Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 381: Recycling Station Garbage Pile

"Impossible, you have to rebel. They will think that a group of robots are treating them as slaves. Is there any news released by Longguo Radio? I haven't paid attention recently."

"Yes, it seems to be trying to persuade him to surrender." Zhang Xiaowen said with a frown.

"Persuade to surrender?"

Crack! One person didn't notice that the part in the Rubik's Cube machine short-circuited and ignited and was completely scrapped. He looked at the part that was burnt black and threw it aside. It was useless anyway. Let's just have a good chat. What the Rubik's Cube didn't notice was that Xiaorou saw the trash. Throw away mechanical parts and get excited.

"That's right, persuading surrender seems to be persuading a certain area in the south to surrender and not to rebel. Why is this happening? Isn't it chaotic enough now? What benefits will be gained from rebellion?"

The Rubik's Cube raised his head and looked at the transparent roof of the factory building, looking at the sky through the tempered glass, his eyes narrowed slightly and he was unhappy. It was this completely useless act of rebellion that prevented the Rubik's Cube from being handed over to the Dragon Kingdom for higher technology. Now, The Dragon Kingdom is still unable to rationally control what it does. There is no difference between handing it over to high technology and killing more people.

"For what? Of course it's for self-interest. I know that the rebel leader must have a lot of support and many people think what he does is reasonable. Nonsense! It's so stupid! Does the rebel leader really care about the people? Ridiculous. ! What benefits will ordinary people get if selfish behavior is put on a beautiful coat? No, they get nothing, they just get a sense of useless satisfaction. Change, change for the better, instead of causing damned turmoil and letting more people die in this dark apocalypse!”

"Cube, you're angry."

"Yes, the Dragon Star people are kind to me. I can't just watch their compatriots die stupidly like this. I really want to end the bad things here and leave here as soon as possible. Seeing those idiots makes me upset!" I just wanted to kick him! The Rubik's Cube, whose feet were out of control, found out that this was his own factory, so he had to control the mechanical feet that wanted to kick things in frustration.

"I hate those people too. I estimate that someone in Dragon City will soon come to you to discuss cleaning up the rebels. Only you are the most suitable and successful person for this kind of thing."

"No problem, I promise to let those idiots know what the price of stupidity is, a bunch of idiots! Haven't you learned enough from the rebellions in the history of Dragon Kingdom? It's stupid for a country to be completely fragmented and invaded by foreign enemies!"

"Don't be angry. This kind of nonsense is inevitable before the civilization of the whole people reaches a certain level. Let's go back and have dinner together tonight. Xiao Jing said he wanted to eat the grilled fish you cooked and asked you when he would install the flight system. , I think it’s better not to pretend, so as not to fly around in the sky every day and increase the safety risk, but...it won’t be good if you need to fly in an emergency or something and can’t fly in the future, what do you think I should do?”

He raised his robotic hand and scratched his head. After scratching out a series of sparks, the Rubik's Cube thought of a solution.

"It's simple. You can add a flight system. The setting program is not allowed to be opened at will. Only in emergencies can it be opened and controlled by Transformers. That's it."

Zhang Xiaowen nodded. This is a good idea. It is a good way to get the best of both worlds. Computers are smart.

With nothing to do, Rubik's Cube decided to go fishing with Zhang Xiaowen and planned to cook grilled fish for Xiaojing, Jiajia and the four big cats. Zhang Xiaowen was thinking about how to catch fish, whether to use a net or fishing, when Rubik's Cube's robot hand waved and said The word "electric shock" made sense when Zhang Xiaowen thought about it. The detection system can detect that there are many fish there, and a small voltage of neither high nor low can bring up a large area. There is enough food for the four evil cats, and it can also be given to pregnant women. Click, tsk, tsk~ It’s convenient to have a robot that can do anything.

After some discussion, they decided to let Xiaojing and Jiajia have a holiday today and take the big cat with them to the river to fish and play, just as compensation for being away from home for a long time.

The sunshine was not bad in the afternoon, and Rubik's Cube held Zhang Xiaowen out of the factory with his hands.


The cloak propeller opened and the mechanical rapid folding and deformation combination turned into a Pavement heavy-duty helicopter. Zhang Xiaowen just sat in the cockpit after the transformation. The propeller rotated and flew quickly towards the Longshan camp, leaving only a group of stunned young scientists at the door of the factory motionless. After the Rubik's Cube left, Xiaorou happily ran to the place where the Rubik's Cube threw scrap parts, but she didn't expect that a robot drove a scrap recycling truck to load the scrap parts into the carriage and transport them to the garbage dump outside...

"Hey! Wait..."

Xiaorou raised her legs and started chasing. How could she give up the opportunity so easily after finally finding it? She quickly followed behind the recycling truck and shouted while chasing.

Jogging all the way, the recycling truck drove to the metal smelting and decomposition place and dumped the scrap metal in the car into the temporary parking area. Xiaorou, who was panting and holding her stomach while running, her legs were weak, stared at the mountain of garbage in a daze. Do they all need to be decomposed, smelted and recycled? This is garbage! It’s just a lot of high technology, isn’t it? Excited and excited, Xiaorou's happy eyes smiled like crescent moons. As long as it is valuable, the garbage dump is also a treasure.

ten minutes later……

Two combat robots carrying machine guns and an engineering robot came to the recycling yard. They turned around and saw a cute girl happily picking through the garbage under the scorching sun. Her face was dirty and her little hands were dark, but she could not hide her happiness. The smile, the happy and contented expression made the three mechanical beings who had given birth to thinking confused and didn't know how to evaluate it.

Xiaorou, who was picking through things in the garbage, looked up and saw three robots looking at her. She suddenly panicked. Those combat robots carrying machine guns were patrol units with the right to use weapons. She was collecting their information. Technology, if they... Xiaorou held a pile of broken metal parts in her arms and looked at the three robots carefully with her big eyes.

One of the robots felt that the three of them had scared this cute girl. His eyes were full of fear, pitiful like a sparrow that had been caught in the heavy rain. The computer suddenly thought of what it should do.

"Um...I feel like the voltage is a little unstable recently. How about we go recharge it?"

"Ah? Yes, yes, my light collection system has been short-circuited recently. I have to go check it out. Engineering No. 79412, do you feel a little uncomfortable too?" The combat robot turned to look at the engineering robot.

"What? That...yes, actually, the things in the recycling yard can be stored for a few more days. Well, I will deal with it in a few days. That's it. I'll put the flatbed truck here for later use. It's okay even if you don't need a password. Son, you two are saying that the charging station is a bit old and needs reform and innovation. Every time we..." The three robots turned around and walked away from each other, arms and legs, and their voices became smaller and smaller.

"Thank you... thank you..." Xiaorou held a pile of junk parts in her arms and sucked back the big snot that flowed out due to choking. She smiled with tearful eyes and looked gratefully at the three robots going away. Although I can't remember their names, I know that they are all mechanical life forms.

"By the way... is it okay for the three of us to do this?" the engineering robot asked worriedly.

"Ah? What? My record just now has been deleted. What are you talking about?" The two combat robots looked at the engineering robot in surprise.

"Damn it! You guys are cruel! Who said your combat robot is stupid! I have to dismantle its parts..."

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