilities are larger. You cannot forcefully jump over it, and you are too lazy to transform the robot to walk through the desert. The Rubik's Cube is to see the Pyramid of the Nile River, not to deliver cannonballs to the locals.

Following the incoming convoy, we moved forward little by little, naturally taking photos as souvenirs. Taking pictures with our mobile phones, we approached the checkpoint little by little. At this time, the Kung Fu Cube was not idle. We quickly invaded the country's Internet and entered its command system to issue special release instructions. , went very smoothly. All the computers from the top to the checkpoint were controlled by the Rubik's Cube, and a special identity was fabricated to avoid inspection.

A car passed by, and the people on the car got out of the car to check. Soon, the Rubik's Cube stopped at the inspection position.

The inspector knocked on the car window, lowered the window, and a young man in the sports car smiled. The inspector did not notice that the man in front of him looked a little unreal and sometimes flickered as if there was a display failure...

The checkpoint office opened and an officer ran out panting and ran to the inspection position waving the inspector away.

"I'm sorry, I just received the news that your royal status does not need to undergo routine inspections. Welcome to our country. I wish you a pleasant stay." The official greeted with a smile. The three-dimensional projection of the Rubik's Cube was exactly the same as that of a prince of a certain country, and he also used it. That kid's identity created a false impression in the game.

"Thanks, you have a nice haircut, and have a nice weekend."

Rubik's Cube said hello and raised the window, the engine roared, and drove out of the checkpoint in a very cool manner. It was not that other countries did not want to use this method before. In fact, those countries did not have Internet at all and the checkpoints did not have computers...

After entering the country, the road conditions were obviously much better. The black roads were particularly obvious in the yellow desert. I drove fast all the way.

On the first night when Rubik's Cube entered the country, a special energy fluctuation attracted Rubik's Cube's attention...

The door rotates upward and opens, and the raised door transforms into an energy search similar radar device and begins to collect fluctuation information. Based on the positioning, the energy distribution point is calculated to be more than 100 kilometers away from the Rubik's Cube. According to computer analysis, the energy fluctuations are very similar to the energy that fluctuates in travel time. Rubik's Cube believes A certain unlucky guy who had been separated happened to appear near him, retracted the car door, turned around, and drove straight to the signal transmission site!

In a small town more than 100 kilometers away from the Rubik's Cube, a parasite robot opened fire and killed a police officer who came to check on the situation. It was even more confused than when the Rubik's Cube first arrived. The insect's brain obviously couldn't understand why it appeared alone in this place full of food. After thinking about the world in the world, he adjusted himself according to the shape of a small tricycle next to him. Not long after, a dilapidated tricycle drove away, leaving only a few police corpses on the spot.

A few hours later.

A black sports car appeared in the town. From a distance, many people were seen watching something, and there were also police cars with flashing lights and police officers pulling up the cordon.

The detection wave swept across, and the Rubik's Cube found that the traces on the ground had been destroyed by the crowd of onlookers. Only the body was nearby. The wounds should have been hit by bullets. The computer quickly restored the simulated scene. In the simulated picture, two police officers left the police car and were then hit by bullets. Hit, based on the fallen posture and wound characteristics, it was determined where the two people were standing before they fell. Scanning the wall, several warheads were found in the soil of the wall.

Made from standard mechanical soldier firearms, the parasite robot may have the ability to transform. It seems that the bastard is hiding in disguise.

The town is not big. Rubik's Cube circled the town twice and searched but did not find the suspicious target. Not only did he not find the parasite, he discovered that there was an additional high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft in the sky...

In a drone control center in the Eagle Empire, two operators are controlling the drone to hover over the Rubik's Cube. Through the screen, the appearance and movement of the black supercar can be clearly seen. The drone is controlled via satellite from thousands of miles away. Carrying out reconnaissance and strike missions is a characteristic of the Eagle Empire. It has killed many civilians, but it always accuses other countries of disrespecting humanity.

"Have you noticed anyone getting on or off the bus?" asked an official in a suit behind the operator.

"No, it has been driving since midnight yesterday and no one got out of the car. This means that the driver of the car has not eaten or gone to the convenience store for more than ten hours and has not returned home. My neighbor who is a car fanatic does not love cars that much. ." The drone operator shrugged.

"Continue to observe."

The officer left. After getting first-hand information, he wanted to go back and study what the vehicle was doing. There was a photo in his hand of the car with the window down at the checkpoint. The problem was that the man in the photo was spending a lot of money at the Eagle Empire Casino. It was impossible to show up at that checkpoint in the middle of nowhere.

At this time, the two operators suddenly found that they had lost control of the drone!

The officer who had just left ran back again and looked at the drone operation display with other drone unit personnel...

It was the Rubik's Cube that took away the control of the drone. I was worried that I didn't have high-altitude reconnaissance equipment, but a drone came to monitor me. The drone operation is not like the mechanical empire with independent capabilities or intelligent procedures, but through Remote control control, to put it bluntly, is a remote control aircraft that can fly far away and can drop bombs. The remote control uses signals. Using signals to remotely control the entire earth is not as good as the Rubik's Cube itself. I can easily steal the drone and start searching.

According to the analysis, the parasite robot must have left in disguise. There are traffic signs at the intersection of the town. The best hiding place and the best place to obtain information nearby is a city very close to it. According to the time of appearance and possible processing events, time is wasted there. The city rushed to make calculations, Rubik's Cube marked the approximate area where it might appear on the map, and then controlled the drone to fly directly to the target area to search.

Thousands of miles away in the Eagle Empire UAV Control Center, many officials stared blankly as the drone automatically marked its route as if it was being controlled by something. Not only that, but the normal display screen also showed that the drone was flying. The plane was being controlled by someone and was flying along a road to search. From time to time, the screen locked on the vehicles on the road and zoomed in to view them.

"Is it possible that other units forcibly took over control of the drone?" an official asked.

"It's impossible. I've asked all the units, even those who are not involved, but no. In addition, aren't we the top commanders of drones..."

"Then...does the drone carry weapons?"

"The drone carries two precision-guided bombs. The weapon will only be authorized for use if we deprogram it. He can't be... What's going on! Why does the weapon system show that it is unlocked? Which of you did it!!"

The commander of the UAV unit suddenly saw that the weapon column on the display changed to authorized. He was so angry that he yelled at the operator. The two operators looked at each other blankly. They had not released the weapon authorization at all. The commander of the roar also found that it seemed that it was not really two people who had lifted the weapons authorization. Since the other party could seize the drone, why couldn't they lift the weapons authorization?

The Rubik's Cube is speeding on the ground, drones in the sky are searching all the way, and there are all kinds of luxury cars, junk cars and even horse-drawn carriages on the road. The suspicious area is getting smaller and smaller, and it is getting closer and closer to finding the parasite robot!

Rubik's Cube snatched someone else's drone, and the Eagle Empire almost exploded. The commander felt that the matter was a bit serious and reported it to the minister. It was not a fuss, it was actually a drone that was out of control and carrying two precision-guided bombs. It is easy to cause serious diplomatic incidents. Although the Eagle Empire has always been disobedient to order, superficial work still needs to be done.

The minister was playing golf at the manor on vacation. The commander with full authority to handle the investigation task directly called the minister's secretary.

"Hello, the minister is playing golf now. You must know that he rarely plays so well and it is inconvenient to answer the phone." The lazily voice of the minister's secretary came from the other end of the phone. The commander bet that this guy will definitely be sitting there. While eating donuts!

"Fuck golf, okay! I'm not calling you to talk nonsense! I need authorization to solve the trouble! It's out of control, do you understand? A war will break out at any time, do you understand? You'd better hand the damn phone to the minister immediately or else I'll take you to court! Hurry!" the commander almost yelled into the phone. The only solution now is to send fighter jets from the nearest air force or navy to shoot down the out-of-control drone carrying weapons. All these are needed. Authorization.

The secretary to the minister was stunned. It sounded like the person on the phone was in a hurry. The minister over there was very excited and was about to use his own methods. As a last resort, the secretary walked up to the minister.

"Mr. Minister, emergency call."

The fat minister with white hair was just about to take a swing, but was interrupted by the secretary. He glared at the secretary and took the call. However, after listening to two sentences, he frowned, threw away the club and walked back.

"I agree with the authorization and tell the pilot that the drone must be shot down before it drops the bomb. Also! Don't shoot it down in the city!"

The Eagle Empire army is very efficient. They have just received authorization. In less than ten minutes, a fighter jet that was cruising closest to the drone flipped its wings and changed its course and flew straight towards the drone. It is very efficient because it is everywhere in the world. All Eagle Empire military bases have weapons ready at all times, which is of course efficient.

On the other side, the Rubik's Cube was still searching. Many people at the drone control office thousands of kilometers away watched the drone search the road. Suddenly, the drone locked onto a fast-moving tricycle...

"That guy didn't go to bomb the leader or the school mall, but he targeted a worthless tricycle? Who can tell me what that guy was doing? Could it be that the guy driving the tricycle stole that bastard's donuts? "The commander stared at the drone screen and felt confused. He spent a lot of energy to take away control of the drone and ended up locking a broken car?

The Rubik's Cube was found, and the supercar speeding on the road speeded up again, swaying left and right to avoid slow-moving cars one after another and headed straight for the tricycle!

In the air, the drone began to use laser to lock on the tricycle...

"Look! The drone is ready to launch precision-guided bombs!" the drone operator shouted in front of a group of senior officials. The operating equipment showed that the weapon was ready to launch at any time!

"How long until our fighter jets arrive?"

"In twenty minutes at the fastest..."

A group of officials looked ugly. Twenty minutes passed, not to mention two precision-guided bombs, and ten of them were thrown away!

Beep~ There was a sound from the UAV control center. It was the bomb projection sound. Sure enough, that bastard threw the bomb out just to blow up such a broken tricycle. The device indicated that the bomb would land and explode after fifteen seconds. Every second seemed like It was so long that the commander swallowed and vomited. He was thinking about how to write his report...

On the desert road, an old bus full of passengers and decorated with various decorations was driving slowly. The driver was swaying to the local music while driving. The hanging decorations dangling in front of the car showed that the road conditions were normal.

Suddenly, a shabby tricycle passed quickly by the passenger car.

"Run so fast and you're in a hurry to die! Run carefully and you'll explode, hehe~" the old bus driver cursed. If a tricycle dared to run so fast, it would not only commit suicide but also kill others. Whoever saw it was scolded. Just now After cursing, the driver saw a black thing falling from the sky in the corner of his eye...

Boom~! ! Suddenly there was an explosion of flames ahead!

squeak--! The bus driver hurriedly stepped on the brakes, and the broken car drew a black line on the road for several meters before it came to a crooked stop. The driver was dumbfounded. He was just cursing and couldn't really explode, right? Did God see my prayer?

At the center of the explosion, the dilapidated tricycle actually hit the road again, but one side was damaged beyond recognition by shrapnel and shock waves. It hit the road again faster!

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