Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 182: Radar Station

Distant universe.

The various unmanned fighter jets and frigates and other starships manufactured in the dock have an increasingly wide range of activities. In nearby galaxies, one can always see patrol fighter jets flying past one after another. As the number of warships and fighter jets increases, The Rubik's Cube was getting more and more confident, and since I was bored, I just expanded a few huge shipyards. I could take materials at will and have plenty of energy, just build them for fun.

In the main body of the interstellar battleship, Rubik's Cube is calculating how to create a mechanical life form with intelligence and soul, a life form like himself. However, he has tried many times without success, and he always feels that he is missing a key step.

There is no problem in making machines with intelligent programs. They can handle various tasks and emergencies, and can even carry out conversations. But the problem is that these are programmed and not souls. What the Rubik's Cube needs to do is to be as independent as itself. Thinking about life with its own thoughts already belongs to the scope of the Creator.

"What's the difference... This is the 129,371th time the formula calculation has failed. Why can't it create a soul?"

Looking at a robot Rubik's Cube in the cabin, I feel very confused. Logically speaking, this robot's intelligent program is already very advanced and can perform various behaviors and conversations. However, these are programs stored in the computer and are not behaviors calculated independently by the computer. , soul...what exactly is a soul? If this difficulty is solved, the Rubik's Cube will become... a god.

The test failed again. Rubik's Cube gave the order for the robot to do the work, and the view switched to the command module and stared at the starry sky outside the porthole in a daze.

"Why do cellular organisms have their own souls when they are born..."

"Why is it so difficult for a machine to create a soul..."

"Sooner or later, I will create a powerful civilization belonging to mechanical life, and mechanical life also has the right to live in this universe! Machinery..." Looking at the gorgeous starry sky, Rubik's Cube made his own oath...

The boundless universe is slowly changing because of Rubik's Cube's oath. A powerful mechanical civilization is born and grows here. The future is destined to be unstable. This is a difficult and bumpy road. Rubik's Cube is not afraid and is determined to create a brilliant mechanical civilization. Standing in the universe, regardless of whether cellular organisms or other organisms agree or disagree, if they disagree, then the only way is war!


Mountainous area of ​​Shancheng County.

In order to be suitable for driving on thick snow, Rubik's Cube had to conjure up a vehicle similar to a snowmobile. One wheel is on the bottom and the other wheel is on top as an air propeller. The dual power is used to maintain high-speed and stable driving.

This place is too far away from the airport of the unknown organization in the data obtained from the crashed helicopter, but Rubik's Cube is sure that the other party will definitely appear in this airspace frequently. To find the personnel of those organizations, it is impossible to rely on waiting. Who knows how long it will take for them to arrive? Once again, the best way is to activate the Air Force air defense radar to search, and rely on the radar's super detection capabilities to find those sneaky guys.

The closest one is the radar station on a famous mountain in Province L. That large radar can detect the air military status of the three countries in the eastern Dragon Kingdom and has a very strong ability.

Driving quickly along the planned route, we are getting closer and closer to the mountain...

the next day.

After driving all night, the high-speed Rubik's Cube on the snow brought by super power finally arrived at the foot of the mountain. After scanning to confirm that there were no survivors nearby, the Rubik's Cube transformed into a robot form, collected a large barrel of oil from several vehicles, and drove a After the off-road vehicle was repaired, Rubik's Cube drove the off-road vehicle along the winding mountain road to the radar station on the top of the mountain.

Boom... The engine of the off-road vehicle roared past, and it drifted past without slowing down even when turning. Anyway, all the data have been calculated many times. All you have to do is follow the established procedures. If I had known better, I would have installed anti-skid chains, but it is a pity that when the apocalypse breaks out, Early autumn.

As the altitude increased, the wind became stronger and stronger. When we were driving halfway up the mountain, a section of the road was covered by heavy snow. The Rubik's Cube had to get off the car and carry the oil drum up the mountain step by step. Each step was submerged half a meter deep. I lament that these days, if you want to borrow a radar, you need to bring your own fuel. I hope those soldiers did not take the generator with them when they retreated...

There is a snow pit at each step. After hard work, we are getting closer and closer to the top of the mountain. Through the wind and snow, we can see a huge white spherical object on the top of the mountain.

The huge white object was the huge spherical cover that covered the radar inside. There were several camouflage buildings next to it. After calculating the distance to the top of the mountain, the Rubik's Cube changed its mechanical arm to carry the oil drum and continued to climb up until it reached a steep slope. When they were nearby, they lifted a sign warning of rolling stones from the snowdrift and erected it again.

Under the bright and dazzling sunshine, the howling wind and snow, the Rubik's Cube climbed up step by step, silently saying that when there was time, it would be necessary to collect high-quality steel and transform it into an airplane, otherwise there would be no need to climb up step by step and just fly up.

After half a day, the Rubik's Cube finally climbed to the top of the mountain.

The barracks on the top of the mountain are large and equipped with a lot of equipment. In addition to the radar, there is also a set of remote communication antenna equipment. The Rubik's Cube breathed a sigh of relief after seeing this. It is difficult to get in touch with the Longshan Camp in such a mountainous area with its own communication equipment. I haven't spoken to Zhang Xiaowen since I left Longshan. With this set of equipment, I can contact not only Longshan but also the capital. It would be even better if I could contact the interstellar battleship further away...

After a scan, no living soldiers or zombies were found, and it was basically confirmed that the radar troops had withdrawn.

I found the generator and filled it with oil. After a brief check, I confirmed that the equipment could work normally. Without saying a word, I immediately started the generator and ran to the barracks to find the radio communication equipment. I used the energy tentacles to modify the equipment and finally contacted Longshan Camp. .

"Wenzi, can you receive it?"

Zhang Xiaowen, who was grooming the big cat on the other side, was stunned for a moment, and then she remembered that the Rubik's Cube was contacting her.

"I got it, where are you? Why don't you come back?"

"I'm at a radar station on a high mountain north of Shancheng County. Nothing is going on at the camp. I won't be able to go back for a few days. The camp in Shancheng County is very good now. There are more than 10,000 survivors. When the snow melts next spring We will contact them later to discuss the alliance.”

"Well, you can do whatever you want. Why are you going to the radar station? Can that thing contact alien planets? I'm afraid only the space center has the equipment to do that."

"It's not about contacting alien planets." Rubik's Cube rolled his eyes, acting like he was a Martian.

"I wanted to use radar to search for the location of those sneaky organizations. I didn't expect that the camp in Shancheng County was also quietly controlled by them. Fortunately, I solved the trouble. Their tentacles are very long. You should be careful at home."

"Don't worry, if you meet me, you will definitely close the door and let the cat out." Zhang Xiaowen said nonchalantly.

"Meow~" Hearing the mention of himself, the golden civet quickly shouted to announce his existence and ability, and he looked like a little adult.

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