Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 393: The battle begins

At sea, a small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft took off from the rear flight deck of one of the Marukuni destroyers, circled in a circle and then flew towards Jiangcheng under the control of the controller.

Two large transport ships docked at the dock were unloading tanks, armored vehicles, fuel supplies and other supplies. The soldiers were working enthusiastically. Looking at the endless land in the distance, they were so excited that they wanted to use all their strength. For those who are accustomed to living on the island, it is difficult to imagine that there is a vast land with no end in sight. They are excited and excited, and the more they work, the more energetic they become.

Marukuni's small drone continued to fly, displaying pictures of the destroyer along the way.

There is no display on the radar display inside the destroyer, and there is not even a plane in the sky. Why does the short captain feel that something is wrong? Is it impossible? According to reports from informants, various airplanes are often seen here. How could there be none at all?

Over the highway leading from the port city to Jiangcheng, an ordinary drone with the shape of a small helicopter made before the apocalypse was flying. Suddenly, a civet helicopter appeared in the blind spot of the high-altitude camera overhead and approached quickly. Two machine guns on the belly of the helicopter were aimed at the drone. machine.


The captain, who was watching the drone footage behind the drone pilot, suddenly saw the screen shake violently for a few times and then the video signal disappeared. Apparently, the drone had been shot down.

"Asshole! Who dares to shoot down our drone! Have you seen the identity of the attacker?"

The drone operator shook his head and said he saw nothing.

"Did the radar detect the plane?"

"Report! There are no aircraft signals in the nearby airspace. This is the Eagle Empire's most advanced long-shield radar system. It is impossible to miss any aircraft." The soldier in charge of the radar said with certainty.

The captain was going crazy. Just now, the ground picture was very clear and there was no threat. Obviously the attacker came from the sky. So the question is, how could the most advanced Eagle Empire three-dimensional radar system not detect the aircraft flying in the sky? Is it a stealth plane? But it stands to reason that a stealth aircraft cannot make any noise on the new radar, right?

"Captain, why don't you try that?"

"try what?"

The captain looked at his deputy strangely. If he had something to say, he couldn't explain it clearly at once and had to say half a sentence.

"Didn't the Scientific Research Department give us some equipment to enhance radar performance before we came here? It is said that these may be technologies obtained by the Eagle Empire from the remains of alien spaceships. I suspect that the Dragon Kingdom has also obtained alien technologies and has applied them to aircraft. You will know if this is the case using the following.”

The captain thought for a while and simply issued an order to use the new equipment. Soon, various technicians quickly debugged the radar system.

Ten minutes later, the radar system was upgraded and the operator started the enhanced three-coordinate radar...

"Is this... is the radar malfunctioning..."

The operator who had just started the radar looked at the bright spots representing the aircraft on the screen and said in surprise, how is this possible? There was nothing happening just now and a lot of planes appeared in the blink of an eye! However, those bright spots marked as airplanes moved quickly and regularly, some flew in groups towards the seaside, and others hovered in the sky near the coast.

"Let me see!"

The captain and the armrest quickly ran to the radar screen and looked at it. The captain's calves were trembling. This was really a large number of aircraft! And almost right under your nose!

"Sound the combat alarm! Quick! Prepare anti-aircraft missiles! Damn advanced radar planes flew overhead and found nothing! Bastard!" the captain roared angrily.

Before the deputy had time to issue an order, all the monitors and computers suddenly went blank. Only the modified radar system was still working normally. This kind of scene was often practiced by the Marukuni army. Of course, they knew it was an electronic attack, so they hurriedly installed it under the captain's order. After improving the equipment and installing the improved equipment, the electronic interference situation has been reduced a lot, at least the equipment can be used reluctantly.

"What are you waiting for! Launch anti-aircraft missiles and shoot down the plane above me!"

After giving the order, the captain used a loudspeaker and ran outside the cabin and shouted at the destroyers next to him, telling the other four destroyers to install new equipment.

The vertical missile launch system in front of the destroyer was turned on and launched anti-aircraft missiles one after another! The huge anti-aircraft missile quickly took off in a burst of fireworks and headed straight for several aircraft overhead. That was where the first arriving high-altitude drone was.

"Alert! The enemy radar system can detect us. We have been locked by the missile and are evading."

The high-altitude drones sent the discovered information to all of their own mechanical armies. The wings of several locked high-altitude drones accelerated to low altitudes and made maneuvers to avoid missiles. At the same time, they directly launched all the bombs they carried. The missiles were launched towards the dock where the two landing transport ships were located, both to reduce weight and increase flexibility and to bomb more enemies!

"All civet helicopters drop combat units at long distances! Increase electronic interference to cover the locked high-altitude drones! Launch missiles at the warships from the longest distance!"

Death Scorpion issued a new combat order. Immediately, the Tanuki helicopter and transport plane that were rushing to the dock changed direction and landed in the port city. Using the cover of the building and streets to avoid being locked by the opponent's radar, the combat robot quickly jumped off the plane and joined the spider robot. Rushing towards the dock, countless scouts flew ahead of the mechanical army at the fastest speed to identify threats to the mechanical army.

Black smoke was billowing from the dock in the distance and explosions were heard. The bombs and missiles dropped by the high-altitude drones had already landed.

Ten civet helicopters led by Zhang Xiaowen also landed in the city.

"Liu Wenhai, how long will it take for your armored unit to reach here?"

"It is expected to arrive in 20 minutes. I have asked the armored vehicles to go first. I will use the transport vehicles to transport the tanks. This is the fastest speed."

"Come early, we have launched an attack. Be careful of the enemy's ground attack missiles."

Zhang Xiaowen led the team and Yuan Fei, three masters, to run quickly from the alley to the dock. Fortunately, the zombies in the port city had been cleared and would not delay the speed of the journey. Only Ruoyan at the end kept urging them to run faster, the speed was too slow...

High altitude.

Four anti-aircraft missiles lost their targets due to interference and flew randomly into the distance, but a high-altitude drone was locked by the missile and could not get rid of it. After making several maneuvers, it was finally hit by the missile and turned into a ball of fire and fell to the sea. The appearance of the high-altitude drone and the purpose of its original manufacture limited its performance. It was impossible to make various evasive actions to avoid missiles like those flexible fighters. Being able to avoid anti-aircraft missiles is already excellent for Earth technology.

While running, Zhang Xiaowen looked up at the fireball falling from the sky over the sea with a bad expression. The fire signal of the drone had disappeared. They killed it...

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