Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 362: The Root of Disaster

The source of the virus points to the corpse demon. Mental power can also be regarded as a special kind of electromagnetic wave. Obviously the corpse demon wants to rely on this mental power to invade the core of the Rubik's Cube computer for sneak attacks. However, the electromagnetic wave of this creature has powerful technology. It is the lowest form of the mechanical empire. It is simply a dream for viruses to invade high-tech computers. The Rubik's Cube is angry. What is the most disgusting thing about mechanical life forms? Of course it was a virus, and this guy actually used that simple virus to attack mechanical life in public, instantly irritating the Rubik's Cube!

The mechanical hand grabbed the zombie's face, and the cold metal touch made the zombie know that what he had just done had no effect.

"I will find your dirty corpse! Let other low-level zombies eat it in front of you! What you do makes me think that your IQ is contrary to your mental strength!"

After saying that, he turned to look at Ruoyan.

"I'll leave the rest to you."

Ruoyan saw that Rubik's Cube was not in a good mood and did not dare to argue. He nodded quickly, and then started to look in the direction of the camp as if he was sensing something. Rubik's Cube noticed that Ruoyan was about to enter the camp. He waved his hand and a civet helicopter landed and said hello. Ruoyan sat in the helicopter and flew to the camp...

"An abnormal situation occurred in the camp! Many people lost their minds and attacked others!" Many scouts and civet helicopters discovered abnormal situations.

"This guy must have felt that he was about to be exposed, so he went crazy in the end. All the combat robots forcibly detained and stunned the survivors who lost their minds. If they had weapons, they could kill them."

"Command confirmation."

Rubik's Cube did not care about the chaos on the ground. There will never be peace until the mastermind is eliminated. The most important thing now is to find out the corpse demon. In the helicopter cabin with the door open, Rubik's Cube controlled the civet cat helicopter to fly to the camp according to Ruoyan's instructions. Flying away, the range of circling is getting smaller and smaller based on the trajectory it flies through.

Finally, the Tanuki helicopter hovered near a suburban school.

"I feel like that guy is around here, but I can't find where he is." Ruoyan frowned and looked down.

"Is it around here? That would be much easier to handle. The mechanical army is most in need of members."

In the distance, groups of combat robots and spider robots ran over, gradually forming a large-scale encirclement. The survivors living here were forcibly inspected one by one, even babies. Many survivors inspected themselves against these strange robots. Feeling very dissatisfied and shouting the slogan of freedom, he finally defaulted to the inspection at gunpoint. At this time, the Rubik's Cube would not let a huge threat escape in such a funny way, so the order was given that it would rather kill by mistake than let go. !

After looking at the four floors of the school, he pointed his robotic hand and dozens of scouts swooped over like bees.

Buzz~ Walnut-sized reconnaissance vehicles flapped their wings and flew in from the main entrance of the teaching building in groups, spreading out and scanning every corner of the building, floor by floor, even the ceiling.

On the second floor, a reconnaissance device was searching the bathroom. The light in the bathroom, which had not been used for a long time, was dim. There were spider webs at high places. A reconnaissance device flew in from the hole in the damaged wooden door. After entering the bathroom, the reconnaissance device opened the gap left and right, and two beams were sent out. The fan-shaped red scanning light continuously swept from the broom, garbage and cubicle door, and the flickering light seemed to illuminate the bathroom...

Buzz~ The scout flapped its small wings and continued to scan into the bathroom. After scanning all the compartments, no abnormalities were found. Just when the scanner was about to leave, an iron bucket attracted the scanner's attention.

This is a trash can similar to a gasoline barrel used to hold garbage. The scanner scanned it and found several damaged spider webs on the edge of the barrel. The scout remembered that there was no trace of movement when it came in, but why was it damaged? Immediately flap its wings and fly high to scan the inside of the barrel.


The rapidly flapping wings were suddenly grabbed by something and made a struggling sound. A pair of dry hands grabbed the detector. Then, they gently pulled the small wings of the detector away with two hands. The detector made a mechanical sound and then turned off the lights. , destroyed by hands as dry as claws.

There was a withered zombie curled up in the trash can, holding the detector in a daze.

For an instant, the withered zombie felt as if something bad had happened...

boom……! !

Suddenly cement slag flew from the wall and bricks were scattered. A rocket appeared on the bathroom floor. Fortunately, the withered zombies escaped by hiding in the iron bucket during the violent explosion. After escaping the explosion in the iron bucket, they got up and went to the bathroom like a mummy. Running downstairs, at the same time, many survivors in the camp suddenly went crazy and rushed towards the teaching building. The combat robot stopped one but found that more survivors had already rushed through the defense line.

"The Tanuki Helicopter starts electronic jamming immediately!"


The air that was calm just now suddenly erupted with chaotic radio waves. Except for the mechanical army communications, everything was seriously interfered with. The withered zombies hiding in the smoke of gunfire wanted to continue to control the survivors and went crazy, but they found that the entire space seemed to be blocked, even those who had gone crazy. None of the survivors can interfere with the controls.

"Playing electronic jamming with the mechanical army, how confident are you, a scumbag?"

With a finger of the manipulator, the Furious Tank Cannon turned its muzzle, aimed at the direction indicated by the Rubik's Cube, and fired a shell with a jerk!

You don't need to aim too carefully when hitting a building with artillery shells. A shot fired at the approximate location can cause huge damage to the people in the building, whether it's shrapnel or collapsed walls. Fury is very confident in its high-explosive shells.

The teaching building exploded again. I don’t know whether the shell was too powerful or the quality of the teaching building was too low. This shell almost penetrated the teaching building...

"Creator, this corpse demon is dead."

The combat robot responsible for guarding the corpse demon dragged the lifeless corpse and said. Rubik's Cube looked at it and waved his hand. The combat robot dragged the corpse away with understanding, found a pit, broke off its head and threw it into the pit.

Just as the Rubik's Cube commanded Fury and continued to fire shells and play whack-a-mole, a large group of frantic survivors rushed to the mechanical army and pounced on the combat robot. They scratched and bit with their teeth and nails, biting on the combat robot's armor, and their mouths were filled with blood. He didn't care, even if his nails were split or peeled off, he was still attacked ferociously, and the survivors went crazy under the constant high-voltage electricity and fell down one by one, twitching and unconscious.

"Oh! These people are seriously interfering with my firing!" The Furious Turret rotated back and forth in an attempt to throw off the frantic survivors hanging on the barrel, but it couldn't be shaken off no matter how hard it was thrown.

Rubik's Cube scratched his mechanical head. This situation was really not good for firing. The huge vibrations and the fierce airflow of the cannon were enough to make these people scrap, especially the few survivors in front of the gun barrel. If the cannonball flew in front of them, the fierce airflow would be enough to kill their faces. Tear apart, this is not an exaggeration. This kind of thing happened in some war-torn countries before the end of the world. A rebel who was looking at a tank outside happened to see the tank open fire. When the shell flew past, his face was completely torn off. It was terrible... …

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