Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 345: Arriving at the provincial capital

Suburbs of provincial cities.

High above a contiguous group of villas, a high-altitude drone was collecting intelligence.

Below is the large camp with the largest number of people. From the perspective of the high-altitude drone robot, this place is also dirty, chaotic, and chaotic. It is no different from an unmanaged refugee camp. Only the villa area is still prosperous, and the detection equipment under the nose of the drone is directed towards the ground. It emits a special laser that is invisible to the naked eye. The laser shines on the glass of a villa. Based on the slight vibration of the glass, the frequency of the laser reflection is processed by a computer to restore the voices of people in the room.

"Humans are so boring."

To be honest, the high-altitude drone robot has been telling the truth. For several days, there have been no other sounds in the house except excited shouts, moans and screams. The sounds are different every night. The strangest thing is that this morning there was a soft male voice. …

The villa monitored by the robot is the palace of the ruler of the entire camp. All weapons and armed personnel in the camp are marked in red for elimination. In addition, a large number of more advanced mutants are also marked. This is the dark night of the drone. Data obtained from several low-altitude flybys of Zhongwuji.

Bang bang bang~

There was a knock on the door in the villa below, and the robot began to concentrate on using laser monitoring.

"Come in."

The door opened, and the sound of leather shoes walking on the floor could be heard in the villa.

"Brother Xiong, let me tell you something."

"You... it's so comfortable to have fun every day. Don't be suspicious all the time. Look, after being the emperor for so long, no one has come to do anything to us. Believe me, the world is over. All we need to do is indulge in enjoyment before we die. Give it a try and have fun with things you didn’t dare to play before, so that you can die without regrets, what do you think?”

Two female screams sounded in the room, and it looked like some Brother Xiong had pinched the two of them.

"In the past two days, I always feel like something is watching us, but I can't find anything. Also, did you hear the sound of planes in the sky at night? I suspect someone may be monitoring us with a drone. If not, the country will take action against us.”

"Hahaha~ I only heard the screams of beautiful women at night. Where did the plane sound come from? Don't be suspicious. We are all supermen. Even if the country comes, they will only recruit us. Without us, who will fight against the zombies? ?”

At high altitude, the drone thought for a while, locked its eyes on the camp ammunition depot, and decided to give Brother Xiong a small gift.


The wings trembled slightly, and the pylon hook opened to drop a precision-guided bomb. After the bomb was dropped, it quickly adjusted its attitude with the nose facing down. Several small wings swayed slightly to control the direction of the fall. A small fan blade in the middle of the tail blew with the airflow. Rotating at high speed, there was no sound or trace of smoke, and it went straight to the ammunition depot quietly...

Only a few people accidentally saw a small black dot descending rapidly and finally plunged into the ammunition depot.

boom! !

Two guys in the villa were discussing how to have fun when the house suddenly shook, followed by a loud noise. The two people who were startled saw the ammunition depot in the distance through the window glass and started a fireworks show like fireworks during the New Year. , crackling explosions are heard endlessly, are the weapons used to rule the camp finished?

"Who! Who is it!!"

Listening to the roar from the ground, the drone secretly emitted pleasant fluctuations...


In the distance, the mechanical army that had been flying for more than an hour was already hovering over a group of armored troops. The armored troops were the largest military force near the provincial capital of L Province that the Long Kingdom Army Headquarters could mobilize. There were more than fifty tanks and armored vehicles, except for the crew. There were only more than five hundred fully armed infantry outside.

Two transport planes loaded with human soldiers landed slowly in the eyes of the surprised and speechless brother troops. The hatches opened, and the soldiers neatly ran off the transport planes with ammunition to join the armored troops.

"Hey! Buddy! Did you come back from the future world to save us?" The machine gunner on a heavy tank teased one of Liu Wenhai's men who was running by.

"Trust me, you'll feel like you're in a movie for a while!"

The machine gunner was stunned. At this moment, two transport planes took off, and a large transport plane landed. After opening the hatch, these brother troops were dumbfounded, and they saw the legendary aliens one after another...

The first thing to get off the transport plane was a heavy tank, full of violence and science fiction, especially the word "fury" on the barrel was particularly conspicuous. If the violent tank was acceptable, the neat robots that followed the tank left the soldiers with no brains. , the sound of uniform footsteps, dozens of combat robots and spider robots lined up neatly.

"All personnel marched to the big camp as planned, with tanks and mechanical troops in front."

Troops from the sky and on the ground marched toward the camp together. In the armored command vehicle, Liu Wenhai met the commander of this unit.

"Hello, I am Liu Wenhai, the temporary commander of Jiangcheng Army."

"I am Ren Qiang, the temporary commander of the provincial armored force."

The two saluted each other. The temporary commander of the armored force in the provincial capital was only a major.

"All my leaders died, so I became the commander." Liu Wenhai spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Me too."

The two looked at each other, shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

"To be honest, when I heard that the headquarters asked me to take back the camp with a group of aliens, I thought they were talking nonsense. Now it seems that this is true. I was scared when I saw those robots just now."

"You will be more surprised later..."

The land and air forces advanced towards the camp together. The civet helicopters carried combat robots on both sides and led the way. The magic cube was at the tip. The huge formation cast a shadow on the ground and flew continuously. The roar could be clearly heard from several kilometers away. Not surprisingly, everyone in the largest camp heard the roar from the air.

Many people saw a large number of black spots approaching in the low sky in the distance from afar. Some were happy and some were worried.

Everyone knew that only the large army of Dragon Country could use helicopters on a large scale. No matter how powerful the mutants were, it would be difficult to swallow such a large army in one step. The happy ones were naturally the survivors who were oppressed and half-dead. The terrified ones were the scums who usually acted arrogantly and did whatever they wanted. The camp just lost its ammunition in the ammunition depot explosion, and now there was an army coming to the door. The whole camp was in chaos...

"All mechanical armies, enter combat status!"

In an instant, the eyes of all the robots in the mechanical army changed from blue to red. The combat robots standing steadily in the cabin of the transport aircraft took out their machine guns and loaded them with two clicks. The civet helicopter also opened the weapon safety.

The mechanical army quickly approached the camp with great momentum...

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