Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 380: Du Heng’s Ability

Du Heng quickly found out the reason why Xiao Rou was looking for him from the robot network. He didn't expect to meet here.

"Great! I didn't expect to find you here. The Rubik's Cube asked me to find you when I had questions. I heard that you were here, so I came. I don't understand something. Can you help me..." Xiao Rou said, staring at the beautiful girl in front of her with her big eyes.

"Okay, let's go to another place."

Du Heng packed up the stall and put it in a small box. He waved his hand, and a spherical floating patrol robot flew over and stopped on the stall. Du Heng turned around and pulled the sluggish Xiao Rou and another girl away. No one dared to steal things when the robot was watching...

This move made Xiao Rou admire her very much. How did she do it?

With doubts, Xiao Rou led Du Heng to a meeting room on the dormitory building. At this moment, it was full of young people who were studying. Several large monitors given by Zhang Xiaowen were showing the projects they were researching. Du Heng frowned when he saw the data formulas and other things on the monitor. There were errors in many places. If they continued like this, it would only delay their progress.

"Xiao Rou, who is this girl? We can't just bring other people in here."

An older boy sitting in the front row said with some blame.

"She was introduced by the Rubik's Cube. It was the Transformer who told me that I could ask her if I didn't understand anything, so... I brought her up..." Xiao Rou said with a lack of confidence. This girl named Du Heng looked younger than herself. After all, she had graduated from college and was studying for a master's degree, but this breathtakingly beautiful girl was only in high school, right? In the end... is it really possible?

Swish, all eyes were on Du Heng.

The boy was about to open his mouth to continue to say a few words of rebuttal, but thinking that she was a beauty in front of him, he couldn't offend her too much, so he simply didn't say anything, just looked at Du Heng with an inquiring look.

"You calculated wrong, many places are wrong." Du Heng pointed to the formulas and various structural diagrams on the monitor and said.

Just now, no one cared about Du Heng because she was a beauty, but this sentence seemed to poke at everyone's dignity. A high school student dared to say that we young scientists did something wrong? Although you were recommended by the Transformer, you can't speak nonsense, right? More than 30 people here studied for several nights to get these data, and you said it was wrong after you took a few glances? Did you really look at it carefully?

Du Heng's disguised mechanical eyes collected and interpreted the data of everyone's eyes and expressions almost instantly. Only by making the right results can these people be convinced. For the sake of humanity, do something more yourself.

Walking around the scattered tables and chairs and in front of the monitor, Du Heng stretched out his hand and quickly gestured on the screen. All the useless things were thrown into the recycling bin displayed in the corner of the monitor. He controlled the monitor without operating the keyboard and computer at all. The wrong places in the formula were marked and explained where they were wrong. Several problems that everyone couldn't figure out after several nights were clearly explained, and the big screen was slowly filled with words...

Many young scientists who were still unconvinced were dumbfounded, and then they were very excited. They looked at Du Heng with admiration and even looked up.

"This is incredible..." Xiao Rou looked at Du Heng blankly and said, originally thinking that they could discuss with each other, but the result was complete guidance, no different from those robot mentors.

The scientific research that had troubled everyone for several days was successfully completed, and everyone looked at Du Heng with astonishment.

The young scientists worked overtime until 10 o'clock in the evening before returning to their dormitories to rest under Du Heng's urging. Today was destined to be a day full of surprises. Almost everyone couldn't figure out why a high school girl could know so much and control the display in a different way. There were many doubts but no explanation, so they could only fall asleep with a lot of questions.

The next day.

The young scientists came to the laboratory at Jiangcheng Airport again. Today's course was to go to the high-tech factory of the Mechanical Empire for internship.

The first internship was the production line of the large transport aircraft engine. In order to let these young scientists understand the program and data, the Rubik's Cube deliberately slowed down the manufacturing speed of the engineering robot to look more detailed. Dayun has always been the weakness of Dragon Country. Today, the Rubik's Cube will hand over the data of this early model transport aircraft from Dragon Star to the Earth Dragon Country. Dayun's key lies in the engine. The transport aircraft is not a traditional transport aircraft but a faster and more convenient four-ducted fan high-tech transport aircraft, among which the ducted fan engine is extremely important.

As soon as they entered the factory, everyone stayed on the assembly line and did not come out. They checked the data one by one and mastered the key technologies. Even lunch was delivered to everyone by the cafeteria staff.

Mofang has been staying in the factory to develop fighter jets. In order to save manufacturing time and processes, most of the unused technologies have to be removed, such as the ability to fly through the atmosphere in space or high-speed flight, etc. If they are retained, it will delay a lot of time and consume a lot of materials, and the lack of earth materials will reduce safety and stability and cause danger. Only a simplified version is needed. At least now it can deal with various air threats on the earth.


Xiaorou ran to Mofang and shouted. Since Mofang often taught knowledge, young scientists call Mofang teacher.

"What's the matter."

"What are you doing?"

"Want to pry into secrets? It doesn't matter if I tell you. I'm developing a simplified version of a fighter jet to make up for the current lack of air superiority. You'd better not read it. You'll be biting off more than you can chew. Your brain is not a computer. All can be saved and analyzed," Rubik's Cube said carefully while operating.

"Okay..." Xiaorou took a hard look at the main body of the fighter jet that had basically completed the work, then gritted her teeth and walked back to the transport aircraft manufacturing assembly line.

Rubik's Cube immediately became happy when he saw the child's expression. The child is not very interested in learning. It would be great if Xiao Jing can be like this in the future. Only technology is the foundation of everything, and the others are supporting roles. I hope these young scientists can Get a higher status...

A Civet Cat helicopter landed outside the factory, and Zhang Xiaowen walked out wearing a casual summer dress.

Immediately, a flatbed truck with seats automatically stopped in front of Zhang Xiaowen, and she got on and went straight to the factory.

"You came."

"Well, look at you. I haven't seen you for a few days. There are so many things to deal with every day in the camp that my head is so busy. Can't you make a robot that can handle official business? I'm always dissatisfied with this. Countless demands are made to get benefits without paying anything. Every staff member in the official hall has a full schedule and has no time to spare." Shaking her head, Zhang Xiaowen sat on an elevator next to the Rubik's Cube and raised it to the level of the Rubik's Cube. high.

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