Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 188: Battle with armed helicopters

"Now!" the man yelled, pulling the joystick with both hands, and the armed helicopter suddenly tilted sideways!

Whoosh! The missile almost brushed against the cockpit glass of the armed helicopter. The man could even see clearly the size and shape of the missile. He instantly recognized that no country in the world currently had such a missile! Who on earth got such a missile with such strong tracking ability?

boom! ! An explosion echoed across the valley.

The man turned his head and watched helplessly as the large, inflexible helicopter exploded and turned into a ball of fire, dragging thick smoke and falling downwards. Next to the fireball, there was a combatant who was thrown out of the cabin, waving his hands and falling. For a few seconds, Finally, the large helicopter fell into the rocks at the foot of the mountain, and the black smoke from the fire was very obvious on the white snow.

"That missile is back again! The branch's response fighters will arrive in ten minutes!" the pilot in the back cabin shouted.

The man lowered his head and looked at the instrument panel display. He saw a small red dot flying towards him quickly. He cursed secretly and steered the plane straight towards the mountain in the direction of the missile. During the flight, he aimed at the approximate range where he had previously discovered the firing range and fired five missiles in a row. Rockets, I saw five rockets dragging black smoke straight towards the road halfway up the mountain!

The Rubik's Cube computer core quickly calculated and confirmed that the rockets posed no threat to itself, then it turned on three red aiming rays to lock on the helicopter and then fired!

boom! boom! boom! Fire three shells in a row!

The man felt something bad when he spotted three thin red lines shooting out from the road halfway up the mountain. He quickly controlled the helicopter to roll sideways, dodging missiles and cannon shells. He was highly concentrated, his face turned red, and his breathing was even a little short. At this moment This is the most dangerous time to be a pilot in so many years...

call out! call out! The two shells drew two white air streams passing by the plane!


The first two shells were dodged, but the third shell grazed tightly against the helicopter cockpit glass. The man watched helplessly as a white scratch was made on the cockpit glass, followed by some metal skins behind it that made a harsh sound. There was a friction sound, and my scalp suddenly became numb and I was sweating coldly. If I had just moved a little bit, I might have been shattered by the cannonball...

Boom boom boom boom! Continuous explosions occurred on the road halfway up the mountain. Five rockets were fired on the rocks and cliffs. Suddenly, the flying gravel seemed to rain heavily from the sky.

The Rubik's Cube detection equipment searched the trajectory of all the stones. The computer quickly calculated the threat of each stone to itself. Finally, it simulated that a big stone would fall right here. The limbs turned into brackets and moved sideways like a crab. They just left. At the same position just now, a big rock suddenly fell and hit the asphalt road with a bang. Spider web patterns were even formed on the hard asphalt road!

Boom~! There was an explosion in a ravine in the mountain.

That was the explosion of a Rubik's Cube missile, but it did not hit the helicopter, but the space was too small to avoid it and it hit the ravine and exploded.

The man who escaped the disaster flew out of the ravine with red eyes and went straight to the location where the attacker had just been discovered. He was so hot that he didn't care about waiting for the jet fighter support and wanted to beat the attacker into pieces!

"Aim at the location where we fired just now! Attack me hard with Hellfire ground-attack missiles! I'm going to send him to hell!" The red-eyed man yelled crazily, but he didn't hear the reply from the pilot in the back cabin.

"Did you hear that! I said..." Turning his head, he could barely see that the glass of the pilot's cockpit behind him was all red, and then he remembered that the shell that passed by him seemed to have shattered the glass of the rear cabin! That guy probably fainted, damn it! Such a thing happened at such a time! It is impossible to launch Hellfire missiles without the help of the rear cabin...

Gritting his teeth, he simply used rockets and machine guns under the nose to attack, and steered the helicopter over a mountain ridge and headed straight for the Rubik's Cube.

Buzz buzz...

The huge roar of the helicopter echoed in the valley. The Rubik's Cube bracket changed its angle and raised the sci-fi cool cannon barrel to aim at the direction where the helicopter was about to appear. At the same time, the last two missiles were assembled, and they were locked and launched just waiting for the helicopter to show up. Unexpectedly The experienced pilot I met was so difficult to deal with, and he had to play an uneconomical showdown like a Western cowboy showdown at the end of the fight.

Soon, the helicopter propeller appeared on the ridge outside the ravine.

Teng~! Teng~! The last two missiles were fired at once. At the same time, the cannon barrel vibrated violently and continuously, roaring and firing out the cannon shells!

As soon as the man's helicopter showed up, he saw two missiles dragging their tail flames straight towards him. Before he could control the plane to aim at the Rubik's Cube and fire, he saw the pine branches and leaves on the mountain ridge shattering, followed by the fuselage shaking and banging. The warning light flashed, and he was hit by a shell! Fortunately, it didn't hit the vital point. The red-eyed man simply turned the nose of the aircraft and pointed it in the direction of the flash of fire. He pressed the button and launched all the remaining rockets!

Boo hoo hoo hoo…

The rocket dragged black smoke and flew straight to the location of the Rubik's Cube!

The Rubik's Cube cursed secretly, suddenly pushed the support and jumped to the side. At the same time, it quickly deformed, and the slow motion time slowed down. You can see that the metal machinery is folding and deforming. Rockets are constantly passing by the sides of the Rubik's Cube's body, as if there are a series of black smoke marks. Like walking and dancing, he kept dodging and running and jumped out of the road. Just as he jumped out of the road, a rocket flew past the back of the Rubik's Cube!

Boom boom boom... There were continuous explosions behind me. There were so many rubbles flying that it was no longer necessary to calculate the trajectory. The Rubik's Cube jumped out of the road and fell towards the cliff. Fortunately, there was a pine tree on the cliff boulder. The Rubik's Cube robot grabbed the pine tree. After swinging around for a while, the other robot hand was inserted into the gap between the rocks to stabilize the body. Only then did I realize that the back armor was covered with large and small dents. It looked like it needed to be repainted...

boom! There was an explosion from the mountain ridge, and immediately after Rubik's Cube saw the armed helicopter rushing towards him with black smoke, and a missile behind it was turning to track the aircraft.

Just now, when the man was driving a helicopter to dodge, a missile hit a big tree on the ridge and exploded. Countless shrapnel hit the helicopter. One of the engines was hit and emitted billowing black smoke and stopped working. His eyes were red. The man didn't care about retreating for a while. He directly drove the helicopter towards the Rubik's Cube. The machine gun under the nose of the helicopter pointed at the Rubik's Cube and started firing!

Tu tu tu tu…!

Crash, clatter... Orange-yellow bullet casings continued to fall from the bottom of the nose of the aircraft, and each shell casing rolled, rotated and fell downwards.

Bang bang bang! Ding ding ding! The rock was constantly being punched into pits and gravel was flying everywhere, and the armor in front of the Rubik's Cube was clanking. The Rubik's Cube was angered and did not dodge. He simply used his right manipulator to stabilize his body, and his left manipulator turned into a machine gun to attack. Quasi-helicopter fire! Looking from the side from a distance, there are almost bullet marks between a helicopter and the rocks on the mountain, just shooting at each other...

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