Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1127: Chase

"The damn bombs produced on Earth are indeed of poor quality!"

The Rubik's Cube was speeding on the road while complaining and accelerating wildly. The wrong car almost drifted past. The black tires were rotating at extremely high speeds. The first attack blew up the Rubik's Cube and continued to drop the second bomb. After the first bomb attack, the Rubik's Cube found the eagle. The imperial weapons are not as powerful as they advertised. Most of them are those people on the Internet who brag and praise them too much to use psychological tactics against enemy countries!

The second bomb has been dropped, and after the countdown, Rubik's Cube can see explosive fireworks set off on the road in the distance.

The second bomb hit the road behind the tricycle. The explosion shock wave pushed the rear wheel of the tricycle up and tilted forward. Fortunately, the parasite robot was very capable and controlled the tricycle to keep moving forward and increase its speed. The tricycle here was bombed. It's okay, the drone control center over there is not calm.

"Can any of you tell me what brand of tricycle this is? It was hit by two precision-guided bombs and it can still drive. Is it because I'm dazzled?"

"No, sir, that tricycle is indeed fine. We suspect...that there may be more than one Transformer..." a researcher said cautiously.

Two precision-guided bombs lit up the light, and the drone became a device that could only be used for reconnaissance. After detecting the parasite robot, Rubik's Cube no longer needed the drone. Using waste, Rubik's Cube controlled the Eagle Empire without weapons. The drone dives straight to the ground. There is no bomb left, but there is still fuel...

The control center thousands of miles away saw the drone's picture suddenly change and the ground tricycle getting bigger and bigger!

"Is that bastard crazy! He actually used a drone to hit the target...!"

The ground screen got bigger and bigger, and finally, the screen lost the signal instantly, and everyone here could not see what was happening locally. But one advantage is that you don't have to worry about the drone losing control and dropping a bomb on the head of another country's head of state, and you don't have to worry about fighter jets. The legal issue of invading other countries and shooting down drones from the sky made the commander of the drone unit lose confidence in drones for the first time.


A Transformers incident researcher suddenly spoke up and asked the drone operator to replay the last scene. Others didn't understand what he was doing, but they still stood by and watched.

"Go back...and go back...no, go forward...and go back until the video before the crash..."

The drone operator kept changing the picture as required. Finally, the picture was fixed on the picture before the drone hit the tricycle. When everyone saw this scene, they were shocked because they saw that the broken tricycle actually changed its original shape. There is a pair of mechanical hands pressing on the ground and rolling sideways!

"Let the fighter jet check the tricycle and sports car immediately! Quick! Immediately!!"

A senior official roared from the scene.

On the other side, the Rubik's Cube on the highway swayed left and right to avoid pedestrians and vehicles. The detection equipment had already locked onto the parasite. For some reason, a shabby bus suddenly appeared in front of it and stopped in the middle of the road. There were many civilians standing on the highway making phone calls. Thick smoke billowed in front of it. It looked like it was the site of the first bombing. When there was a car accident, instead of staying in the safe zone, he stood in the middle and watched the excitement. Rubik's Cube was helpless.

Without slowing down, when he arrived not far in front of the crowd, the four wheels turned outward and were completely mechanically opened at the same time. The complex machine jumped high on the ground with force...

A certain brown-haired beauty was talking on the phone. As she was talking, she heard the roar of a sports car and turned her head to look behind her. Then, the beauty was so stunned that she didn’t even know that the phone in her hand had landed. The sunlight above her eyes was blocked, and a black object roared from above her head. Whistling by, when the object flew past and saw the sun, the beauty finally remembered and screamed out of fear.


Anxious inquiries came from the phone on the ground...

It crossed the crowd and wiped out sparks all over the ground. It quickly restored the shape of the vehicle and continued to speed. At the same time, the weapon system stretched out from the roof and aimed the cannon muzzle at a small black spot in front. The fire flashed and smart artillery shells were fired continuously!

The tricycle continued to drive, and suddenly made a sharp turn. A specially shaped and constantly rotating cannonball passed by the tricycle and hit a sand dune not far away. It exploded. More cannonballs continued to fly from behind. The tricycle simply swayed left and right and penetrated into other vehicles. Dodge in the middle, seeing that the suburbs of the city can be seen from a distance. As long as the parasite robot penetrates into the city, it will be difficult for the Rubik's Cube to detect and destroy it. The parasite robot drives towards the city desperately.

It's a pity that neither the tricycle nor the parasite robot can surpass the speed of a Rubik's Cube sports car. What's more, the power energy system is not of the same level. The tricycle watched the sports car behind it getting closer and closer. To be honest, it didn't know at all. Who is the one attacking me from behind?

A fighter jet appeared in the distant sky. He didn't need to fly so fast, but he had just received a communication from the headquarters and had to fly at supersonic speed to reach his destination. In the distance, the pilot could clearly see a black sports car driving at high speed on the ground.

Looking from the sky, the black sports car is getting closer and closer to the tricycle at super speed...

There were too many vehicles to use the machine gun, so Rubik's Cube simply switched to the heavy machine gun mode and kept firing at the tricycle in front. The roaring bullets weaved a hail of bullets and flew towards the tricycle. Several vehicles near the tricycle were in bad luck. After being hit by bullets one after another, the cars broke down and crooked. It was carried crookedly into a ditch on the roadside, and the tricycle was splashed with sparks from constant blows.

In the sky, the fighter pilot was stunned. He didn't understand why a sports car would be equipped with such a powerful weapon. The dense light spots kept rushing towards a dodging tricycle.

"Nineteenth, what did you see?" The airport inquiry sounded in the pilot's earphones.

"I saw the Death Speedster..."

The Rubik's Cube is getting closer and closer to the tricycle. When the Rubik's Cube increases its power and prepares to transform and pounce on the bastard, the parasite robot suddenly turns and heads towards another path. The tricycle can also drift thanks to the parasite's ability. It turns onto the path and parasitizes. The insect robot went straight to a tall building not far from the road, a pyramid...

Squeak~! There was a sound of tire friction on the road, and the black and gray supercar drifted and turned perfectly and followed it towards the Pyramid Highway. They fired again while chasing, bullets swept across the sand dunes, and a group of photography enthusiasts with long guns and short cannons threw away their valuable cameras and lay on the ground. Dodging bullets on the ground, a few people only heard crackling sounds above their heads. When they looked up, they saw that the long guns and cannon cameras on the tripods had been smashed by bullets.

"Oh...my camera..." A cry of grief and indignation came from the hills.

The fighter pilots hovering in the sky transmitted the scene situation back to the airport, and then the airport transmitted the information back to the Eagle Empire Military Center for analysis. After analysis, the researchers came to a shocking conclusion. There may be more than one Transformers on the earth and they are hostile to each other. That vehicle The black sports car is undoubtedly chasing the tricycle. What happened to them?

Not long after, the pilot was completely shocked after seeing the scene on the ground...

"OMG! Tell me this isn't true..."

The tricycle running at the front came to various ancient boulder buildings under the pyramid and quickly transformed into a mechanical soldier form. It used its mechanical legs to run wildly towards the ruins. Behind it, the black and gray supercar suddenly jumped high and began to dazzle with complex transformations. Amidst the sound of metal machinery colliding, it transformed into a black and gray Transformer. It moved its huge mechanical legs and ran straight to the little robot in front to catch up!

The parasite robot that was escaping in front was knocked over by the explosion and rolled to one side. Rubbles fell from the sky. Just now, a cannonball hit the boulder next to the parasite robot and almost destroyed it. After getting up, he realized that the parasite that was following him was a Transformers parasite. The robots fled in a panic, crawling around in the ruins to avoid cannonballs.

Behind, the Rubik's Cube violently smashes the messy objects piled up by an unknown person and chases the parasite robot.

"Bedbug! Come out quickly! Stop hiding, I can smell the stinky smell on your body from a distance! Come out and let me kill you! Oh, you are here."

boom! !

The violent explosion once again knocked the parasite robot away. After landing, it ignored the fallen parts and used a firearm to shoot at the Rubik's Cube. Unfortunately, the bullets could not cause any damage to the Rubik's Cube. The firepower was far from enough to damage the Rubik's Cube. Now it was more like a death struggle. If Unless something unexpected happens, it is certain that the parasite will be caught by the Rubik's Cube.

Just when Rubik's Cube was about to smash the legs of the parasite robot with one shot, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the sky!

Two laser-guided bombs were flying in the direction of the Rubik's Cube. The computer defense system automatically started interference. The two guided bombs lost their target and flew randomly. Unfortunately, due to their low altitude and high speed, one of them hit the huge ancient stone pillar next to the Rubik's Cube...

There was a loud explosion, flying stones and collapsed stone pillars burying the Rubik's Cube underneath.

The attack came from fighter jets, and the order came from the Eagle Empire. First, it was because Rubik's Cube shot at other vehicles indiscriminately on the road without knowing whether it caused casualties. Just shooting at others indiscriminately is enough to cause human hostility. In addition, forcibly controlling national property is useless. Man-machine violates the laws of the Eagle Empire. The Eagle Empire even wants to take the opportunity to test the lethality of Earth's weapons against these robots that come from unknown sources. It is obvious that the Transformers who randomly shoot at the crowd are the best test characters.

"Report, there seems to be interference during the launch of laser-guided bombs, but one of the bombs hit the target. The dust at the scene is too big and we need to wait for a while to confirm the result of the attack. Wait... I was attacked by an electromagnetic attack... unable to... malfunction..."

"Number 19, answer quickly! Number 19?"

At the airport command center, only noise could be heard from the communicator. In the end, the pilot gave an intermittent description indicating that there was electronic interference or something more serious at the time. There was no scene image and only the pilot reported. After confirming that contact could not be made, the nearest drone rushed to At the place where the incident occurred, there was no other way. Even at the risk of the drone being controlled, we had to check whether the pilot was safe, otherwise we would not be able to explain it to our superiors.

Under the pyramid, the Rubik's Cube stood up from the rubble. There were many dents and scratches on one side of the body armor, and there were even short circuits and sparks in two places. The weapons on the left robotic arm were damaged and damaged, and not far away, a fighter jet The wreckage is burning, and the billowing black smoke is almost higher than the pyramid. Farther away, a parachute is slowly landing with a pilot. The Rubik's Cube has just used electromagnetic attack to destroy the aircraft equipment, and the pilot has to parachute.

"It's really idle. I worked hard to clean up the bugs but was attacked by humans. Well, the bugs ran into the city. Next, I have to bring the battlefield into the city. Forget it, reasoning is useless."

Walking out of the buildings around the pyramid step by step, the Rubik's Cube bent down and quickly transformed into a sports car. However, the sports car had some scratches. The strange thing was that the scratches and dents were slowly healing. The engine started and drove straight to the city. The vehicle in the no-man's land on the road quickly re-painted automatically, and the original black-gray paint changed to pure yellow paint...

Driving quickly, a drone flew over the Rubik's Cube and headed straight for the pyramid, which was not a tourist area.


The Transformers disappeared, and the Eagle Empire was very nervous. It originally thought that it could kill or capture a Transformer alive with its world's largest military power, which would have a huge boost to the Eagle Empire's technology. Unexpectedly, the other party ran away and was hiding. The figure was hiding in a city with countless vehicles, and the other robot also escaped without a trace.

A hidden enemy is more terrifying than a powerful enemy on the surface. The Eagle Empire army knows very little about Transformers materials. They only know that they can transform into mechanical products, have firepower, and have the ability to disrupt and invade electronic products.

Rubik's Cube was indeed very angry. He was hit by a bomb for no reason. He didn't actually shoot the humans on the road. He only used the attack to scare them away from the road. It is not the character of a robot to not retaliate.

That night, the world was in a frenzy because a hacker published a large number of obscene and dirty things about the Eagle Empire and even used the internal documents of the Eagle Empire. Countries around the world cursed in unison. The chaebols felt that one was bigger than the other, but this The incident did not affect the Eagle Empire. The reason is very simple. If you have money, you often recycle assets like wool. This makes the Eagle Empire very rich. With money, who cares whether you are shameless or have any shortcomings? With money, disadvantages are also advantages. Without money, the advantages are simply invisible.

In a city very close to the pyramid, a yellow sports car is constantly searching, occasionally turning red, occasionally turning into another vehicle, silently hiding in the rolling traffic, searching for the parasite robot...

Rubik's Cube suspected that the guy had hid in the city's sewers. The sewers were large, dark, and without any surveillance. The ground, traffic monitors, store monitors, and even everyone's mobile phone cameras in the city were all controlled by Rubik's Cube. After waiting for two days, nothing was found. If there is suspicious information, then it can only hide in the underground sewers.

A red sports car was parked on the side of the road. Several mechanical insects came out of the engine grille and crawled in through the small hole in the sewer...

A total of nearly a hundred mechanical insects were released. The little bugs continued to search and inspect the sewer, section by section, including searching in dirty water. After four hours, a certain mechanical insect found suspicious footprints in the sewer. !

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