Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 372: Not Dead

In less than a minute, the two advanced helicopters turned into a pile of scrap metal. The mutated giant Siberian tiger was satisfied and turned its attention to the engine company personnel who were in a daze on the shore of the lake. After a brief hesitation, it rushed over. …

There is no suspense. The sentry hid in a hiding place and watched a real beast massacre. Those engine company personnel who only carried submachine guns and pistols were either bitten to death, trampled to death by giant tiger claws or whipped to death by their tails. What happened today It was completely beyond everyone's expectations and very strange. In short, Tianchi was a bit messed up.

After neatly killing the target that could be seen, the giant Siberian tiger came to the motionless dinosaur construct on the ground and smelled the blood. The smell may have dissatisfied the mutant giant Siberian tiger and he sneezed.

Seeing that all the targets in his territory were killed, the tiger swung his tail and walked down the mountain...

Behind the huge rock.

It seems like you are the only one alive now? After such a fierce fight for a long time, the only one left alive in the end was an ordinary border guard? The sentry scratched his head and continued to hide behind to observe the situation. After hiding for more than ten minutes, there was still no movement. Tianchi was blown by the wind and the waves kept hitting the rocks on the shore. It was so quiet that it seemed like an uninhabited world.

After enduring for a while, the sentry finally couldn't hold back his curiosity and walked out cautiously.

First, I came to the helicopter wreckage and weird equipment and took some photos. Then I ran to the dinosaur lying motionless on the ground to take photos. I was nervous and very excited. Looking at the ferocious big-headed sentinel, I felt my heart beat fast with excitement. He came out and finally took a selfie of himself touching the dinosaur's head.

"I will definitely hang the selfie in the living room when I get home. I can live off this photo for the rest of my life, hehe~"

When I took the photo, I glanced out of the corner of my eye and saw something moving on the lake. It was very small and looked like a small metal ball. The sentry scratched his head and turned around to see a simple inflatable rubber boat on the shore. He pushed it without saying a word. The rubber boat rowed towards the small thing. For some reason, the sentry felt that the thing must not be simple.

It took nearly five minutes of extremely unskilled paddling to get the rubber boat close to the little thing.

"Huh? A small round ball with wings? Can it still move? Are the wings broken?"

In the palm of his hand was a metal ball the size of a walnut. It had two transparent little dragonfly-like wings that flapped hard, but one of them broke and could not fly. This little thing felt to the sentry like the cicada he caught when he was a child. It was very fun and round. The ball looked like it was made of metal but was extremely light. It occasionally emitted a red beam of light. The sentry was sure that this thing was definitely left behind by the giant Transformer.

While the sentry was sitting in the rubber boat studying the small ball, a huge black shadow under the water became more and more obvious...


A huge sci-fi machine rose up from the edge of the rubber boat with the continuously flowing lake water. The sentry held the scout in his hand and stared blankly at the huge...cannon that appeared in front of him? Yes, this is indeed a sci-fi cannon. If I remember correctly, this shape should be the arm of the Transformers... The sentry found that the problem was a bit big.

The robotic arm cannon pointed at the motionless dinosaur construct against the water, and then the upper body of the Rubik's Cube emerged from the lake. Lake water flowed down from many mechanical gaps, and many of them dripped on the sentinels.

"It...it's not dead..."

The sentry lay in the rubber boat and looked up at the huge shadow that enveloped him. The cold lake water sprinkled on his body drove away the excitement and excitement just now. Amidst a unique mechanical sound, the huge gun barrel adjusted slightly a few times, and then violently The ground shook backwards! The sentry felt like the eardrums in his ears were about to be burst! The water on the sci-fi cannon was also shaken down!

In a dizzy state, the sentry saw the eye socket of the dinosaur on the far shore explode. The dinosaur that was motionless just now struggled and rolled crazily. The dinosaur was not dead just now! I even took pictures in front of its big mouth!

After struggling for a few seconds, the movement of the dinosaur became smaller and smaller. The sentry, whose ears finally recovered, saw that the cannon above his head was folding and deforming in an incredible phenomenon, and quickly turned into a pair of mechanical arms amidst the sound of metal collision. This is... really... exciting!

Suddenly, a light blue light shone on the ball in his hand, and the damaged wings of the ball returned to normal. The sentry watched the ball in his hand fly up, circle around him twice and then return to the Transformer. body.

Rubik's Cube looked at the sentry wearing the Dragon Kingdom border guard uniform. He zoomed in and scanned his face and other details, confirming that he was undoubtedly a border guard. He turned around and walked towards the dead dinosaur construct. The waist-deep lake gradually became shallower. Now, To see where this thing came from, Rubik's Cube worried whether there might be such constructed creatures hidden in other places on the earth.

Walking to the shore next to the constructed dinosaur carcass, Rubik's Cube violently and bloodyly dismantled the constructed dinosaur. After tearing apart various muscle tissues and mechanical circuits, he found a reactor at the heart. This thing is very wonderfully made and can be used as an energy source. Providing power to metal machinery throughout the body can also replace the role of the heart and integrate with the blood circulation system of the whole body. It is equivalent to an artificial heart, and it is still the kind with high energy.

Continuing the dismemberment, there are muscle and mechanical structures in many parts of the body. After detailed computer interpretation and analysis, we came to the conclusion that this is indeed a weapon, and it is a controllable biological structure weapon. Those who create structures The creature pretending to be a dinosaur could not create a fully mechanical weapon, so it had to create this kind of combination of biology and machinery that was not too costly. Judging from the combat process, its combat effectiveness was not much lower than that of purely mechanical weapons.

"I think I know how this thing came to earth." Rubik's Cube shook his head and was speechless.

Before coming to Earth, I had captured a satellite, which was a communication satellite launched by humans to aliens. And by copying the Rubik's Cube of the Earth's computer system, I found that Earthlings were sending signals into the depths of the universe when they had nothing to do. It was euphemistically called Contact. Extraterrestrial life, and it is also said that all those capable of interstellar navigation are friendly life. This self-righteous conclusion Rubik's Cube does not know how to evaluate it. It is naive, romantic, and wants to leave a name in history. This kind of scientist is risking the entire planet for his own selfish interests. Not caring and behaving badly.

After the research, he grabbed the minced meat and threw it into the deep hole. After thinking about it, he broke off a scale-like thing from his head and threw it to the sentry.

"I know you people on earth like to leave something as a souvenir, so I give you this."

Poof~! A pit was made in the shallows.

"Uh...thank you, this thing is enough for me to keep." The sentry looked at the corner-looking thing in front of him that was as big as himself and knocked it with his hand. It was very hard.

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