Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 384: Airdrop Helicopter

In order to reach the southern Rubik's Cube thousands of miles away as soon as possible, Zhang Xiaowen said it and set off without any soldiers. Maybe it was because they discovered the combat power of Transformers in the battle in the provincial capital. This time, the Dragon Kingdom army was very cooperative and deliberately A high-speed transport plane was dispatched to assist Rubik's Cube. This transport plane was one of the few large transport planes manufactured by Longguo. Rubik's Cube closed the propellers and folded the auxiliary fuel tank and finally entered the cabin.

The high-speed transport aircraft started to taxi from the tarmac to the runway. The four jet engines made a huge roar and began to accelerate gradually. It taxied a long distance under the eyes of many people and then slowly rose up and adjusted its direction and headed straight for the destination.

The takeoff time is five o'clock in the afternoon, and the plan is to take advantage of the darkness to operate at night. Although the busy flight crew in the Dragon Kingdom Air Force transport plane knows that there are alien robots, they don't know what the robots look like. The aircraft in the cabin is said to be able to solve the rebellion. I don’t know much about the heavy-duty helicopter. Everything is operating according to Longcheng’s instructions.

The outside windows gradually dimmed, and finally fell into darkness. Only the stars and the navigation lights on the wings gave off a faint light. The green lights in the cabin made people drowsy...

After a few hours of flight, we arrived at the border of a southern province.

"Prepare to drop the helicopter."

The pilot's voice sounded over the cabin PA.

"Huh? Just throw the helicopter down like this? Don't we need to find a corner of the airport?"

The aircrew didn't quite understand what this order meant. They flew all the way from Longcheng to Jiangcheng and then to the south, and all they had to do was throw out a helicopter that had finally gotten in. Is this really a good thing?

"This is an order from above. If you ask me, I don't know. Anyway, just follow the order. These... aliens should be fine, just carry it out."


The aircrew opened the huge door at the rear of the transport aircraft as ordered. The red light flashed and the rear door slowly lowered. It was cold and dark outside and nothing could be seen. The aircrew untied the steel cables that fixed the helicopter and informed the cockpit that everything was ready. , the icy cold wind from high altitude made several people sleepless.

"We will arrive at the designated airdrop airspace in 30 seconds. The mission goal is to clear the air defense missile sites captured by the rebels. Our electronic warfare aircraft is suppressing the opponent's air defense radar and the transport aircraft cannot fly too close. I wish you good luck." The pilot looked at Dragon City. Said the document sent by the command.

"I feel like aliens are invisible. We can't see them but they are in that helicopter." The pilot who put down the file chatted with another pilot.

"Who knows, go back early after work. I miss my wife a little bit."

"That's right...the best thing in this damn last time is to spend quality time with your family..."

There was silence in the cabin, only the hum of the engine outside.

Time passed quickly.

"Arrived in the designated airspace! Start airdrop!"

While several aircrews in the cabin were still thinking about how to get the heavy helicopter out, the helicopter turned its landing gear wheels and slid towards the tail door. The moment it slid out of the door, it flashed with the tail of the helicopter. The red light flight crew saw the propeller open with a snap, the folded auxiliary fuel tank returned to its original position, and the helicopter started!

Buzz buzz——

After getting out of the plane, Rubik's Cube made a slight adjustment and returned to its normal flying attitude and began to slowly lower its altitude. Although the opponent's air defense system was electronically jammed by the Dragon Kingdom army who were familiar with these weapons, Rubik's Cube felt that it was better to be careful. Once an oversight was discovered, it would be locked and then launch. A large anti-aircraft missile would be depressing. It is a universal method to stay close to the ground and use terrain and ground clutter to avoid radar searches. Moreover, this is a mountainous area and no one can see it when flying in the canyon.

It continued to lose altitude rapidly, and finally descended into a river valley. The narrow valleys on both sides blocked radar detection. It flew so low that the air flow rolled up by the propeller was even mixed with water droplets.

There was a tent on a huge stone platform on the bank of the river valley. A boy who couldn't sleep in the middle of the night was sitting on the stone platform by the river in a daze, looking at the reflection of the moon in the water. Suddenly, a strange sound attracted the boy's attention. The sound seemed to be getting louder and louder. big……

"Dad! Come out and see if something is coming!" The boy shouted in fright.

"Hmm... keep your voice down... sleepy..."

No one would be able to wake up in the middle of the night, unless they were the kind of people who suffer from insomnia.

Buzz buzz——

The loud noise of the propeller became loudest, and the Rubik's Cube almost flew over the boy's head. The huge air flow and water vapor blew the boy towards the tent and the tent was shaken. Finally, the boy hit the tent with a pop, except for No injuries except some dizziness.

"Ah...what is it! Who is it!" The boy's father finally woke up, holding up a sharpened stick and looking at the huge roaring black shadow in the distance in horror.

Rubik's Cube doesn't want to scare these two poor guys. The river valley is really too narrow and there are occasionally wires, so they have to carry out various difficult low-altitude flights. No human pilot, no matter how elite, can do this kind of ultra-low-altitude flight. Even the river valley The bamboo forests on both sides stretched into the river valley, and the bamboo leaves on one side were cut by the propellers and flew into the air.

The map line on the cockpit display is getting closer and closer to the destination, and it is expected to arrive at the target area in less than half an hour.

The high-altitude electronic warfare aircraft has returned after the cover transport aircraft dropped the Rubik's Cube. This means that the current air defense and fire control radars have been detecting this airspace. The Rubik's Cube must at least be careful and covert in ultra-low-altitude flights until the insurgents are eliminated and eliminated. After this anti-aircraft missile position, several other anti-aircraft missile positions must be eliminated to clear the obstacles for the Long Kingdom Air Force to enter the rebel areas.

After flying for a while, suddenly, a large number of zombies stood on the bridge in the middle of the valley ahead and were frantically crashing into a simple wooden stockade at the head of the bridge. Inside the stockade, many men, women, and children were holding torches and machetes to kill the climbing zombies. Among these survivors, Some people were wearing ordinary clothes, while many were wearing ethnic costumes. At this moment, they were all working together to resist the influx of corpses.

"Everyone, hold on! We will survive! Cut off those damn heads! Kill!!"


The bows and arrows kept shooting at the zombies who were still on the bridge. The hunting archery skills were precise every time. Everyone on the wooden village worked hard to kill the zombies. However, as more and more zombies were killed, they gradually piled up and the zombies had already been killed. Getting closer and closer to the top of the stockade, the situation is critical!

Suddenly, the roar of a helicopter propeller became louder and louder. The outside survivors heard the sound more and more like a helicopter, but... will the helicopter come to save these people...

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