Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 394: Fierce battle at the pier

The radar systems of the next five destroyers were interfered again and it became particularly laborious to launch anti-aircraft missiles. There were no aircraft at high altitude, but the radar showed that there were many aircraft looming in the city. The captain knew that in addition to the naval guns on the warships, other weapons It has no effect on the other party unless the other party's electronic interference is stopped.

In the urban area, Tanuki helicopters flexibly shuttled between streets and buildings and approached the pier. The first arriving reconnaissance vehicle had already clearly understood the situation at the pier and the enemy's force situation.

One of the Civet Helicopters' two ducted fan engines flexibly flipped around between buildings. When it bypassed a factory, it discovered tanks on the street near the pier. It locked the two tanks in a circle and fired two missiles one after another!


The missile turned around and flew straight towards the tank. Maybe the opposing soldiers noticed that there was an incoming missile. The devices on both sides of the tank kept firing decoy bombs, but these were useless against the missiles. The two missiles flew up and then lowered their heads and aimed at the top of the tank. Go down! Heading straight to the most vulnerable top structure of the tank, just when the crews in the two tanks thought that the decoy bombs had diverted the missiles away, two dang-dang sounds appeared above their heads, and hot warheads penetrating the armor appeared above their heads...

The two missiles suddenly sank completely into the tank.

Boom boom~! The violent explosion caused the ammunition inside the tank to explode, and the turret was blown off and fell into a grocery store that had been empty for a long time on the street. Even the infantry fighting with the tank suffered a disaster.

The regular army was indeed different from the scattered organization composed of ordinary survivors. After experiencing the tragic blow, the infantry immediately raised their guns and fired at the Civet Cat helicopter. The display of the Civet Cat helicopter was full of flashing red dot sirens indicating that they had been shot. They had no choice but to They had no choice but to go back and hide behind the building amidst the sound of bullets hitting the aircraft body. All the Tanuki helicopter needed to do was clean up the heavy tank armor. As for the infantry, it was left to combat robots and spider robots.

After a brief exchange of fire, several civet helicopters arrived at the community outside the dock and launched missiles one after another at the large transport ship that was still unloading...

Marukuni's troops hid behind various obstacles and continued to fire. A soldier lowered his head and raised his head after changing the magazine. He stared blankly at the missiles with white smoke trails flying overhead. When he turned around, he saw countless missiles. The missiles hit the huge transport ship. Two of the missiles hit the bridge temporarily used for unloading. Unfortunately, a tank was disembarking from the ship. The poor tank followed the shattered bridge and fell into the sea with a thud. .

Dense white smoke traces connected from between the buildings to the hull of the transport ship. Holes were blown out one after another in the violent explosion, and bubbles bubbled in the holes...

At this time, it was too late to leave the port. The two large transport ships began to tilt gradually. Sooner or later, they would sink irreversibly.

The Marukuni troops who landed ashore began to fire wildly at the tanuki helicopters that were still launching missiles. The shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles were fired one after another, and the rockets were thrown to the opposite side for free. At this time, the combat robots and spider robots running on the ground had arrived on the battlefield and started to fight against each other. As those Marukuni infantry fought back, bullets flew and exploded for a while. Bullets continued to hit Marukuni soldiers and robots. Marukuni soldiers lost their combat effectiveness or died when they were shot, while robots could continue to stand after being hit by bullets and being knocked down by the impact of bullets. Rise up and fight.

boom! The wall of a building was suddenly hit by a naval gun shell fired from the sea!

Scattered cement slag and shrapnel hit two Civet Cat helicopters. One of them was seriously damaged and lost control. It flew randomly in the sky for several times and then crashed into a pre-apocalyptic farmer's market...

"I'm going to crash! I'm out of control of my flying attitude!"

The message from the severely damaged Civet Cat helicopter echoed in Zhang Xiaowen's earphones until the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground was heard, the fire signal disappeared, the Civet Cat helicopter robot was dead, and there were constant explosions nearby, and all the shells came from the sea.

"Death Scorpion! Go and sink those damn warships!"

"Dear Your Majesty the Queen, Death Scorpion is very willing to serve you~!"

Boom boom boom...

A huge mechanical scorpion jumped out of the flames of the successive explosions and rushed towards the dock quickly. The machine gun bullets hit it and could only leave a string of white dots. The death scorpion rotated its giant claws and passed through a group of Maru country soldiers. Normally, The giant claws used to burrow into the ground easily chopped Marukuni soldiers into pieces, and the four machine guns on the head hit them wherever they wanted. Armored vehicles and armed off-road vehicles were destroyed by shells fired from the two machine guns on the back. That's it. , the death scorpions mixed with artillery fire passed through the Marukuni army's defense line and jumped into the sea with a pop!

Just as the dozen tanks that had landed in Marukuni opened fire, a tank with a violent shape appeared not far away from Zhang Xiaowen. It was Fury.

Uh-huh! A TOW anti-tank missile launched from Marukuni's side hit the side armor of Fury and then passed over and bounced towards a building like a side ball. The Fury armor suffered no damage at all.

The top turret turned and aimed at the position where anti-tank missiles were launched. The multi-barreled rotary machine gun opened fire. The rate of fire of several thousand rounds per minute was like a battlefield meat grinder. It shattered the concrete wall where the Marukuni soldiers were hiding and killed several of them. The soldiers were killed, and then the multi-barreled rotary machine guns began to sweep across the battle line, spraying bullets densely towards the opponent's position!

The tank gun fired with a bang, and the ground under the gun barrel was blown by the huge impact as if it was blown by the wind. Dust was blown to the side. Fury was a shell fired at a Marukuni tank. The armor-piercing projectile penetrated the Marukuni tank armor from the front. Destroy the tank.

The tanuki helicopter's mission was basically completed. In order to avoid the indiscriminate bombardment of naval gun shells, it began to retreat. A large number of combat robots were mobilized to the front. The Marukuni landing force was gradually suppressed and could not lift its head.

"Support! We need support! Why don't your warships launch missiles to kill this guy! Let's hurry up..."

puff! Officer Marukuni's head was shattered while using the radio. A sniper bullet interrupted his command communication. When the commander died, his body pressed against the radio, causing the radio to be wet with blood coming out of the headless corpse's neck and short-circuit. Using it, another officer wanted to command the army's defense, but was hit and killed by a sniper bullet before he could give the order.

"Snipers! They have snipers!"

This shout made the other commander Marukuni, who wanted to take over the army, hide quickly and not dare to show his face.

Next to Zhang Xiaowen, Yuan Fei held a sniper rifle and kept firing to kill one Maru Kingdom soldier after another. All officers were given priority. Du Heng was as good at sniping as Yuan Fei. Yuan Fei still admired Du Heng. At least I couldn't shoot so accurately without getting tired while holding a combat robot standard machine gun.

"High-altitude drones drop precision-guided bombs at the enemy at the dock."

"Bombing order confirmed."

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