Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 373: Wild Ginseng

"Good luck."


The Rubik's Cube transformed into a Pavement Heavy Helicopter and took off, heading straight down the mountain along the valley. Only the sentry was left there, dumbfounded with his mouth wide open. He was obviously shocked by the scene where the Rubik's Cube transformed. His brain was now fragmented, and his thinking was trying to organize what he could. Use the best language to describe everything happening in front of you.

"It's really Transformers..."

Over the primeval forest of Baishan Mountain, a Pavement heavy-duty helicopter was flying at a height of 100 meters above the ground.

Buzz buzz——

The flying Rubik's Cube suddenly turned around and flew towards a mountain col. There seemed to be something strange there. Two mutant wolves, a mutant boar and a mutant bear were fighting in a melee. The detection system in the middle of the battle group discovered a high-energy object. The object turned out to be a plant! Yes, it is a plant full of energy! Rubik's Cube felt that it was necessary to see what was going on. Four mutant animals were fighting over a plant. So it was certain that this plant would definitely be of great help to the mutant animals. Animal intuition has always been sharper than that of degraded humans.

The big trees in the virgin forest were very tall and the Rubik's Cube had to deform at the treetops. After the transformation, it grabbed the branches and slid to the ground destructively. The Rubik's Cube mixed with a large number of branches and leaves falling to the ground attracted the attention of four melee mutant animals.

The mechanical eye fired a red scanning beam to scan the plant. The scanning results were unexpected and normal.

Ginseng, authentic wild old ginseng from the primeval forests of the White Mountains, has mutated along with the trend. As a result, the nutrients it contains have been greatly improved and turned into a top-quality medicinal material. After scanning, it has been confirmed that the nutrients contained in it are of great benefit to both humans and mutated animals. , although it will not make you become an immortal after eating it, there is still no problem in increasing your physical fitness. It is especially suitable for Zhang Xiaowen.

In an instant, Rubik's Cube made the decision to get this thing and give it to Zhang Xiaowen. Unexpectedly, there would be unexpected gains from this operation.

With a few clicks, the left robotic arm transformed into a weapon and was fully charged. The muzzle was aimed at several mutated animals. Rubik's Cube believed that these guys could feel the power of the energy cannon and retreat. Sure enough, after revealing the energy cannon, the four of them The animals all backed up, their eyes constantly flickering back and forth between the ginseng and the Rubik's Cube. Perhaps considering that a fight was uneconomical and other reasons, the two mutant wild wolves were the first to leave. The black bear shook his head and went into the dense forest, but the mutant wild boar was the only one left. My head is not very clear and I am still standing there.

This wild boar is bigger than a buffalo, and its two tusks are as big as elephants. The wild boar is a strange creature. Sometimes when frightened, it will run wildly on the mountain for a day or two and end up spinning in circles. When it is angry, even the Siberian tiger will They will stay away from this kind of guy who is not very smart. Sometimes even adult male wild boars take the initiative to provoke Siberian tigers.

"This wild boar really deserves its reputation. No wonder it dares to do anything."

Wild boars have rough skin and thick flesh, and have very high defense. Especially the wild boars in the primeval forests of the Baishan Mountains always like to rub against the pitch pine trees to scratch themselves. The pitch pine trees are rich in oil, and the pine oil and wild boar fur are mixed together for a long time. It turns into a natural body armor, not to mention this mutated wild boar. The wild boar skin is at least three inches thick.

The computer quickly searched how to deal with wild boar in various parts of the world. It was best to drive the beast away. Fighting was unnecessary and might injure the ginseng.

After searching around, I found several ways. One of them is to set off firecrackers or firecrackers to scare this thing away. Well, the most indispensable thing about the Rubik's Cube is firecrackers. Take out a cannonball, remove the warhead and put it back into the cannon. The Rubik's Cube fired into the sky according to the method of the working people...


Hurrah~ Various birds in the forest suddenly soared into the sky, and the mutated wild boar trembled all over and started running wildly...

Now the Rubik's Cube finally understood what the phrase "running wildly" meant. He saw the wild boar running wildly with his head lowered when encountering an obstacle. He turned without looking at whether it was a straight line or a curve. As a result, he kept running around the Rubik's Cube in the mountain col. He had just faced off with three beasts. That fierce energy was completely washed away by the sound of the cannon.

"Hopefully it won't tire itself out from this."

Rubik's Cube ignored the mutated wild boar that was running wildly and quickly turned into a human size. He walked carefully to the ginseng and carefully scanned the roots of the wild boar.

There is something special about digging this kind of thing, that is, you can't use iron tools but wooden products. When digging, start from a foot away from the rhizome and carefully peel away the soil and other plant roots. Rubik's Cube sharpened a wooden knife and squatted down. Every ginseng root was carefully cleaned out on the ground according to the way humans dig ginseng. Fortunately, unlike humans, we don’t need to empirically analyze which root is a ginseng and which one is not. After scanning, each root has already been displayed in a 3D shape. It is extremely clear that the Rubik's Cube from the distant universe has begun its journey to the mountains...

Wild wild ginseng seeds are mainly spread by birds and animals. They have very high requirements for the growing place and cannot have too much light. Most of them grow on the back slopes of mountains or in well-shaded places. The soil quality must be good. The harsh requirements on the environment have led to wild mountain ginseng. Very little ginseng.

I carefully dug around the ginseng and shaved off the soil little by little. If someone saw a robot lying on the ground carefully digging ginseng, it would definitely feel very strange.

Not far away, the wild boar is still running wildly with its head down...

After digging it out, I took two pieces of bark and moss from a nearby tree and wrapped the wild ginseng in the middle. After thinking about it, I used the fire energy to wrap the wild ginseng to prevent the effect from disappearing. After doing this, the Rubik's Cube planned to fly directly. Back in Jiangcheng, suddenly, gunshots and fighting sounds came from the forest in the distance. Is there anyone there?

The back mechanism opened and the ginseng was put in, and the Rubik's Cube rushed towards the fighting direction.

The mechanical legs bent and ejected with force, grabbing a branch of a big tree in mid-air and moving towards the target area quickly and flexibly.

Bang! The mechanical foot stepped on the branch of the big tree and saw who was fighting.

Two humans, a hound, and five green wolves. The old man in coarse clothes kept waving a hatchet to protect another young man holding a short knife behind him. The hound stood beside the two of them and confronted the other wild wolf. , the old-fashioned gunpowder gun and sand shotgun were thrown aside. The situation was very unfavorable for the two humans.

"Help me, try to save the humans who need to be saved."

bass! The right hand turns into a hand knife. There is no need to attach energy to deal with such low-level targets. When ready, the Rubik's Cube jumps straight from the tall tree!

The moment it landed, the mechanical leg bent and kicked violently, shooting straight at the wild wolf. Before anyone and the wolf could react, it came to the front of the wild wolf and grabbed the wolf's mouth that was charging at the old man with its mechanical hand. The hand knife was cut directly from the wild wolf. The knife was stabbed into the back of the wolf's neck. If you look at the X-ray scan, you can see that the knife directly stabbed the wolf's spine and broke the spine. From then on, the wild wolf will be paralyzed at a high position until it dies.

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