Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 385: Attack on air defense positions

The Pavement Heavy Helicopter in flight suddenly lowered its nose and tilted forward, pushing its high-speed rotating propeller forward towards the zombies on the bridge...

Buzz buzz——

The slanted propeller was like a sharp saw blade cutting into the zombies. Those holding torches did not see it. All kinds of zombie remains were scattered all over the sky in the dark night. Broken flesh, bones and viscera were scattered all over the sky. The sharpness cut off the corpses layer by layer. After cutting back and forth on the bridge, he turned around and used the helicopter's tail rotor to cut in front of the village gate. This time everyone could see it clearly! It turns out that the sky is full of garbage! Can a helicopter still be used like this?

The propeller was not well controlled and cut directly into the guardrail of the wooden stockade. Fragile wood chips flew into the air. Several survivors who were close were swept off the wooden stockade by the air current.

Seeing that it was almost cleared, the Rubik's Cube turned around and flew forward along the river valley again.

"Crazy...the pilot is absolutely crazy!"

"I almost cut off my head just now..."

Many survivors on Muzhai Village held up torches and swallowed hard as they looked at the mutilated corpses on the bridge. They used propellers to kill zombies. Normal people would not do such a thing...

The Rubik's Cube continued flying, and then headed straight into the night for the anti-aircraft missile site.

After the distance was almost the same, Rubik's Cube began an electronic attack, easily rendering the opponent's electronic equipment useless and even scrapping the walkie-talkie. It completely blocked the connection between the forward anti-aircraft missile position and the outside world, and immediately disabled the radar system that was already very close. , at the same time, rocket pylons popped up on both sides of the helicopter.

Inside the rebel command post.

"Ah...my ears..."

Snapped! The communication staff threw the radio earphones to the ground. The high-intensity noise that just sounded in the earphones made the ears ring and the head hurt terribly. It all happened very suddenly.

"what happened?"

"Electronic...electronic attack! Very weird..." the communications staff shouted in pain.

"Didn't the damn electronic warfare plane go back? Where's the air defense radar? Look for any plane near us! If you find it, shoot it down!" A commander wearing a strange military uniform yelled , these people were very annoyed because they had not slept well in the middle of the night.

Turning his head, the commander saw the picture on the radar display and opened his mouth wide, not knowing what to say.

At this time, there is a big rabbit pulling out carrots on the radar display. The animation is very rough. The key question is that this is a radar system display used to observe nearby airspace. What does the animation look like? Looking out the window at the anti-aircraft missiles outside, I was even more confused by the scene in front of me. Why were those erected anti-aircraft missiles being slowly lowered? There is no one to control it!

"Get everyone up! Someone is going to invade! Get ready to fight!"

The correspondent simply picked up the whistle and stood on the window sill and blew it hard. If the communication failed, he could only rely on this old method to call the soldiers to gather. Unfortunately, it was not easy to get people up in the middle of the night.

Just as the officers and soldiers in the command center were busy greeting everyone to gather, a huge roar of helicopters suddenly came from the sky, and dazzling lights shone out of the windows!

The commander blocked the dazzling light with his hand and tried to see clearly whose helicopter was outside. Suddenly, his heart tightened. Before he could lie down, he felt severe pain all over his body. The window glass was turning into fragments all over the sky. All kinds of things were happening in the command post. Computer equipment and documents were flying and flashing, and my beloved imported foreign handicraft on the table was turned into crumbs...

Tu tu tu tu…!

The two machine guns under the nose of the aircraft kept firing bullets. The overwhelming bullets turned the command post into a hell on earth. The bullet casings fell on the cement floor in a row until the last green bar representing the health value disappeared.

After eliminating the rebels in the command post, the Cube turned its nose and aimed at the two ragtag dormitories.

The display in the cockpit showed the dormitory buildings as clearly as daylight. The red circles merged to lock the two dormitory buildings, and the two red letters for launch lit up!

Teng~Teng~! Two rockets dragged their tail flames straight towards the dormitory building in the dark night, and hit the weak point of the building below the dormitory building in front of many sleepy-eyed rebels who could not understand the situation. A violent explosion sounded, and the two dormitory buildings were hit by rising fireworks. It collapsed quickly, and many sleeping rebels were killed and injured by the collapsed houses. This air defense position was basically useless.

The machine guns are still firing at the living rebels. No one locked by the red circle can escape. The Rubik's Cube is here to clean up, not to capture alive.


Suddenly, there was a fierce metal collision and sparks flashing from the side of the Rubik's Cube helicopter. The detection equipment found that someone was firing at the Rubik's Cube with an anti-aircraft machine gun! There are not only anti-aircraft machine guns but also an old anti-aircraft anti-aircraft gun being loaded! There are really sentinels on duty among the mob...

In an emergency, Rubik's Cube quickly turned around and headed for the back of the command post building, but it was still a step too slow. The sound of tinkling machine gun bullets reminded him of the dull sound of artillery. An armor-piercing bullet punched a hole in the side of the helicopter.

"Damn it! Something's wrong with my relay!"

After checking the Rubik's Cube hiding behind the building, it was confirmed that the internal parts of the aircraft were hit, causing the helicopter's body to become somewhat unstable. He never expected that someone would use such an old-fashioned weapon to cause damage to himself. Regardless of saving, he kept pointing at the anti-aircraft machine gun. Two rockets were fired from the position and the anti-aircraft gun position. The fired rockets bypassed the building, suddenly lifted up, and finally turned around and plunged directly into the location of the two weapons from top to bottom. The lives of the rebels who were holding the weapons violently disappeared while they were holding them.

Buzz buzz——

The Rubik's Cube quickly landed on the brightly lit training ground, turned off the engine, and quietly used energy to repair the damaged parts.

The fire on the anti-aircraft missile position was particularly obvious in the dark night. Many survivors who were kept awake by zombies at night discovered this situation. But now it is dark and no one dares to risk their lives to see it at night when zombies are most active. It's lively, and besides, those rebels who set up their own business were probably bombed by the Dragon Kingdom's regular army.


After dawn.

Some survivors formed a team and walked through the zombie zone to the anti-aircraft missile site. Unfortunately, except for the huge undamaged anti-aircraft missiles, there was no living person. There were broken corpses everywhere, which were broken into several pieces. When they got closer, they all made a loud bang. Flies were everywhere, especially in the two four-story dormitories, which were stained with blood. There were also a lot of blackened yellow bullet casings on the concrete floor, which made the survivors who wanted to pick up some food feel nauseated.

Before long, the sound of helicopters came from the distant sky, and seven or eight small black dots approached quickly at low altitude.

"Should we... leave... will those people think it was us and kill us all..."

"Probably not...after all, we don't look like we can kill armed men." A survivor looked at the pair of flowery pants he had worn for half a year and then at the originally white and black pair of his accomplices. said the hurdler vest.

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