Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 346: Attack

The Tanuki helicopter flying at the front launched missiles to attack several weapons and equipment marked as anti-air fire. Amidst the violent explosions, the survivors all knew one thing. The country wanted to regain the survivor camp in the provincial capital! One after another, armed men continued to throw down their weapons and surrender, and many people turned around and ran away. The resistance intensity was lower than Rubik's Cube imagined...

"All rebels put down their weapons immediately! The Dragon Kingdom army is retaking the provincial capital!"

Liu Wenhai shouted from the loudspeaker of an armored vehicle, which intensified the defeat of the rebels. Finally, the civet cat helicopter arrived over the outer defense circle of the camp and lowered to a height of ten meters above the ground. Combat robots standing on both sides held hand-held weapons. The weapon jumped!

On the ground, an armed man who threw away his weapon looked up at the strange helicopter overhead. Suddenly, four black shadows fell...

Bang! The four combat robots landed steadily.

The mechanical eye quickly scanned the armed man, confirmed that he had thrown away the weapon and surrendered, then turned the mark into a yellow mark, crushed the gun with his foot, and quickly ran past the dumbfounded armed man. The armed man opened his mouth wide and fell into confusion. …

Occasionally, there will be villains who know that they cannot survive and shoot wildly at the combat robot. The result is that at most the combat robot will be shot with a bunch of sparks. Instead, several machine guns will be summoned to shoot accurately, and it will be smashed into pieces by the hugely powerful bullets. On the defense line, the combat robots moved forward quickly and flexibly. Anyone holding a weapon was red and could destroy the target for shooting.

From behind, tanks and armored vehicles advanced. The infantrymen quickly got out of their vehicles and followed behind the combat robots and spider robots. They roared furiously and rushed through the trenches blocking the zombies into the camp. The artillery fired from time to time to eliminate each firepower point that was still stubbornly resisting. Finally, the powerful fury attracted the attention of some diehards.

"Fire! He XX blew up that tank for me! It doesn't matter whether he is a robot or not! None of us can survive if these people come in!"

The gunner in an enemy tank began to reload quickly, and the turret rotated and aimed at the Fury, which was advancing rapidly...

Bang, the artillery fires!

when! The shell actually grazed the side protective armor of Fury and flew away without a trace. Fury was very angry and directly transformed into a Transformer and rushed towards the tank that was firing at him.

"What the hell is this special thing..."

Not only the rebels were stunned, but the soldiers who followed the attack and had never seen Transformers were also stunned. Just like this, in the eyes of many people, the furious Fury ran to the tank and kicked it several times. He grabbed the gun barrel with both hands and lifted it up hard... and actually lifted the turret from the tank chassis!

With a few bangs, the gun barrel and turret bounced on the concrete floor several times, smashed out of the cement pit and fell into a pit. Fury didn't even look to see if the people inside were still alive. He held the machine gun and pointed it at several fortifications that were still firing. fire!

The furious transformation accelerated the defeat of the rebels. When the huge body stepped over the head, it was difficult for anyone to withstand the huge pressure...

If Fury Fight is a rampage type, then Death Scorpion is much weirder. It moves its eight legs extremely fast and crawls around the defense line. It constantly uses the machine guns on both sides of its head to clear out die-hards one after another. It is occasionally used to stop zombies. The barbed wire fence will be cut by the giant claws, and even the most powerful weapon, the energy cannon, has never been used.


A series of sparks burst out from the Death Scorpion's back armor, and a provincial armored soldier holding an assault rifle behind him was frightened. The Death Scorpion turned around and came to the soldier and stared into the soldier's eyes with its red mechanical eyes.

"Hey, kid, if you fire on friendly forces from behind again, I don't mind sending you to the sewers for two days."

"Yes...I'm sorry..."

Shaking his head, the Death Scorpion moved its eight mechanical legs and continued to crawl towards the place where it was still resisting. The soldier just sat down on the ground and breathed a sigh of relief. He took off his gloves and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The Furious and Death Scorpions that appeared on the battlefield for the first time were like cannons hitting mosquitoes without encountering any threatening resistance. This is also related to the psychological pressure put on these people by the mechanical army. Whoever looks at a group of terrifying future robots Anyone who appears in front of them and opens fire on themselves will probably unconsciously think that they can't defeat them and give up their fighting spirit. Moreover, they are still a group of unreasonable rebels.

"All civet helicopters search for rebel leaders inside the camp and can kill them."

Except for a few civet helicopters that escorted the transport planes, they all accelerated to fly into the camp and connected with high-altitude drones to obtain the coordinate information of the rebel leaders.

"Deploy all the mechanical armies! Solve the battle as quickly as possible to prevent the rebels from jumping over the wall and using the survivors as hostages!"

After receiving the order, the transport plane lowered its altitude and opened several longer hatches from the belly of the plane. Rows of combat robots holding machine guns and bending their legs jumped out of the transport plane from the hatches! Suddenly, while the combat robot was jumping down, a rocket flew over from a distance. The rocket hit the hatch and directly blew up five combat robots. Two of them had their fires extinguished...

The armed man who had not put down the rocket launcher was shot in the head and died. The robot continued to be dropped, and several engineering robots that followed the transport aircraft began to repair the transport aircraft.

"Let the human army come to the front quickly to appease the survivors."

Liu Wenhai, who received the news about the Rubik's Cube, quickly ordered to speed up. After all, the robots are not human soldiers. If not, the survivors may fire on the robots and cause unnecessary losses. In order to prevent misunderstandings, the human soldiers must rush to the front.

The arrangements were almost made, and Rubik's Cube accelerated to fly to the center of the camp. Unexpectedly, these rebels were so desperate for their lives that they deployed a large number of anti-aircraft weapons near the residential area. The civet helicopter could not effectively eliminate the leader quickly. In order to end this boring battle as soon as possible, Rubik's Cube decided Take the elite squad to kill those damn fools.

"Rubik's Cube! A Civet Cat helicopter has been hit!" Zhang Xiaowen pointed to a Civet Cat helicopter in the distance and said. Just now, a rocket hit the helicopter's ducted fan engine. The Civet Cat helicopter lost one side of its power and risked its life. The black smoke lost control in the sky and fell straight towards the shanty towns. For some reason, Zhang Xiaowen felt sad when looking at the falling Civet Cat helicopter...

The tanuki helicopter knocked over three or four tents in a row before it stopped. Fortunately, the fire was fine, but its machinery was severely damaged and unable to fly.

"Everyone marked red will be destroyed! Prepare to fight!"

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