Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 189: Frozen River


boom……! !

The last missile that turned around and returned hit the armed helicopter's tail rotor directly. The tail rotor fragments were scattered in the explosion. After losing the tail rotor, the armed helicopter could no longer maintain its balance and began to circle in the sky with billowing black smoke. The damage was too severe, even if he tried desperately to shoot the Rubik's Cube with a machine gun, he couldn't do it. The man only vaguely saw that the 'person' was weird, and he didn't see the machine gun or shoulder-mounted anti-aircraft missile equipment, but there was no time to think about that much now.

Woo...woo...the armed helicopter roared in the air and circled over the Rubik's Cube, almost hitting the mountain cliff several times.

"Ah...!" the man shouted, with both anger and fear. A pungent burning smell came out of the cockpit. Various equipment indicators kept flashing. All he could see outside the cockpit glass was the sky and the valley. I couldn't tell the direction, so I could only try my best to hold the joystick with my hand and lower the throttle as much as possible to control the plane falling.

The Rubik's Cube manipulator plunged into the crevices of the rock and climbed to the top of the rock several times. He stood and watched the show. Scenes like a plane crash are rarely seen on the Dragon Star. I never expected that the earth would have such visual enjoyment.

"Oh~ This guy will definitely be very uncomfortable. I hope he has life safety insurance."

Finally, under the expectant gaze of Rubik's Cube, the armed helicopter drew a huge spiral of black smoke and dived towards the ice of the river. First, it burst out a large ball of fire. After a second or so, the violent explosion sound came, and the landing position was on the ice. In the rocky area near the river, many broken parts were scattered everywhere, and fuel from the fuel tank burned on the ice and snow.

"Huh? This guy is actually still alive. He fell so hard that he didn't fall to death. His fate is really great, but no matter how great his fate is, it ends here." There is a figure labeled human next to the crash flames in the Rubik's Cube's sight. He was crawling hard, and there were still flames on his calves and back, which looked miserable.

With his legs wide open, the Rubik's Cube jumped from the cliff towards the river. During the fall, the propellers started working and the Rubik's Cube glided diagonally towards the river...

On the ice of the river.

Because part of the helicopter was pressed on the ice, the ice made a cracking sound, and river water continued to spread along the cracks. A figure in the fire was crawling to the side with all his strength, and while climbing, he was using wet water mixed with river water. The snow covered the burning parts of his body to extinguish the fire. The figure's face was covered with blood and one of his legs could not move. The place he crawled became a bloody road. The hand that was stuck on the solid ice had three fingers missing. It was the man driving the armed helicopter. pilot man.

Bang... Bang... The man suddenly heard some strange footsteps coming towards him on the solid ice.

Shaking his dizzy head, he lay on the ground and saw a strange reflection in the black shadow of the river spreading in front of him. He looked up in surprise, and his dizzy head suddenly became even dizzy. What is this! robot? After fighting for a long time, it turned out that the person I was fighting was a robot! Who can tell me what's going on?

"Ahem... you... who are you..." The man asked with difficulty after coughing up a mouthful of blood.

Rubik's Cube didn't say anything. He walked closer, grabbed the man's wrist with a robotic hand and walked towards the burning wreckage of the plane. The man who was caught didn't have much strength to struggle at all, thinking that the robot was going to burn him to death!

The unique roar of jet fighters has been heard in the distant sky. They will definitely fly here in a while. However, Rubik's Cube is not anxious or worried, but takes his time and doesn't care. It makes sense to choose to ambush here. At least the hidden retreat route is early. It has been chosen and no one can pursue it.

"Let... let go of me... my rescue is... coming... otherwise I will definitely kill... you... ahem...!"

It would be stupid to let you go. Rubik's Cube didn't say a word, walked to the burning wreckage of the armed helicopter, raised his mechanical leg and kicked violently to break the ice with spider web cracks, until he kicked out a As far as the big hole, the man watching this scene was puzzled. Why was he smashing the ice? Could it be that you still want to use river water to put out fires?

Before the man could figure it out, he saw the Rubik's Cube suddenly jump towards the hole in the ice. A terrifying thought suddenly came to Ling Ran's head. It was not trying to burn him to death, it was trying to kill him...

Thinking that the most terrifying scene was about to happen to him, the man felt an extremely strong sense of fear. Suddenly his wrist hurt, and he lay on the ice and quickly slid towards the ice hole!


The man who was screaming suddenly felt that water was entering his mouth and his whole body was freezing. He screamed and brought out a string of bubbles into the river water under the ice. In desperation, he quickly held the air in his mouth and struggled hard to get rid of the Rubik's Cube, but The black mechanical hand that grabbed his wrist was like a pair of pliers and couldn't be broken free at all. Then, the man saw the exit of the ice cave moving away quickly, and the weird robot grabbed his hand and swam towards the center of the river quickly!

"Uh uh... uh... uh uh..."

Rubik's Cube remained unmoved, grabbing the man's hand and continuing to swim towards the middle of the river. The two wheel propellers on his shoulders rotated rapidly to drive a seriously injured human being without any pressure. He recalled that these bastard-like villains threw zombies into Jiangdao. They felt like they were full of energy while doing experiments in the camp. Something like water in their heads should give them a taste of despair and fear. They really thought they were the doomsday protagonists who dominated the world. This was the first one, but it was definitely not the last one.

After swimming quickly to the distance, the Rubik's Cube let go of the manipulator and let the pilot man go.

When the man saw that the Rubik's Cube was released, he quickly wanted to go back and look for the ice hole. However, it was pitch black all around in the cold river water, so there was no ice hole left! The air in his lungs soon ran out. Driven by the desire to survive, the man hurriedly approached the ice above his head. Regardless of whether his hand was missing fingers or not, he frantically smashed the ice with his fists. The hand with three broken fingers continued to smash the ice. Blood kept coming out and floating in the river...

Bang bang bang... the sound echoed under the water, and the ice showed no signs of cracking.

Despair, fear, and madness, the man regretted that he had volunteered to deal with some enemy. If he had not come, he would not have been dragged into this dark place with only the transparent ice above his head. He was only in his twenties, and he thought that his family had sent him to a foreign country. Studying abroad is so exciting. Every time I return home, I feel that I am so much better than others. Finally, I joined an organization and got many benefits that I could not even imagine before. I still have a good life but have not enjoyed it. For a moment, it felt like a movie. Usually all kinds of ideas suddenly come to mind... The water is very quiet, and the sun shines through the ice and shines strips of light in the water.

"Uh huh... uh..."

His lungs were burning with pain. The man who woke up struggled and opened his mouth. A series of bubbles came out of his mouth and floated up to the bottom of the ice. The strength of his struggle was getting weaker and weaker. The desperate man looked at the Rubik's Cube on the side with his eyes. Begging.

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