Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 183: Activate air defense radar

After chatting with Zhang Xiaowen for a while, Rubik's Cube hung up the communication and prepared to debug the radar system and start working.

He came to the console and sat down. He placed his two robot hands on the equipment. A large number of dense blue soft energy tentacles extended from the joint gaps and penetrated into various key nodes inside the equipment. First, all earth software was updated to improve performance. All kinds of weird and mysterious symbols suddenly appeared and kept refreshing, and the contents were all mechanical text programs.

A few minutes later.

The radar in the spherical protective cover began to rotate, and the radar beam began to sweep across the vast sky like a brush. The radar system that had been modified and improved by the Rubik's Cube could even distinguish objects the size of sparrows. The Rubik's Cube turned on the radar here, which unexpectedly shocked many organizations and units...

In a certain unit of the Air Force, a piece of equipment suddenly sounded an alarm and the display displayed the location of the mountain radar station where the Rubik's Cube was located. The soldiers quickly reported the situation to their superiors.

An unknown organization has a mountaintop monitoring station. Several people are looking at a certain point on the map and saying something.

Some monitoring stations in the two peninsula countries also detected the radar signals of Province L of Dragon Kingdom. For a while, the remaining armies of the two countries gave up some unrealistic ideas and canceled the plan to send planes to Dragon Kingdom to investigate the situation.

After discussion, the remaining Maru Kingdom people decided not to send troops into the Dragon Kingdom to plunder territory for the time being.

On the top of the mountain, the radar did detect some aircraft, but those aircraft were too far away from Province L. There were drones, fighter jets and helicopters. Compared with the busy sky before the end of the world, the sky now is almost very clean, and nearby, There are only so many goals.

The Rubik's Cube computer never expected that just turning on the radar once would cause so many things. At this time, the Rubik's Cube no longer cared about what others thought, but stared closely at the 3D picture on the big screen. On the screen, a plane was flying to Large helicopters without flight codes from elsewhere are flying towards the radar station quickly. This is really good news. A single radar launch has attracted these guys here. I hope they bring computer equipment.


The back mechanical deformation assembled two missiles, the left mechanical arm turned into a machine gun, the mechanical neck was twisted, and the Rubik's Cube walked towards the door...

Inside a large, unnumbered black helicopter.

"All combatants, listen up, we are going to arrest the soldiers at the radar station this time. If they resist, they can be killed!" an armed man wearing a black combat uniform standing in the middle of the helicopter cabin shouted loudly.


Then there was the sound of guns being checked and loaded. There were ten combat personnel in the cabin, all wearing black combat uniforms with black cloths covering their faces. Only their eyes wearing protective glasses were exposed, as if dealing with national soldiers was a common thing. There is no psychological burden on the matter, which shows that these people don't care about words like motherland and law at all.

Soon, the helicopter flew over the radar station on the top of the mountain, found a flat open space and landed slowly.

"GO! GO! GO!"

The hatch opened, and the heavily armed men quickly jumped out of the plane and ran towards the barracks through the snowflakes blown up by the strong wind from the propellers. The muzzles of their guns were pointed at the windows and doors of the barracks. The leader of the team raised his right hand. After making a few hand gestures, the five team members nodded to disperse and move quickly to the other side. They cooperated with each other and were experienced in fighting.

The armed men quickly rushed to the door and stood on both sides. After looking at each other, one of them took out a flash bomb, opened the door to a small gap with one hand and flicked the safety with the thumb of the other hand, then quickly opened the door. Flashbangs were thrown into the door.

"Flash bomb!"

All armed personnel should lower their heads and close their eyes!

Bang! A dazzling white light flashed, and the armed men quickly raised their guns, kicked open the door and windows, and rushed into the barracks.

"Safe!" He raised his gun and glanced back and forth, but no one was found. He met up with the armed men at the back door and went straight to the second floor. They also used flash bombs to open the way and then followed up. What made everyone feel strange was that after searching everyone Not even a single living person was found in the room, only some strange symbols flashed on the radar operating equipment.

"Report, there is no one except the radar equipment infected with the virus." Those symbols were too complicated to read, and the armed personnel easily concluded that there was some kind of virus in the system.

The alert was lifted, but the team leader was a little confused. There was no one in the barracks, so how could the radar be activated? Is it possible that this kind of virus can activate the radar? If there is someone in the room, it will be in... Oops! Only then did the team leader realize that he and others had been deceived! The other party either wants to trap him and others in the barracks, or the target is the helicopter outside!


Suddenly, there was an explosion outside, and then the pilot's shout came from the earphones.

"I was hit! The plane lost control...ah..."

Buzz buzz...

The leader looked out the window and saw the helicopter's propellers emitting black smoke, swaying left and right in the air and quickly diving towards the ground. Then the helicopter hit the snow with its nose nose down and slid sideways. The high-speed rotating propellers sliced ​​away piles of debris. The snow caused a sky full of snow and fog, and the pilot's screams disappeared. Only the sizzling sound could be heard in the headphones. The plane skidded for more than ten meters before stopping at the edge of the hillside, emitting black smoke. Only the small propeller at the tail was still spinning slowly.

"Go to the first floor!" the leader yelled, then raised his gun and ran to the first floor, followed closely by other armed men.

puff……! An armed man who was running down the stairs suddenly burst out with a cloud of blood mist on his face and fell backwards. He fell to the ground with only his body still twitching once or twice.

"Be careful of snipers! Damn it! Can you contact the branch? We need support!"

"Report to the captain, our equipment cannot send out communications that far away, but there is a remote communication equipment upstairs that should be able to be used!"

"Then go quickly! Tell the branch that we were ambushed and the helicopter was shot down! We will cover you to go upstairs!" the leader shouted to the armed men who were speaking.


"Everyone, listen up! Fire randomly into the snow outside! Fight!" With a roar, the armed men all stood up, raised their guns and fired at the snow outside the window. For a while, the bullets traced tracks and hit the snowflakes. This was a very serious incident. Normal suppression and cover would be very effective if there were humans ambushing outside. Unfortunately, there is only one robot outside that is not afraid of being hit...

puff……! Another armed man's head exploded with blood mist!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the armed man picked up his submachine gun and bent down and ran upstairs. He crouched and jumped up to the second floor and ran to the communication room. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the communication equipment in front of him, and then sat down. The communication device was turned on on the seat...

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