Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 187: Ambush and Counter-Ambush

After the jet fighter jets roared back and forth in the sky for ten minutes, they had to withdraw after no results were found. If they did not withdraw and attract the attention of the Dragon Kingdom Air Force and send fighter jets, they would not be able to leave. After all, the organization used the Dragon Kingdom's old brand. The rival Eagle Empire's fighter jets. Rubik's Cube emerged from the snow nest, determined its bearing, and continued to fly at low altitude close to the ground. Instead of retreating, it went straight to another route that the organization often flew to ambush.

Those people would never have imagined that they would meet such a crazy guy who would kill several high-value planes and then continue to commit crimes, threatening to bankrupt him.

After flying continuously for a day, we found another place where the route passed, the Hunjiang Grand Canyon.

The mountains on both sides of the river are nearly a thousand meters high. The water flow is rapid and the water quality is clear. The frozen river looks like a white dragon crawling between the mountains and rivers. Most of the sides are cliffs and rolling stone areas. A road along the river is built on the cliff halfway up the mountain. It is more than 300 meters above the river, and the scenery is beautiful and majestic. Suddenly, a robot fell down on the snow-covered road halfway up the mountain. It was a Rubik's Cube.

"The scenery is very nice, with the rough and wild style of the north. It's a bit embarrassing to have to ambush in such a beautiful place."

Having said that, the Rubik's Cube quickly transformed into a machine gun, with two missiles hanging on both sides, without even the slightest expression of embarrassment. It was obvious that he was very satisfied with this ambush location. Below was the frozen river. This is A perfect place to escape and hide your tracks, no footprints, and make those bad bastards mad as hell.

The north wind howled, and the blown snow accumulated on the various mechanical parts of the Rubik's Cube, gradually becoming more and more inconspicuous, as if it were a rock rolling down a mountain...


Rubik's Cube is quietly waiting here, but those organizations can't stand it anymore.

Several helicopters were killed in a row. No one could bear this kind of loss. The unprovoked losses of not only aircraft, but also pilots and combat personnel made the branch leaders very angry. What made them mad the most was that there were several senior biological scientists. Experts are also on the list of losses. This is simply a piece of meat cut out of these leaders, and finally a handful of salt and cumin are sprinkled on them!

In a conference room.

"Who is it? Have you found out? Could it be the Dragon Kingdom Air Force who did it?" The first person, a middle-aged man wearing a black suit and black tie, roared angrily.

"No, it won't. If it's the Dragon Kingdom Air Force, we can detect their actions. The problem is that we can't find any clues. The ground searchers only found this." After saying this, the man nodded to the deputy behind him, and then A picture appeared on the big screen in the conference room. There was only a patch of snow on the picture, and the marks were not very clear. It could be barely seen that some weapons had been fired here.

"According to analysis, it is believed that about 20 mm cannons were used here. The strange thing is that there are high mountains and dense forests. There are no traces or footprints caused by helicopter hovering. It's as if someone appeared out of thin air with a heavy cannon and opened fire. Finally disappeared out of thin air..."

The conference room fell into silence, and everyone was thinking. If a helicopter hovered, it would definitely destroy some dense branches. Without a helicopter, how did the man and the cannon get there and disappear?

"An even more bizarre thing is that one of our helicopters went missing while going to the radar station to search... You may not believe it, but the plastic, seat foam, ropes and other things on the plane were all there, but the plane was not. It wasn’t demolished, but not even a single metal part could be found.”

"..." Everyone felt a little confused.

"The helicopters have been damaged too much and our branch is no longer able to carry out normal testing and scientific research collection activities. We have applied to the headquarters to deploy helicopters. It will take about two or three months." Another man in a black suit said.

"Does anyone have any good ideas?"

The conference room fell into silence again. Obviously no one could think of how to deal with this strange opponent. Among them, one man turned his head.

"My helicopter driving skills are far superior to ordinary people. During this time, I was on a mission and operated with the mission aircraft. To be honest, I really wanted to meet this weird guy. I didn't believe that the firepower of an armed helicopter could not deal with a cannon. ”

"Okay! You are outstanding! From now on, you will follow the helicopter on the mission." The middle-aged man at the head finally showed a little satisfaction on his face. He finally had a capable person under his command. He was thinking about what he would do to this guy when he comes back. The headquarters report recommends that there are not many such talents in the apocalypse...

The organization has significantly fewer aircraft missions recently. It does not dare to fly arrogantly even far away from the area where the aircraft was shot down. Many combatants and scientists are much more relaxed.

The Rubik's Cube had been buried under snow for more than ten days. There was even a squirrel hiding some pine cones for the winter inside the Rubik's Cube machine. Just when he thought those bad guys were afraid to go out and was considering retreating, the detection equipment came again. Two helicopters were discovered, a large transport helicopter and an armed helicopter. After waiting for so many days, Rubik's Cube was very pleased to finally meet his prey.

Not only was the Rubik's Cube waiting a little impatiently, but the leadership pilot on the armed helicopter was also very annoyed. He had been flying with the mission helicopter for several days without even seeing a thing, but he was very tired. He really couldn't figure out what this guy was. After running away, I still don’t plan to attack again. Where can I find it in such a large area? I can’t stay in the sky every day...

After turning a corner and arriving at the Grand Canyon, in the cockpit of the helicopter, the man looked at the Grand Canyon outside the cockpit glass and had a vague feeling in his heart. This place... somehow seemed like a suitable place for a sneak attack and ambush.

"Attention, there may be an ambush here, everyone be careful." The man warned through the radio.


The two helicopters continued flying one after the other and soon entered the canyon area.

Buzz buzz... The sound of the propellers of the two helicopters echoed in the Grand Canyon. The man looked helplessly at the steep mountains on both sides. If he was not afraid that the armies of various countries would find out, why bother flying at low altitude through the canyon where radar signals could not be found? He was hidden. The advantage of the trail is that it is also easy to be targeted and attacked. Just wait, and when it is strong enough, you no longer need to hide in these canyons and caves.

Didi didi! The warning light in the cockpit suddenly flashed and sounded the alarm.

"We are locked by missiles! Avoid!"

The experienced man discovered two missiles trailing flames coming from the road halfway up the mountain. In desperation, he quickly fired the jamming bombs and tried to control the helicopter to dodge. In an instant, the two helicopters kept flying and flashing brightly in the sky. The light interference bomb flipped flexibly. The Rubik's Cube on the road did not expect to encounter two pilots with experienced control skills this time.

"The other party is on the road halfway up the mountain!"

The man yelled and dodged the missile in a hurry. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw that the locked indicator light was still alarming. He realized that the jamming bomb was ineffective and simply stopped firing it randomly. He turned the nose of the plane and stared at him as it flew towards him. The missile came over, and the whole body tensed up.

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