Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 363: Interference

"Creator...we...are disturbed..."

The dozens of combat robots and spider robots in front of the Magic Cube suddenly froze and stiffened, as if they were short-circuiting. This situation startled the Cube, and they quickly checked to confirm that it was caused by the mental interference of the corpse demon. Can mental power interfere with computers? Rubik's Cube then remembered that he had fire, as well as Fury and Death Scorpion. The fires were more advanced interception programs and could ignore mental interference. This guy had previously interfered with himself and confirmed that it had no effect. He never interfered with other robots. Unexpectedly, he was about to die. The former dog jumped over the wall and actually found a loophole in the combat robot and spider robot.

"I'm afraid this guy's mental power level is more than level four, right?"

All around, the eyes of combat robots flashed a few times and entered a dormant state, and they fell to the ground one by one. This was the first time this happened since the establishment of the mechanical army!

"Creator! Only our robots that are close here are interfered with. It's fine from a distance. We can be sure that the interference distance of this guy is very short due to electronic interference. Don't worry, these robots just enter a dormant state. The fire is fine." Furious told Rubik's Cube about his analysis.

After the combat robot fell to the ground, the frantic survivors still refused to let go. They lay down in the dusty crowd and continued to attack. Many people picked up rocks and smashed the face armor glass cover of the combat robot...

"It's time to quiet these damn bloody lumps of flesh!"

The Rubik's Cube shook off a mad survivor who was holding his arms, and suddenly let out a sharp scream that was piercing and painful for cellular creatures. The pervasive scream brought great pain to the mad survivors and stimulated these people to wake up from their mad state. Many survivors The reporter found that after being in a trance for a while, he appeared in an inexplicable place and attacked the robot. The severe pain in his teeth and nails, as well as the sharp scream that penetrated his brain, made fainting become a luxury.

In the sky, a Civet Cat helicopter got too close to the teaching building, suddenly lost control, swayed left and right, and crashed into the shanty town on the ground...

The ducted fan engine on the right was the first to hit the ground. After twisting and breaking, many blades flew out in all directions, like a high-speed rotating flying knife cutting through the dirty streets. It is not known which survivor was directly cut in half by the out-of-control blades. The fuselage slid for more than ten meters in the shantytown before stopping. Red blood spread out from the piles of debris. It must have been that someone was hiding in the shack and was directly rolled to death. The only good thing is that the civet cat helicopter still has its fire. alive.

"What this bastard did is beyond the limit of my tolerance! Death Scorpion! Aim at the fifth east window on the first floor and launch an energy shock wave! Comparing energy? Let's have a good competition!"

"Instructions received!"

The death scorpion's tail points to the designated position of the Rubik's Cube, and with a slight sway, the translucent energy shock wave covers the position in a fan shape.


A howl like a night owl sounded in the classroom, hoarse as a broken gong. In the corner of the classroom, the withered zombie was rolling around on the ground with its head in its arms. Next to it, some waste paper and debris were floating randomly in the classroom as if they had lost gravity. If the Rubik's Cube saw it, they would know that this was the result of mental chaos spreading everywhere.

"Ah...my head hurts..." Ruoyan, who was standing next to the Rubik's Cube, suddenly held her head and screamed.

"It wants to control you! The Death Scorpion keeps firing! Hurry up Fury!" Rubik's Cube gave the order while grabbing Ruoyan's cheek with his robotic hand and covering Ruoyan's head with fire energy. It worked as expected. Ruoyan couldn't feel anything anymore. A little tingling sensation in the brain.

The Furious and Death Scorpions continued to fire, and the corpse demon had to be distracted to protect itself and was unable to continue to interfere with the robot. During the avoidance process, it moved slightly slowly, and its entire arm was grazed by the cannonball and turned into debris...

After dealing with Ruoyan, the annoyed Rubik's Cube pulled out his machete and rushed over!

The detection equipment marked the corpse demon like a torch in the dark night. The Rubik's Cube smashed the windows and two walls and headed straight for the corpse demon. At this time, the teaching building had been violently exploded and was on the verge of collapse at any time.


Many walls began to collapse, and the teaching building became more and more crooked. On the first floor, Rubik's Cube held an energy machete and walked in the corridor where cement and bricks were constantly falling. He kicked open an iron door. This was a specimen room, indoors. It was filled with various kinds of glass bottles soaked in formalin, and the corpse demon was covering his head and hiding under a table.

"The corpse probably likes the smell of formalin, so I'll let you taste the feeling of being soaked in it!"

Kaka! The left robotic arm turned into a machine gun and aimed at the specimen glass bottle on the table above the corpse demon's head. The robotic arm vibrated and the bullets were fired.

The huge kinetic energy of the machine gun bullets directly shattered the specimen bottle into pieces. Formalin was sprayed everywhere, and a thick and pungent smell filled the entire room. The corpse monster hiding under the table was very lucky to be drenched all over. Formalin was sprayed everywhere. Malin is corrosive, and because the formaldehyde contained in it is highly volatile, it will emit a strong pungent smell immediately after opening the bottle, which can irritate eye membranes and respiratory organs. It has the functions of antisepsis, disinfection and bleaching. The bleaching function It's nothing, but the disinfection properties make the corpse monster feel like bathing in nitric acid...

"Ho ho..."

"How is it? Do you feel like there is gasoline burning in your respiratory organs? I know you can understand what I am saying. When you hear me speaking, it means that you are about to die completely."

"Hoho...why...why do you, a robot, want to interfere with things between me and...and humans..."

In the room where cement slag was constantly falling, the withered corpse demon kept scratching its throat with its claws. It didn't care that its neck was scratched bloody, as if it wanted to scratch its throat.

"No reason, you are just a poor thing controlled by the virus. What I have to do is to destroy the virus, and you are just a by-product of the virus. You may think you are the overlord of the area, right? You are wrong, the virus will never be Over your head, you are just a puppet."

He raised the machine gun and pointed it at the zombie's head.

"No! You can't kill me! I can still be reborn!" The zombie screamed hysterically.

"Are you talking about transferring mental power to other bodies? Just like you used the corpse I captured for experiments. I know you can risk it and lose some mental power to do something like seizing the body, but you forgot Standing in front of you, I can block all your signals. If not, try it."

The corpse demon, who had the time to scream just now, tried it, but suddenly his face became stiff...


Just when Rubik's Cube was about to shoot, the detector scanned a violent energy group rushing towards him. The fire energy in his body shook slightly, and the energy group was transformed into the original energy by the fire energy and dissipated.

"Struggle to death? It's just a waste of time."

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